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Forum Index > Player Guides > Spring Festival Egg Hunting Tips
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Level 60
Master Egg Hunter
Joined: 4/14/2014
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Posted: 4/24/2014 at 3:25 PM Post #1
Ok, so based on the comments in the festival area chat box, a lot of people are having a frustrating time with the egg hunt. So, at request, Ive made this tip guide to try and help. (Ive managed to win about 10 times. I say about because I stop bothering to keep a proper count after 4)

Basic tips:

- Follow the same basic path (see map and instructions below)
- Keep track of where you see eggs and how many youve found, or are left to find, to determine the chances of eggs in unseen spots (write it down if you need to)
- Use your pet as a step saver switching places with your pet does not count as a step
- Move only one space at a time to prevent wasting step (dont button hold) it takes longer, but one wasted step can be the difference between victory and I almost made it!
- Pick your directions with care by counting the needed steps before you move
- Always count an extra step when determining if you have enough to reach the last egg use of the last step automatically transports you out of the maze, even though picking up eggs does not count as a step and you might just miss out because of this
- If you cant win, you can still maximize your return taking one path over another can often yield more eggs or treasure
- Dont discount treasure boxes I have gotten a LOT of free tickets out these (once wound up with 4 tickets from 1 go through 2 from treasure boxes, 1 from gold egg, and 1 for getting all 20 eggs)
- If you have enough steps, get treasure before getting the last egg, because you will not be able to get it after
- Remember, there is still an element of luck eggs can wind up placed very inconveniently

Map Instructions (#s = possible eggs, @ = Treasure/Nests):

Basically, you want to follow the yellow line, deviating to get eggs and returning to it in the fewest steps possible. There are 53 possible places to find the twenty eggs. The following the yellow line, you will see the majority of the possible egg locations and thus know how likely you are to win.

(The redish highlights on the map represent the overlap of screens as you move from one part to another. The unhighlighted parts are the areas you can only see on one screen view. Each screen covers a 9 x 7 section of the map, including the overlap.)

(Egg locations are not numbered in the order you should go after them, but in the rough order you will spot them in.)

Basic moves
Go first to 1, then through the EGG & HUNT, then down towards 26, then back towards 27, then towards 39, then back towards 45, then back towards the intersection of the light blue, yellow, and purple lines. (Deviate as necessary to get eggs, then return)

The Light Blue Line
Follow this if you saw eggs in position 34 or 35 (Get any eggs in positions 46 and 47 first!). Collect eggs in positions 49-51, 40, & 41 as required, and/or proceed to black line.

The Purple Line
Follow this line if there were no eggs in position 34 or 35. Collect eggs in positions 49-51, 40, & 41 as required, and/or proceed to black line

The Dark Blue Line
Do not use this line unless you have collected all eggs, but the one in position 43 (its a massive waste of steps otherwise)

The Black Line
Use this to collect eggs in positions 43, 52, & 53 (you always want to do this section last because it requires a lot of steps to reach and you wont know if there are eggs until the end)

Hopefully you find this helpful. If you have questions, or other tips to share post them and ping me, so I can clarify or add to this list.
Level 75
High Warlord
Joined: 4/6/2013
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Posted: 4/24/2014 at 3:57 PM Post #2
This is intense and also super-helpful. You rock, Zzzzz.
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
Joined: 1/12/2013
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Posted: 4/24/2014 at 4:34 PM Post #3
Following this makes more sense to me, I hope to try it on my next run!

Thank you very much!!
Level 60
Master Egg Hunter
Joined: 10/30/2013
Threads: 1
Posts: 212
Posted: 4/24/2014 at 4:39 PM Post #4
This is awesome and really helpful thanks a lot.
Edited By Sorenaorod on 4/24/2014 at 4:39 PM.
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 4/24/2014 at 7:01 PM Post #5
I finished my first (technically second) egg hunt with your map! ;w;

Also, when you mention the dark blue line, do you mean egg 42 instead of 43? (Because I was using your guide and 43 was my last egg, and dark blue line didn't lead it it (had to figure out it was a sorta mistake aha)
Level 60
Master Egg Hunter
Joined: 4/14/2014
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Posted: 4/25/2014 at 2:35 AM Post #6
So glad it's helped you!

But no, 42 is just a standard deviation from the yellow line - you see it (along with positions 41 & 43) when you go to grab the treasure box/nest just below position 39. Which is why you grab the treasure box - to see/access position 42 with minimal back tracking required (and to know if there is anything in 43, since you won't see 52 & 53 without wasting steps).

Position 43 is inside the last area where black and blue lines lead, along with 52 & 53.
Edited By Zzzzz on 4/25/2014 at 2:39 AM.
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 4/25/2014 at 6:36 AM Post #7
Ohh. The Dark blue line doesn't lead to anything not covered though, since black already covers 43, 52 and 53.

I would probably take the black route even if I got all the eggs by then, since that section is the only part unchecked by the other lines, since black can only reach into that little corner aha, but helpful nonetheless
Level 60
Master Egg Hunter
Joined: 4/14/2014
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Posted: 4/25/2014 at 6:42 AM Post #8
The Dark Blue is only for if you've already got every egg but 1 AND you've seen that one in position 43, because that means where the rest of the yellow line, the light blue line, and the purple line lead is empty of eggs. The chances of this happening are small, but I included it just encase, because it is technically possible.
Level 60
Seashell Collector
Joined: 3/28/2013
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Posted: 4/25/2014 at 7:59 PM Post #9
This is actually the path I've been doing for awhile, but I find that I often run out of steps trying to reach 52, 43, or 53. 52 is usually ok, but if that last egg is in 43 or 53 it seems impossible. I also really hate the (often) wasted steps to 45, and feel that every time I check it, nothing is there, but if I don't, that's where my last egg is...

Have you had similar problems, if not why do you think I am? Suggestions? Thanks for making this!
Level 60
Nature Walker
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 4/25/2014 at 8:12 PM Post #10
This has been a huge help. Thank you so much! You're an angel lol
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