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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > Winter Festival [Collect Prizes]
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Level 71
Fancy Pants
Joined: 10/27/2018
Threads: 127
Posts: 2,515
Posted: 11/14/2023 at 11:23 AM Post #1
As Winter is coming around, I decided to make a Winter Festival!
All contests and games end: Dec. 9th
All prizes collected by Dec 31st

You do not need ot ask to join! Just pick a game and ping me with your response to it (it would be helpful to say what you are responging to (Whis apoon the mistletoe, design contest, etc. but I'll figure it out)
Play games to win candy canes, the currency of the festival. When you get enough candy canes, you can redeem them for prizes.

Wish Upon the Mistletoe
Winter Sylesti Design Contest
Draw a Snowman - No participants
Pick a Box
Sylesti Raffle - No participants
Currency Count

All profits from this festival will go into making my next one. If you have any ideas of how I could make the next festival more fun, ping or PM me!
Current profits: 100,000 + 1 Avitar Item

Tier 1 (50 Candy Canes)
Tier 2 (100 Candy Canes)
Tier 2 (100 Candy Canes) part 2
Tier 3 (200 Candy Canes)
Edited By Ladybugjr on 12/9/2023 at 6:19 PM.
Level 71
Fancy Pants
Joined: 10/27/2018
Threads: 127
Posts: 2,515
Posted: 11/17/2023 at 11:05 AM Post #2
Wish apon the Mistletoe

Everyone in this game has something to give and something they wish for. To aquire what you wish, make three wishes apon the mistletoe. Then, if there are unfulfilled wishes, please try to give to another what they desire. I, LadybugJr, will keep a list of all the wishes, so wish upon the mistletoe. for every three wishes you grant, you will recieve 25 candy canes

I wish for themed buliboris with 2 or more visible traits x1 recieved
I wish for gold donations to future festivals (10k minimum) x3 recieved
I wish for avitar items for the festival x1 recieved
Granted: 0

Bluewolf515's Wishlist:
I wish for an Enhanced Lupora and Zolnixi Essence
I wish for Lupora Tamer Avatar Items
I wish for Pooka's Fox Familiar (Natural)
Granted: 3

Foxywolf713's Wishlist
Some dyes for my recolor project x1 recieved
Glistening Snow Ryoris
Themed Trait Disruptors
Granted: 12

Candela's Wishlist:
I wish for genetic mutators x1 recieved
I wish for Philters (especially Philter of Gender Swapping) x1 recieved
I wish for Pet Dyes x1 recieved
Granted: 10

RaCrystallizedWyvern's Wishlist
pet dyes grater
two Vaeluna's Archangel Ferrikki Pb with Wild stats
Granted: 0

Frostfal's Wishlist:
I wish for
Themed Ferrikkis x2 recieved
Ryoris with visable Mystic Mask x4 recieved
And Pet dyes!
Granted: 2

Aaliya's Wishlist:
Themed Ferrikkis x4 recieved
Themed Sylvorpas x4 recieved
Sylvorpa or Ferrikki Frost Essences
Granted: 0

Lovelylittlelulu's Wishlist:
I wish for
200k gold
Themed zolnixis x12 recieved
Avatar items x3 recieved
Granted: 0

Eid0lon's Wishlist
I wish for
Prismatic Philters/Health Philters/Mana Philters
Greater Pet Dyes
Gender Swap Philter
Granted: 12

LadyLulu's Wishlist:
50k gold
Avatar Items
Granted: 0
Edited By Ladybugjr on 12/4/2023 at 10:19 AM.
Level 71
Fancy Pants
Joined: 10/27/2018
Threads: 127
Posts: 2,515
Posted: 11/17/2023 at 11:18 AM Post #3
Winter Sylesti Design contest

Welome to the Winter Sylesti Design Contest! The rules are simple: desgin me a winter themed sylesti. They can be themed on anything from the heat of the fireplace to Hannikah and Christmas! Even if they're alittle off-topic, just have fun!

You may design as many selestis as you wish, though only one of them may be a faeleora. Please keep the size at 150 (by typing &size=150 at the end of the image address, if it is not already there).

Participation: Faeleora
1 regenerated 6vis faeleora of their design
Top 3: Faeleora
A breeding pair regenerated 6vis faeleora of their design
300 candy canes
*Please note, I cannot garuntee the traits will be how you designed them, but the colors will.

1st place: Overall
500 candy canes, 1 pet from the tier 3 prizes
2nd place: Overall
500 candy canes
3rd place: Overall
300 candy canes
4th place: Overall
300 candy canes
5th place: Overall
200 candy canes
Edited By Ladybugjr on 12/4/2023 at 10:44 AM.
Level 71
Fancy Pants
Joined: 10/27/2018
Threads: 127
Posts: 2,515
Posted: 11/17/2023 at 11:24 AM Post #4
Draw a snowman

Time to get out a pen and paper, and draw me a snowman (or snow woman). Get creative with it! You can draw as many snowmen as you would like (or build one for extra points)! You can make your showman digitally, on paper, or with real life materials such as clay, snow, or anything you can think of. Fell free to set the scene with some color or props around your snowman!

Participation: 100 candy canes
5th place: 150 candy canes
4th places: 150 candy canes
3rd place: 200 candy canes
2nd place: 200 ccandy canes
1st place: 200 candy canes + 1 free pet from the tier 3 prizes
Level 71
Fancy Pants
Joined: 10/27/2018
Threads: 127
Posts: 2,515
Posted: 11/17/2023 at 11:35 AM Post #5
Pick a box

Time to pick your box! Everyone can get one box for free, but the rest you have to pay 5k for. You may choose up to 5 boxes total! Tell me the location of the box on the chart (ex top right corner, center, top center, left center) and how many boxes you are buying.

25 candy canes
25 candy canes
50 candy canes
50 candy canes
100 candy canes
Winter themed Vulnyx egg
Winter themed Griffi egg
6vis regenable faeleora
6vis regenable faeleora

Total participants: 10
Edited By Ladybugjr on 12/9/2023 at 6:21 PM.
Level 71
Fancy Pants
Joined: 10/27/2018
Threads: 127
Posts: 2,515
Posted: 11/17/2023 at 11:44 AM Post #6
Sylesti Raffle
Edited By Ladybugjr on 12/9/2023 at 5:43 PM.
Level 51
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/1/2023
Threads: 25
Posts: 493
Posted: 11/17/2023 at 12:07 PM Post #7
Hello! This sounds very fun! May I join?
Level 75
Cutely Creative
Joined: 7/24/2023
Threads: 55
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Posted: 11/17/2023 at 12:13 PM Post #8
Also interested in joining!
Level 71
Fancy Pants
Joined: 10/27/2018
Threads: 127
Posts: 2,515
Posted: 11/17/2023 at 12:14 PM Post #9
Of course! The festival is for everyone! I ut 500,000 gold into it this season, so I would love to have more people join!
Level 71
Fancy Pants
Joined: 10/27/2018
Threads: 127
Posts: 2,515
Posted: 11/17/2023 at 12:17 PM Post #10
it's pen to everyone!
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