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Forum Index > General Discussion > Fixing my breeding pets
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Level 60
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Posted: 3/8/2015 at 12:53 PM Post #1
Hello everyone!

Some of you may know, I have started some Frost Breeding Projects. When I saw everyone doing these projects, I thought "What a great way to show the community what I can do!". I was so caught up in the excitement of creating projects, I didn't read up on how to make these projects easier or properly for that matter.

I currently have 7 projects. (5: 4 carries and 2: 2 carries). I have noticed the 4 vis have a much lower chance to have all 4 carries as visuals. I decided to do some research and found a few threads explaining what I should have done. My issue is, I now have a few projects that are taking far longer than I would like, especially when I have people who have asked to have these projects. I feel so bad that I have made them wait this long for their pets.

Is there any way I can correct what I have done that doesn't involve re-doing my entire project? Any way to salvage what I have done? Your opinions would be greatly appreciated!


P.S - I hope this is the right thread for this
Edited By Lylyth on 3/8/2015 at 1:17 PM.
Level 70
Guardian of the Realm
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Posted: 3/8/2015 at 5:24 PM Post #2
Unfortunately, generating parents with carries is the most effective way to do it v.v it takes a long time to breed 4vis.

Worth considering, if you want to speed up the project, is generating another male.

I'll use my griffi projct as an example. I started with these three:

One female, two males. As I've bred the female to the first male, I've gotten some neat offspring (like this girl) that have a better gene count than the original female.

She's unrelated to the second male, so I can breed them together for a much higher chance of getting visible traits :D Through breeding like this, you can get multiple quality breeding females and speed up your project by /a lot/

My current Awesome Pair is these two:

Much better than what I started with ovo
Level 60
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Posted: 3/8/2015 at 9:31 PM Post #3
Hmm I like the idea of making a 2nd male.

Let's say I have this pet here,
She has three vis and one carried. When making the 2nd male, do I give all 4 traits as carries and hope that their offspring becomes a 4/4 vis?

or, do you propose the 2nd male have only a few carries? Ahhg! I wish I didn't mess up :(

Hmm. I really don't know how I should go about this, or the easiest way to find two pairs each with 4 vis that can breed with eachother.
Edited By Lylyth on 3/8/2015 at 9:32 PM.
Level 70
Guardian of the Realm
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Posted: 3/9/2015 at 4:01 AM Post #4
I'd personally definitely give the new male all 4 carries. There's a chance of breeding a successful 4vis from him this way, and putting all 4 traits on one pet in the end is the goal anyway.

Once you've done this, breed the lovely little lady (super grats her, btw *n*) to the new male, get cool new high GP babies, rinse, repeat! As long as you keep a well organized and fairly diverse breeding pool, getting two breedable 4vis pets shouldn't be too tough.

Also worth noting is that you can get high-trait male pets as well. Keep them! They make excellent new breeding stock, omg. It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure this out >>;; I only ever kept females for some reason.

Also also, any pet can breed with any other pet as long as they don't share parents, no matter how closely related they are! So use that to your advantage. The child of M1 and F1 (F2) can breed with M2, and the child of F2 and M2 can breed to either M1 or F1.

Hope this helped;;
Level 60
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Posted: 3/10/2015 at 8:03 AM Post #5
Well thank you so so so much!! I will save up (sigh) and get myself some new males for them to breed with. I really appreciate it!

I never even thought of getting a second male to speed up the process. I think you saved me from a huge headache!! I appreciate it! :)
Level 75
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Posted: 3/24/2015 at 4:02 PM Post #6
I would suggest the same thing as Dom except I would generate a female. My reason is simple: females have a cooldown, males do not. The more females you hoarde the faster the project will go because every 3 days (or 7 for fableds) you produce more eggs. More eggs means more chances for those high trait offspring.

When I start projects with essences I generate 1 male, 2 females and breed the generation 2 male to the female who isn't his mom. In the process instead of throwing away the accident females I keep them all because down the road you'll be able to produce a lot of eggs, giving you that extra boost in speeding up your project.

It doesn't matter if you prefer to generate a male like Dom does, or a female like I do.. in the end it is the same concept/routine/method but I personally find having more females to be better.

Edit: Just read your post about your 3v 1c female. If you are not looking to create a breed-able 4 visible pair then I would generate a male for her with 4 carries. If you want a breed-able pair I suggest generating a new female, as explained above.
Edited By FForFox on 3/24/2015 at 4:04 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 3/25/2015 at 2:41 PM Post #7
Ohhh I see thank you so much!! So far, I have been able to get enough diamonds for two essences for two of my projects. I made them both males and I have kept all my females. :) For my other projects, I will generate females since I see what you mean with the cooldowns. If I find later down the road the two projects I have are going slow with the added male, I will save up (again) and get another female. Haha

Boy oh boy, I should really have done my research beforehand. Oh well it's going to be quite the experience! :) Thank you so much for your post. It has helped me a lot!!
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