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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > Breeding Games
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Level 60
Joined: 8/29/2015
Threads: 5
Posts: 107
Posted: 9/12/2015 at 3:18 PM Post #1
Have you ever felt like you can't find the perfect pet to breed yours with? You love your pets but none of them look good together? What if you found a place where the breeding pools has expanded, without having to search through endless tabs to find the perfect pet for you! Have two pets you think would have beautiful babies?

Game one::
Post three pets, put them up for breeding. The person below you will breed a pet from the three pets you have posted. You are welcome to post links to the pets bred from this game to nurture below your three breeding pets.

EXAMPLE of how it works:
Person one:
PET 1, Pet 2, Pet 3

Person two:
Bred with pet two,

Pet #1, Pet#2, Pet #3


Game two:
Lets say the breeding did not turn out how you intended, you just don't like the baby. Or maybe you are feeling generous and breed two that you know have good babies. Post a link to the egg or hatchling, even adult like this:
G2 GRAB: link here

This way new members can gain new pets. Put it up for 1 gold and whoever gets to it first gets it!

1. One post only
2. Try to link the pet with picture or plain link
3. If there is a good pair and someone messages you wanting to re-breed the pets please treat them nicely even if you say no.

Author: GhostlyFours
Time Posted: 9/12/2015 at 2:36 PM
i will breed with pet 1 since that is the only one i have xD
Level 60
Joined: 8/29/2015
Threads: 5
Posts: 107
Posted: 9/13/2015 at 8:42 PM Post #2
Author: Jazzy019
Time Posted: 9/12/2015 at 3:18 PM
Have you ever felt like you can't find the perfect pet to breed yours with? You love your pets but none of them look good together? What if you found a place where the breeding pools has expanded, without having to search through endless tabs to find the perfect pet for you! Have two pets you think would have beautiful babies?

Game one::
Post three pets, put them up for breeding. The person below you will breed a pet from the three pets you have posted. You are welcome to post links to the pets bred from this game to nurture below your three breeding pets.

EXAMPLE of how it works:
Person one:
PET 1, Pet 2, Pet 3

Person two:
Bred with pet two,

Pet #1, Pet#2, Pet #3


Game two:
Lets say the breeding did not turn out how you intended, you just don't like the baby. Or maybe you are feeling generous and breed two that you know have good babies. Post a link to the egg or hatchling, even adult like this:
G2 GRAB: link here

This way new members can gain new pets. Put it up for 1 gold and whoever gets to it first gets it!

1. One post only
2. Try to link the pet with picture or plain link
3. If there is a good pair and someone messages you wanting to re-breed the pets please treat them nicely even if you say no.


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