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Level 75
Joined: 7/19/2014
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Posted: 8/12/2023 at 7:25 AM Post #1
Hello! I stumbled onto this site for another pet breeding site called Wajas. I was immidiately drawn by it's similarities to Pokemon. While I do more prefer the adventuring aspect, I've actually started getting into Breeding.
My original username was MistDragon. I am a female.
I do not accept random friend requests. For me to accept, I would like to have corresponded with you at least a few times..

My favorite species are Nephini and Ny'vene, but I also love Aeridini, Ryori, Lighira, Griffi, Sylvorpa, Aurleon, Kelpari, Qitari and Lupora. I don't actively dislike any particular species, though there are specific themes that I really don't like. Everyone has their color preferences. I typically tend to dislike Themed that I feel are similar to an older one. I don't know how many times this year that I refused to make/keep themes due to looking too similar to another theme I already had (From a previous Festival). Multiple Themed just last fest looked SO much like older themed- the two different Aeridini literally right next to each other on the Themed List looked so similar!

The designs I submitted for this Winter fest (2023) will likely be the last. It seems so much like a waste of time when I haven't had a design picked in so long, with my last chosen being all the way back in 2019. All four of my chosen designs were within the span of a year- from Fall 2018 to early summer 2019 (1 Fall, 1 Winter, 1 Spring, 1 LG.) I no longer hold the illusion I'll ever have another design picked. I have made designs for nearly all Festivals from 2015 to 2020, when I went on hiatus, then from Spring of 2022 until the present.

The only reason I submitted designs the last couple of festivals was for the participation prize, but it often comes so abysmally late into the festival that I've usually made all I'm going to. I HATE having to scramble to collect everything to make a nice, strong pet.
I'll likely be collecting minimal Themed from future Festivals, and focus on old Themed that I collected and Released LONG ago. Decision made on May 22nd, 2024.

Along with that, I will implement my own designs as Untagged designs stemming from my breeding projects. My favorite designs, I have here, and plan to implement in my own way when I have pets that match my trait selections.

My favorite color is (almost) any shade of Blue. I also love green, purple and pink.
My favorite Themed Sylesti is the Mountain King Ny'vene.
My favorite time of year is autumn, when the summer heat has faded some, but winter's chill is not yet. I love sunset, though my favorite time of day is after sundown. (Bright sunlight often hurts my eyes.)
I like puzzle games and JRPGs. My favorite nowadays is Pokmon, and I play both GO and S/V. I also still play Zelda, Mario, Sonic, Final Fantasy and a stray game here or there, like Deltarune. (Ugh, Jevil. Still stuck.)

As to Breeding out my pets, I will usually do so when asked- with three exceptions: Either the pet is part of a project and I need access to it, it has a rare trait that is difficult or expensive to obtain, or the player asking offended me in some way (was rude, pushy, refused to let me breed pet(s) of theirs, or did not dignify a message of mine with a response, ect.)

I try to get along with everyone, and usually someone will have to try pretty hard to make me mad. However, there is a limit. If you have... it may be impossible to get me to interact with you again if you ever DO legitimately make me mad.
I try to answer all my PM's, though here or there, I may miss one. I think there has only been once that I completely missed a PM until months after the fact.
If I ping or message you, and you do not respond, expect the same treatment from me.

The site has changed so much in the last 8 years, and hopefully recently for the better.
I am greatly releaved to know the toxic playerbase amoung us has been banned. Those who act like that deserve whatever punishment the Admins mete out.
I do worry about the site's longevity, with the worth and price of its premiere currency on the decline, even now. I remember when I first joined, 100 Diamonds would cost 300k in Gold, sometimes more. Nowadays, it's hard to sell 100 Diamonds for 200k Gold. The worth of Diamonds has only steadily declined, and that worries me.

Beware fraudulent max stats. I watched another player release around 20 pets that were sold to her as max stats from various breeders, and were not. Breeders need to make sure they're selling what they advertise.

Coined the term "Psudo Max Stat." I consider pets to be Psudo Maxes if:
A. They are less than 200 Heath from being 2000 (max) [All other stats MUST be Maxed.
B. The pet is within 30 Mana of being 200 (if Mana is the only unmaxed stat, 10 if there is 1 or more others, and those must be within 5 points of being Maxed.)
C. The pet is 90 to 99 in (only one) of the following:
Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity or Agility. ALL OTHER Stats MUST be Maxed. The Pet may have up to two unmaxed Stats if they are 95 or HIGHER.

Quick Links
Seasonal Fundle List, Seasonal Trades thread,
I am a member of the Vibrant Vorpas Sylvorpa group. Serene Sylvorpa, 6V (& 4V Restricted) Sylvorpa List, MS Neph list, Pet Lending, Harassment
Proficiency Leveling, Barracks, LG Walktrough, LG Maps, Beating the Crystalline Golem, LG Enemies, Ancient Temple Guardian

Special Event Maps or Lists
Easter Egg Hunt

Edited By SerenityEather on 5/22/2024 at 9:47 PM.
Level 75
Joined: 7/19/2014
Threads: 33
Posts: 1,028
Posted: 8/12/2023 at 8:55 AM Post #2
Profile Directory
Page 1 - Pertinent information/Useful info
Page 2 - Lost Grove info & Temple

Page 3 - Themed Projects (LG, Favorite Species-G)

Page 4 - Themed Projects (K-R)

Page 5 - Themed & Future Projects (S-Z)

Page 6 - My Designs (A-Fae)

Page 7 - My Designs (Fer-Ny')

Page 8 - My Designs (Nyte-Z)

Page 9 - Old Avitars

Page 10 - Events
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Edited By SerenityEather on 5/22/2024 at 8:59 PM.
Level 75
Joined: 7/19/2014
Threads: 33
Posts: 1,028
Posted: 8/14/2023 at 1:18 PM Post #3
Selected Tagged Themes
These are my designs that were chosen as Tagged Themed.

Mountain King Ny'vene
(Submitted as King in the Mountain Ny'vene)

Easily my favorite of the four designs of mine chosen. It was designed long before the festival I submitted it to and probably the only one with a LOT of thought and care put into it.
Design Chosen for Autumn Fest, 2018

Winter Tanuki Lupora

Design Chosen for Winter, 2018

Rose Arcanist Aeridini (Submitted as Wild Rose Aeridini)

Design Chosen for Spring Fest, 2019
Despite being my color pallette, I do not claim this design as mine. It can never be what I wanted it to be, due to the restricted set. If you check my stables, you will see that I do not have even just one of this theme- not even an offspring. It is the only one of my palettes that I refuse to work with- easily my least favorite due to circumstance.

Cavernous Depths Kelpari
(Submitted as Pterois Kelpari)

Design Chosen for the Lost Grove in 2019
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
These will likely be the only designs posted here. It has been far too long since my last design was chosen for me to expect another to ever be.

Complete Catalog of Design submissions
Week of Love 2015, Spring 2015, Summer 2015, Autumn 2015, Spring 2016, Summer 2016, Autumn 2016, Summer 2017, Autumn 2017, Winter 2017, Spring 2018, Lost Grove Set 1, Summer 2018, Autumn 2018*, Winter 2018*, Spring 2019*, Summer 2019, Lost Grove Set 2*, Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Spring 2022, 2022 Summer, Fall 2022, Winter 2022, Summer 2023, Fall 2023, Winter 2023, Spring 2024
Edited By SerenityEather on 5/30/2024 at 10:17 AM.
Level 75
Joined: 7/19/2014
Threads: 33
Posts: 1,028
Posted: 8/15/2023 at 3:04 AM Post #4
Help with the hunt for a Legendary Cavernous Depths!

I need a Legendary (Gold Star) or Mythical (Red Star) Cavernous Depths in order to Supermax.
If you are interested in helping in the hunt, please let me know! I would gladly gift a supermax in exchange for the help, once they are done.

Note: I am NOT asking you to GIVE ME the Sylesti; but catch it and allow me to use it for breeding. If it has a trait I don't like or don't want to fight with (EX: it has an extremely dominant trait, such G1 Seahorse, and I'm breeding for the FAR more recessive Leopard Seal) I might ask you to Disrupt it. It which case, I would provide a disruptor.

Fellow Hunters:

I have made a LG Themed Guild.
Edited By SerenityEather on 11/29/2023 at 1:49 PM.
Level 75
Joined: 7/19/2014
Threads: 33
Posts: 1,028
Posted: 8/22/2023 at 7:47 PM Post #5
Completed Projects
Bird of Paradise Stralitzia Sylvorpa

Multi or 6-Vis Max Stat

Multi or 6-Vis Supermax

Edited By SerenityEather on 5/22/2024 at 4:59 PM.
Level 75
Joined: 7/19/2014
Threads: 33
Posts: 1,028
Posted: 9/19/2023 at 11:59 AM Post #6
Notable achievements
I have been a co-designer with Annaheartz Design Magazine; having collab'ed a design with her for her 2018 March issue, World Water Day; and two for her 2018 Halloween issue.
From the Fall Festival 2018, my King in the Mountain Ny'vene was chosen as a theme. (Finally! My first design chosen!)
Spooky Storytelling, 2018, 3rd place Pumpkin, 2018
From the Winter fest 2018, my Winter Tanuki Lupora was chosen as a theme.
Casmeresphynx and I submitted what became the Ferrikki's Skullmoth Tail.
From the Spring 2019 Festival, my Wild Rose Aeridini was chosen as a Resticted Theme. (2019 Themes)

Notable achievements (LG)
Caught my first LG themed pet 3/17/19 (Moon's Kiss Faelora)
Defeated Malfarian the Augur and won battle in 9 turns.
Defeated Eleane the Duelist in 7 turns and won the battle in 13 turns (Pre-Behemoth.)
Defeated Elaine and won battle in 5 turns (Post Behemoth, 7/5/22)
My Pterois Kelpari (renamed Cavernous Depths) was chosen as an LG Theme, for the Forgotten Caverns.
Defeated Dia, Du'vhal's Hand and won the battle in 6 turns. (No Ent Flasks. L75 Fire, Wind & Light)
Defeated Kowlla the Ancient and won battle in 11 turns.
Defeated Demora Crystalheart and won battle in 3 turns. (Team: Fire, Wind, Light; L75.)
Defeated Crystalline Golem in 119 turns. Team: Water, Wind, Light

Edited By SerenityEather on 5/22/2024 at 4:58 PM.
Level 75
Joined: 7/19/2014
Threads: 33
Posts: 1,028
Posted: 9/22/2023 at 3:17 PM Post #7

Disruption List: Mango F1, Mango F2, Mango M1,

Disrupt (Low Priority): New Bouquet,

Edited By SerenityEather on 5/22/2024 at 5:00 PM.
Level 75
Joined: 7/19/2014
Threads: 33
Posts: 1,028
Posted: 9/23/2023 at 8:53 PM Post #8
Edited By SerenityEather on 11/29/2023 at 1:47 PM.
Level 75
Joined: 7/19/2014
Threads: 33
Posts: 1,028
Posted: 9/23/2023 at 10:00 PM Post #9
Edited By SerenityEather on 5/28/2024 at 8:03 PM.
Level 75
Joined: 7/19/2014
Threads: 33
Posts: 1,028
Posted: 9/23/2023 at 10:41 PM Post #10
List of Themed I have enough to breed:

LG or LG Traited

Blazing Fireworks Aeridini?

Blazing Fireworks Aurleon

Blazing Fireworks Griffi

Whimsical Waters Kelpari - Tamed

Blazing Fireworks Lighira

Blazing Fireworks Lupora

Blazing Fireworks Sylvorpa

Blazing Fireworks Zolnixi


Double Rainbow Aeridini *

Glowing Garden Aeridini

Prismatic Dewdrop Aeridini

Tiger Lily Aeridini (M) **

Holly Cardinal Aurleon

Robin's Egg Bulbori

Sunny Waterlily Draeyl

Clover Field Ferrikki

Woodland Sprite Ferrikki

Tyrielle's Minion Griffi

Driftwood Beach Kelpari

Raspberry Lemonade Lighira *

Demon Luffox

Night Flower Luffox

Early Bloom Lunemara

Jade Mantis Lunemara

Tiger Swallowtail Lunemara

River Nymph Nephini

Enchanted Meadows Qitari

Maenad Qitari **

Ocean Floor Qitari *

Spring Cosmo Sylvorpa **

Evening River Vulnyx

Berry Tart Zolnixi

Midsummer Night Zolnixi


Rainbow Pop Aeridini

Spirit Realm Aeridini

Starlight Lily Aeridini **

Aurora Borealis Aurleon

Blood Raven Aurleon

Mystic Crow Aurleon

New Bouquet Aurleon

Peach Blossom Aurleon

Winter Sunset Aurleon

Ectoplasma Bulbori

Dutch Tulip Faelora

Hidden Woods Faelora

Blooming Iris Ferrikki

Cheeky Chestnut Ferrikki

Mermaid's Curse Ferrikki

Elixir of Life Ferrikki

Whimsical Unicorn Kelpari

White Sands Kelpari

Garden Flamingo Lighira

Halloween Night Lighira

Joyful Spring Luffox

Mango Splash Luffox

Slawa Tulip Lunemara

Autumn Stream Lupora

Red Dahlia Lupora

Snowmelt Lupora

Elegant Lily Morkko

Fairy Blossom Morkko

Lotus Flower Morkko

Black Magic Nephini

Poison Dart Frog Nephini

Black Magic Ny'vene

Clover Field Ny'vene

Forest Druid Ny'vene

Forsaken Guardian Ny'vene

Haunting Moon Ny'vene

Magical Infusion Ny'vene

Solar Eclipse Ny'vene

Tropical Blossom Ny'vene

Plagueborn Ryori

Lava Vent Ryori

Raspberry Cream Ryori

Lake Reflection Sylvorpa

White Rose Sylvorpa

Reef Guardian Vulnyx

Celestial Fairy Zolnixi

Frosty Eve Zolnixi

Volcanic Glass Zolnixi


April Showers Morkko - Tamed (Planned Project, lack of stock

Ghostly Treasure Ryori - Exclusive (Planned Project, lack of stock

Sunrise Ryori - Exclusive

Cave Fungus Sylvorpa - LG

Edited By SerenityEather on 5/22/2024 at 1:04 PM.
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