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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > Chidori's Items For Newbie's!
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Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 1/21/2013
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Posted: 2/25/2015 at 8:05 AM Post #1
Hi everybody!
Lately I've been collecting items from the broker, and sending them out to "newbies." Now, While that's been all fine and dandy...I'm quite frankly exhausted! Having already started a thread in which people bring the items to me, (Thank Admins,) Now I'm starting up a thread for people to request items for either themselves or a newbie they know of! Please read the rules and guidelines carefully in this post, as well as find out how you can help me (not die) help out Sylestia's New Players!

-If you do not get an item you want, DO NOT harass the receiver of the item or the distributer of the items. (As of now, that would be Chidori)
-You may post here in this thread, or Send the distributor of items, (Chidori) a PM if you would rather. PLEASE title the subject of your PM as "Chidori's Items for Newbie's." so we can be prompt about getting back to you.
-Do not expect us to keep a little of everything in stock. My funds and my space are not never-ending, and that goes double for ongoing-festival items!
-Be POLITE! We are doing this because we want to, not because we have to.

Who do I classify as a newbie?
Anyone who has joined up to ONE MONTH from the date they apply/Are applied for anything.

How many items per person?
Because each item is kept in limited amounts, each player is limited to one unit of any item, and a total of five items overall.

Will you pick out items for a user?
I prefer for users to pick out their own items. Because there's so many items, and everyone has their own preferences, I'm not comfortable picking items out. If you don't know what items you'd like, You can preview them in the wardrobe.

Say we have only one unit of an item and multiple people want it, Who gets it?
First come, first serve. No exceptions.

How many times can a user come back?
Until they've either claimed 5 items, or have had an account longer than a month.

How are you going to keep track of everyone?
A list will be started in a separate post with the number of items a user has received. They will be taken off that list once they pass the one-month account age limit.

How do you pick the people who win the Weekly Raffles?
I input the names of everyone who has requested an entry into, and the name that comes out on top wins that weeks item.

What happens if someone doesn't follow the guidelines or the rules?
One warning for minor offenses. Depending on the severity of the offense, (Ie, harassing a user for "Stealing" an item from you,) you may or may not be reported to the site admins.

What can you do to help me (not die) help out newbies?
Donate items, space, time, names!
Anything you've got extra lying around and might like some extra gold for, pop on into my Item buying thread, It'd be vastly appreciated!
*Mostly taking Avie Items, but will love discounted-broker Prices for Genetic Testers and Scanners for weekly raffles!
Edited By Chidori on 5/28/2015 at 7:29 AM.
Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 1/21/2013
Threads: 109
Posts: 2,169
Posted: 2/25/2015 at 8:06 AM Post #2
Items In Stock:
Note: Always changing, Limited units of each Item!!

Held Items:
Staff of the Peach (Golden) [x5]
Staff of the Peach (Rose) [x6]
Staff of the Peach (Violet) [x6]
Staff of the Depths (Toxic) [x4]
Staff of the Depths (Cerulean) [x6]
Staff of the Depths (Amethyst) [x3]
Frozen Sword of the Warlord [x10]
Volcanic Sword of the Warlord [x9]
Noble's Lovely Staff (Blush) [x1]
Tom the Turkey [x1]
Flower Bouquet [x1]
Pan Pipes (Red) [x11]
Pan Pipes (Black) [x7]
Pan Pipes (Green) [x8]
Bouquet of Pink Roses [x3]
Noble's Lovely Staff (Peridot) [x1]
Nordic Warrior's Axe (Golden) [x1]
Blade of Rolling Storms (Wind) [x1]
Supernova Staff (Sunlight) [x2]
Blade of Rolling Storms (Ice) [x1]
Lovely White Rose [x1]
Lovely Pink Rose [x1]
Nordic Warrior's Axe (Crimson) [x2]
Archer's Bow [x2]
Moonlit Luminous Branch Wand [x2]
Mossy Luminous Branch Wand [x6]
Moonlit Flowering Branch Staff [x1]
Woodsman's Axe [x2]
Nightfall Blade [1]
Spring Acolyte's Disc (Spring Pink) [1]
Spring Acolyte's Disc (Monarch) [1]

Head Items:
Holly Druid's Helm [x12]
Lupora Ears [x8]
Noble's Lovely crown [x1]
Frozen Plate Crown of the Warlord [x1]
Volcanic Plate Crown of the Warlord [x2]
Nordiac Warriors Horns [x3]
Snowman's Head [x2]
Leprechaun Hat [x4]
Herbalist's Flower [x8]
Serpent Headdress[x2]
Deer Spirit Caller's Horns [1]

Outfit Items:
Myconid Outfit [x1]
Leprechaun Outfit [x6]
Snowman Costume [x3]

Back Items:
Gnarled Vines [x141]
Bag of Presents [x1]
Swirling Snow [x3]
Cornucopia Background [x1]
Pumpkin Patch Background [x1]
Lucky pot of gold [x3]
Gnarled Vines with Pumpkin [x2]

Wing Items:
Serpent Wings [x3]

Edited By Chidori on 5/28/2015 at 7:22 AM.
Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 1/21/2013
Threads: 109
Posts: 2,169
Posted: 2/25/2015 at 8:06 AM Post #3
User List:
(Example) Chidori - Collected [3] Items

Jjkiki - Collected [4] Items (5/28/15)
Kitsuneofdestiny - Collected [1] Items (6/9/15)
Sorie - Collected [5] Items (6/19/15)
Sandstorm514 - Collected [1] Items (6/17/15)

Edited By Chidori on 5/28/2015 at 7:25 AM.
Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 1/21/2013
Threads: 109
Posts: 2,169
Posted: 2/25/2015 at 8:06 AM Post #4
Weekly Raffle

What is the weekly Raffle?
The Weekly Raffle is just as it seems! One item of slightly more worth is raffled off every week. To be entered in the Raffle, all one needs to do is ask! One entry given when asked, And One more may be earned by agreeing to partake in a Survey run by the Sylestian Mafia! The survey can only be taken a total of two times.(We're not dead!) The additional entry will not be counted until a reply to the survey is sent back.
Raffle's Drawn on Saturdays.

This Week's Item:

Entered Users:

Edited By Chidori on 6/3/2015 at 4:44 PM.
Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 1/21/2013
Threads: 109
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Posted: 2/25/2015 at 8:06 AM Post #5
Reserved Post
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Site Administrator
Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 2/25/2015 at 9:39 AM Post #6
This thread has been moved to: Games and Contests.
Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 1/21/2013
Threads: 109
Posts: 2,169
Posted: 2/25/2015 at 9:46 AM Post #7
Ah darn, I coulda sworn I picked the right forum. Sorry Krin! ^-^"
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/21/2015
Threads: 7
Posts: 137
Posted: 2/25/2015 at 11:52 AM Post #8
Thank you for doing this. I joined up a few days ago.

Are any of these still available?

Armor of Rolling Storms
Nobles Lovely Regalia
Volcanic Plate Armor of the Warlord
Level 59
Fancy Pants
Joined: 9/24/2014
Threads: 43
Posts: 288
Posted: 2/25/2015 at 12:02 PM Post #9
I am still new and bad at this. may i please have the starlight supernova robes?
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 2/21/2015
Threads: 11
Posts: 751
Posted: 2/25/2015 at 4:10 PM Post #10
This looks confusing haha c: But thanks so much for doing this for newbies, such as myself.

I've joined a few days ago and Sylestia is really fun! I love collecting pets ^-^
If the Nobles Lovely Regalia is still available I would love that! :D

Thanks again!

Edited By Bumblebreeze on 2/25/2015 at 5:35 PM.
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