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Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/14/2017
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Posted: 5/18/2022 at 8:20 PM Post #1
Usually I have a lil lore thing but I am feeling lazy lol. I'll write it later!

For now I'm just gonna bulletpoint world rules

* All characters have powers and/or physical traits based on their given creature or character. They should be balanced appropriately- a character based on a god shouldn't be an actual god.
* Any fictional being who has a direct story behind them goes, so long as their story follows the general feel of a fairytale. Ie, short story with a moral, started as an oral tale before being written. Any creature or character who meets those criteria applies.
* There can only be one person for any being/character. If there's one pouka, there can't be a second, only one unicorn, one goldilocks, etc. A new opening for that creature or character opens up if/when the current owner of that magic dies or somehow loses their magic.
* Characters usually have some sort of physical resemblance of what they're based on. It depends on how human the thing is, though. Somebody whose powers are like a siren is far less human than somebody whose powers are based on fae.

Character sheet just so there's a solid structure:

Creature/character they have powers about:
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 5/18/2022 at 8:44 PM Post #2
Name: Drake Waverrider
Gender: Male
Creature/character they have powers about: Selkie
Powers: Ability to change into a seal when he is in or near the water.
Appearance: Drake has sea blue eyes with dark brown hair. He is 5' 11 feet tall. Normally he is dressed as a sailor since he lives on a ship. He wears a small brass locket around his neck containing a small grey scale.
Personality: Selkie is hardworking, fair, honest, courageous, and stubborn. He is very knowledgeable about sea fearing and navigation. Darke is stubborn if it helps the people he cares about especially when it comes to caring for his crew before himself.
Backstory: Drake grew up on a ship that was owned by his parents. Unfortunately, one night his father was killed by pirates after Drake, and his mother had been left behind because Drake's mother fell ill. Drake is currently living with his ailing mother and taking care of her in their home just off the coast of Lochinvar, Scotland.
Other: Drake is extremely suspectable to dehydration due to his powers as well.

Name: Chelsea Satern
Gender: Female
Creature/character they have powers about: Witch
Powers: Small abilities to cast spells and hexes.
Appearance: Chelsea has striped, brown, blond, and black hair. She is about six feet tall. She normally wears a sweatshirt or hoodie to hide her unnatural hair. She wears a bracelet with a small Chesire Cat charm on it. Chelsea's eyes are heterochromatic with her right eye being forest green and her left eye being a pale red.
Personality: Chelsea is kind, gentle, loyal, fiercely independent, and intelligent. Occasionally chaotic because of her unpredictable powers. She also does not trust people because of prior experience.
Backstory: Chelsea was not always a witch or had a witch's powers, she was cursed when she stepped in a fairy circle when traveling through the woods with a group of friends. When Chelsea stepped in the fairy circle on a dare, she heard the song of the Willow Maiden and became cursed by fairies. The location of the fairy circle was where the Willow Maiden's tree fell. When that was happening, her friends abandoned her and would not speak to her at all when she returned to the village.
Other: Chelsea has a cat named Chester. He is a shorthaired stray male cat with grey, white, black, and brown fur. Chester also has an extra claw on both of his front paws.

Name: Nadia Leida
Gender: female
Creature/powers: Ability to manipulate small amounts of water, turn into water, and turn into a small fish.
Appearances: Nadia has long black hair that has a bluish hue and green eyes. She is normally about 5' 10. Normally she can be seen in a light blue or white dress with sandals on. Rarely does she leave the water in her pond but when she does, she wears a sunhat and sunglasses.
Personality: Nadia is gentle and enjoys talking to others, but she doesn't get too often. She is very social often choosing to talk to the animals around the lake. She is also a romantic at heart but at the same time she is very jealous and territorial.
Backstory: Nadia is the daughter of a lake spirit and got her powers from her father. Her mother noticing that she wasn't human abandoned her in the lake in hopes of drowning her but instead activated her powers.
Other: Nadia is extremely prone to dehydration and needs to be around water every hour otherwise she could die.

Name: Donnavan
Gander: Male
Creature/ powers: Pooka (can shapeshift but generally stays in the forum of a black horse.)
Appearances: Donnavan normally stays in the forum of a black horse with a single light brown spot on his back heel. This is a sign that gives him away no matter what forum he takes because it is a scar from when he was burned as a baby.
Personality: Mischievous and loves riddles and challenges. He is very intelligent but doesn't typically trust humans. Aside from that not much is known about him.
Backstory: Will be determined in the game later
Other: Donnavan doesn't like anyone near his burned heel so he will lash out if someone gets too close to it.

Name: Lycidas Tutanka
Gender: male
Creature/character they have powers about: Wolfblood
Powers: Ability to transform into a large grey wolf and use the wolf's senses.
Appearance: In wolf form
Personality: For now unknown.
Backstory: Unknown.
Other: Extremely good at tracking.
(If I need to add more characters I can do that)
Edited By Starpup5 on 10/9/2022 at 12:36 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/14/2017
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Posted: 5/19/2022 at 12:00 AM Post #3
Name: Karima Vaires
Gender: Female
Creature/character: Khepri
Powers: Can manipulate light and warmth, to an extent. She also has better reactive senses due to her insect parts.
Appearance: Looks human at a glance. She has dark, clear skin with very faint freckles, and her eyes are a rich green. Her hair is black and curly, and vibrant streaks of red, gold, and green run through it. Though they look dyed, this was a natural result of her powers. They also aren't made from keratin like normal hair, which is visible as these strands are a little heavier. Hidden under her clothes is a pair of black and green beetle wings made from chitin.
Personality: Passionate, brave, and warm. She's very protective of her friends and family, and the mom of the friend group.
Backstory: She's not sure how or why she got her powers. She knows she had a dream about pushing something up a hill, and woke up having the beetle wings. She's always been shy and very much the kind of person who would stay at home until she's 80 years old if allowed, so her laying low about her new magic hasn't aroused any suspicion.
Other: None for now

Name: Alex Kate
Gender: Female
Creature/character: Set
Powers: When she's around, people seem to have supernaturally bad luck. She is also able to materialize some sort of weapon, which is long and sharp, though it's a weapon that doesn't quite look like any sword, dagger, or really any type of blade. She can shapeshift into a sha (Set animal), but seems incredibly afraid of doing so.
Appearance: Thin and wiry. She resembles a vaguely canine animal, and though human, she is visibly affected by her magic. She has paws for feet, a massive muzzle with slightly frazzled whiskers, floppy ears, and a thin tail.
Personality: Quiet but supportive. She'll gladly help her friends whenever possible, though she sometimes can go a little too far and start taking away from her own happiness. She is currently very stressed, for reasons she won't elaborate on. She's been very avoidant of people lately.
Backstory: She works at a small, local animal shelter. About a month ago, she took in an animal she didn't recognize, because it was badly injured and looked enough like a dog for her to bring it in. After nursing it back to health, it vanished and she woke up the next day looking how she does now.
Other: She seems to be afraid of storms.

Name: Daire Lio
Gender: Male
Creature/character: Kelpie
Powers: Can turn into an aquatic carnivorous horse
Appearance: Tall and sleek, with bi-colored blue and brown eyes. He's heavily freckled, all throughout his body, with curly red hair that falls down to his shoulders. It mostly covers his eyes. He wears black, long clothing that hides most of his body. He has hooves for feet, and horse ears hidden under his hair. His teeth are also all carnivorous, not omnivorous.
Personality: Very quiet, and often won't notice somebody is near. He can come across as languid and spacey, even stupid, but he's just lost in his head most of the time. He thinks deeply about things, and though he rarely ever speaks, he usually has something important to say when he does speak up. He's not shy, though he often looks to be, but he's not willing to approach strangers either.
Backstory: About a year ago, he nearly drowned in a lake. He swears he saw somebody at its bottom- somebody alive. He passed out from lack of air and woke up with hooves.
Other: None for now.

Name: Raena Thine
Gender: Female
Creature/character they have powers about: Bake-kujira
Powers: Can turn into a massive, whale-like creature that does not bleed. She can still be wounded or killed, but she has no blood while functioning like she has blood.
Appearance: Very tall, being 6'8. Her hair is long and straight, naturally black but with a gentle blue fade at the tips. Her eyes are a dark green, and she's very pale.
Personality: Very quiet and very shy. She gets nervous around unfamiliar people, and just isn't great socially overall. She means well though.
Backstory: She fell into a frozen lake last winter, during a trip to Russia. She didn't drown, but she did get hypothermia from the cold, and sometime during that bout of illness she ended up with her powers.
Other: none for now

Name: Kayla Jade
Gender: Female
Creature/character they have powers about: Changeling
Powers: Knows more than any child at her age should, and has no memory of attaining this information. She doesn't ever seem to get ill, and though she eats at a normal rate for her age, she can survive on far less food and water than a normal human.
Appearance: An unassuming young redhead, with hair pulled back into a long braid and bright green eyes. She has mothlike antennae, small enough that she can hide them under her hair, and large wings on her back that strongly resemble a slight-tailed skipper butterfly's wings.
Personality: Shy and skittish to strangers. She talks in riddles, never giving a clear answer, and genuinely struggles to speak definitively. She's not trying to be vague and mysterious, but something about her powers has led her to be. Her powers genuinely frustrate and upset her.
Backstory: She doesn't remember how exactly she got her powers. She was very sickly before them, with lots of medical issues, and last time as she recovered in the hospital, she woke up with butterfly wings and an inability to be detailed.
Other: None for now

Name: Feradelma Riques
Gender: Female
Creature/character they have powers about: Oberon
Powers: Manipulation over plants and nature. She does it in massive, powerful bursts, but once she does so she takes several hours to regain all that energy. Other things tend to happen when she gets stressed, but she has no control over these. These include shapeshifting into wildlife, facial features suddenly changing, plants sprouting around her and growing rapidly, and animals and insects resting unusually near her. She's also found herself to be far more charismatic and better in a leadership role than she was before her powers.
Appearance: Very tall, with pointed features but a broad build. She's somewhat dark-skinned, a bit too dark to be tan but very close to that tone. Her hair is jet-black with streaks of pastel yellows, blues, and pinks. Her hair is quite long, and very curly. She has wings on her back that resemble an atlas moth's in shape, and her patterns resemble a cecropia silkmoth's, but with a deep magenta instead of black. She has big, fluffy moth antennae that are as long as her arms.
Personality: Quick to get angry and very petty, but not unkind. She acts cold and apathetic, but she does care about others, and those who get to know her see how she truly feels. She can quickly get hostile towards strangers, but if she accidentally hurts them she'll feel guilty about it for months after.
Backstory: A few summers ago, she ended up trapped in a small cave in the ground out in the midst of the forest. She was stuck for four days, and the third was one of the hottest days of the year. Her memory is foggy of the 3rd and 4th days trapped, but she swears that before she passed out from the heat she saw somebody at the opening to the hole on the 3rd day. The only person known to have found her was Alex (not yet with powers) on the 4th day. When she came to a few days after being rescued, she had her wings.
Other: None yet

Name: Delta Faux
Gender: Female
Creature/character they have powers about: Siren
Powers: Depending on what key she sings in, she can make humans feel or do certain things. C minor is the typical 'siren song' that makes people want to come to her, but she prefers F# major, which makes people feel scared and run away from her. She hasn't tried every key, but she knows D#major causes platonic love, D#minor romantic love, C#major soothes fear, and A major makes people all asleep. All these effects are temporary, the longest they can last being 5 minutes.
Appearance: In water, she has blue-grey splotched skin, black eyes heavily reminiscent of a shark's, rubbery copper hair that covers most of her face, and a thick shark tail that replaces her legs. On land, she's pale with a slight tan, white and pastel pink scales dotted throughout her face and neck that look like freckles, blonde and sky-blue ombre hair and hot pink/orange bi-colored eyes. Depending on how dry she is, she'll either have a white & pink speckles fish tail for legs and a pastel yellow fin, or legs speckled with the same scales and 'anklets' of the fins. No matter what sort of body she's in, she wears short white clothing.
Personality: She's very self-conscious about her normal, sharklike form. She goes into water as little as she can, and mostly tries to scare away others to avoid them finding out what her ordinary body looks like. She gets extremely nervous if she's unable to avoid social interaction, to the point it's a problem.
Backstory: She's always been a siren, but she hasn't always felt guilty about being one. She met a dryad who didn't fear her when she was sunbathing, but later fled when Delta surfaced from her pond later. Delta's never forgotten that.
Other: N/A

Name: Nyra Krique
Gender: Nb
Creature/character they have powers about: Hesperides (evening nymph)
Powers: They can go invisible and moves at an inhumanly fast speed. They can also form objects out of light. But, these powers only work during evenings- at any other time, they're essentially human.
Appearance: Unnaturally thin and tall. They're dark-skinned, with runic markings throughout their arms that glow when their powers are active. They have long, uncut golden hair that obscures most of their face, and their eyes are a deep shade of blue. They wear a long dress that often hides their legs, and they have a necklace that has a butterfly pendant.
Personality: Quiet, but extroverted. They're fairly friendly, and an optimist. They're reluctant to approach humans, but are very social to fellow magic beings.
Backstory: They were born as a nymph, but not as a hesperides. They used to be a wind nymph, but they traveled too far from their home to reach the forest. They were powerless for a while, but eventually gained a new form of magic- that being the evening magic.
Other: They aren't from the forest, though they live there now

Name: Quivara ('Ki' for short) Tyradei
Gender: Female
Creature/character they have powers about: Mab
Powers: Seems to sense thoughts before even their owners think of them. She can't seem to actually read minds, instead seeming to simply have an uncanny sense of how they feel. She can manipulate the nervous system of anybody she touches, including emotions and physical actions, but only ever does this when in danger due to the questionable morality of it. She has some very minor wish-fulfilling capabilities, but it is too limited to be of much use.
Appearance: Lanky and beautiful, with an eye-catching scar-turned-tattoo along her upper forearm that depicts an atlas moth. She has a warm, mixed dark skintone, with long, black hair she often holds back in a ponytail, and there's some faded green hair-dye along the edges of her hair. Her eyes are a blueish grey, and she tends to wear long, warm clothing, with a particular love for floor-length ruffled skirts. She has a pair of pink spirit moth wings on her back, and antenna that she often ties into her ponytail.
Personality: Shy and a very antsy, and always seeming a bit sad. She is often overwhelmed by the thoughts she senses from others, and is easily upset by what others think of her. She is very kind towards those she trusts, but is too flighty to defend them from danger.
Backstory: She isn't sure how she got her powers. All she knows about it is that she was feeling 'off' the day before she changed.
Other: N/A

Name: Talaya Kyris
Gender: Female
Creature/character they have powers about: Aphrodite
Powers: Though she can't manipulate actual emotions, she can change the 'tone' of whatever emotions the person may be feeling. She can also give people a good or bad sense about something or someone, which she tends to use to keep people away from her if she doesn't want to be social. When near water, nearby water seems to calm around her, and though she's a terrible swimmer, she is incapable of drowning. She can also slightly shapeshift, but can only manipulate the proportions of her natural body, and only to a small extent. She can also control the appearance of outfits she wears, and has a habit of just shapeshifting her clothing instead of changing.
Appearance: She is average height, though she tends to use her slight shapeshifting ability to give herself a few extra inches of height. Her hair is naturally black, but it is dyed a rose-pink, with a red fade at the tips. Her skin is mixed, but on the darker side, and she has freckles all over her body, especially her face. Her natural eye color is a dark brown, but she tends to change her eye color quite a lot, with blue hues being her favorite types of colors to change to. She tends to wear simple T-shirts or hoodies, along with other comfortable, form-fitting clothes.
Personality: She's not anti-social, but she generally doesn't want social interaction, being quite introverted. She has a bad habit of being too direct, and hence accidentally coming across as rude. She doesn't emote much, which can make her seem even more standoffish. But, she's an incredibly empathetic person, and though she may not show it much, she cares deeply about the people she's close to.
Backstory: She's not actually sure how or when she got her powers, since it didn't change her in any way she noticed. She realized she had these powers a month ago, and has been using them just to solve mild inconveniences since.
Other: none
Edited By Kittbee on 3/16/2024 at 2:12 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 5/19/2022 at 12:06 AM Post #4
Those characters sound awesome. Should we begin tomorrow? Good night.
Edited By Starpup5 on 5/19/2022 at 12:06 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/14/2017
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Posted: 5/19/2022 at 12:11 AM Post #5
Yup! Sounds good
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 5/19/2022 at 3:59 PM Post #6
So would you like to start?
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/14/2017
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Posted: 5/19/2022 at 4:35 PM Post #7

The day is warm, though not hot. It's sunny and bright, not too windy and not too humid or dry. It's a perect day for being ouside.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 5/19/2022 at 5:17 PM Post #8
Chelsea walks alone outside trying to avoid the stares from her previous friends. She tries to focus on enjoying the warm day after being cooped up in the house for so long to study for an exam. These peaceful days she knew would most likely not last much longer. She had sensed something amiss for a while now but chose to ignore it.

Drake sits outside on the porch watching the water. He longed to go sailing, swimming, or even running down the beach again. Sighing quietly, he listens for his mother to call for him or if she needed any help. Drake didn't want to leave his mother all alone especially not right now. The door opens behind him and his mother walks out.
"Drake why don't you go have some fun? A friend of mine is coming over so you don't need to worry about me," His mother says.
"Why don't I stay until your friend gets here Mom? That way we both worry less," Drake responds.
"Alright but once my friend gets here I want you out on the beach or more preferably in the water. I've seen that look in your eyes and your father's eyes enough to know that you long for the sea."
Drake nods once.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/14/2017
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Posted: 5/19/2022 at 5:55 PM Post #9
"Excuse me?" A voice pipes up from a few feet behind Chelsea, confident but slightly shy.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/11/2018
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Posted: 5/19/2022 at 6:03 PM Post #10
Chelsea turns around, "What can I help you with?" She tries to hide her hair so the person wouldn't judge her too heavily.
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