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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Sylestia RP (baby or adult Zolnixi)
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Level 60
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Posted: 6/13/2013 at 9:54 AM Post #1
Well I would like to do a rp with someone elses Zolnixi!
You can use one or more in this RP but make sure you can handle all of them!

Anyway I would probbaly will want to rp with







Ooopps...just posted all of my Zolnixis!
I just love all of them that's why!
Also here are their personaltys *someone asked me what they where and I can not type them out again o.0*
Personalty: Snows never relaxes and is always on the watch for preditors. Most of the time he wouldn't eat because he takes guard duty way to sericously. When it isn't his guard duty time he would usuly keep away from everyone and only talk to them about something serious if they and boys but girls he usuly just acts brave and a bit like a puppy around them. But almost every weekend his personalty suddenly changes, he becomes a whole new Zolnixi, he is quiote frendly but now and then you see a bit of seriousness amurging, on rare occastions he is in his frendly mode not on weekends. Since Whisper has grown up Snows has been very proud of her and wishes to guild her and to remove the puppyness she still has.

Personalty: Now grown into a young adult she keeps her bouncy and copying ways. She would still do things for fun and she would still try to cuddle up to someone by wedging her self under their head and body, head first but the adults are starting to disagree with this.

Personalty: Like her 'sisters' she is slightly flirtly with boys just so she can tease them and see how far she can push them. Neon likes playing pranks but she never tells anyone she did them! If someone tells her what happened to them she would just look surprised and consurned.

Personalty: Like her 'sisters' she is slightly flirtly with boys just so she can tease them and see how far she can push them. She would usully dive into the undergrowth to look for bugs and things, or she would go digging to see what interesting things she can find. Make sure you don't fall down one of her holes!

Personalty: He like shaving a fun time and if he is ever told to do guard duty he runs of and starts doing crazy stuff when girls are around *like doing flips after jumping from a hill*. He doesn't find that the three girls would flirt then try pushing him, he just loves the attention from them! Sometimes he is a bit silly and goes a bit over board with the crazy stuff and usully brakes a bone or two.

Personalty: No truly knew her name when she arrived at a hatchling but they found her adorable and fuzzy, and when she was older she lost the fuzzyness but kept the adorablness, so they called her cute. Like her 'sisters' she is slightly flirtly with boys just so she can tease them and see how far she can push them, but she is slightly kinder then her 'sisters' and usully apoligizes if she pushes them to far and trys to make them feel better with fairy mushrooms. She would usully send ages making a water or mud slide just to go down it. She adores Whisper the most and after Cute has finished making a slide she would get Whisper, go on her back and let Whispers sit on her belly and go down the slide.
Anyway if you want to RP with one of them can you please do the following....

1) Tell me which of your Zolnixi you want to RP with
2) A short personalty and history about your Zolnixi
3) And which of my Zolnixi you want to RP with (You can RP with more then one of mine!)

Also say 'Cheese' if you have read this!

Thank you!
Edited By 5647 on 6/16/2013 at 4:51 AM.
Level 69
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Posted: 6/14/2013 at 5:35 AM Post #2
uhm Cheese ?

Anyway I also like Zolnixi and I like rp so I would not mind giving it a try.

Before I post anything else about what Zolnixi of mine I would use and what personality he or she has I would like to ask the same of you.

Could you give me a small summary about your zolnixi's and their personalities? I will chose whith which zolnixi of yours I would prefer to rp if I know what type of personalities have.

You can pm me as well if you prefer.
Old post

My new post:

Read up on all chacters in the rp here:
But post new character if you enter here in this forum.
Edited By 1955 on 8/28/2013 at 8:53 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 6/14/2013 at 11:05 AM Post #3
Just outa curiosity, do we have to rp with ur Zolnixi, or is it for those without zolnixi, or who don't wanna rp with theirs?
Level 60
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Posted: 6/14/2013 at 11:10 AM Post #4
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 6/1/2024 at 9:46:25am

Just outa curiosity, do we have to rp with ur Zolnixi, or is it for those without zolnixi, or who don't wanna rp with theirs?

Well I would really want to Rp with someone elses Zolnixi but if you really want to use a diffrent pet then you can ^_^
Level 60
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Posted: 6/14/2013 at 11:31 AM Post #5
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 6/1/2024 at 9:46:25am

uhm Cheese ?

Anyway I also like Zolnixi and I like rp so I would not mind giving it a try.

Before I post anything else about what Zolnixi of mine I would use and what personality he or she has I would like to ask the same of you.

Could you give me a small summary about your zolnixi's and their personalities? I will chose whith which zolnixi of yours I would prefer to rp if I know what type of personalities have.

You can pm me as well if you prefer.

XD yes the cheese part is random!

Personalty: Snows never relaxes and is always on the watch for preditors. Most of the time he wouldn't eat because he takes guard duty way to sericously. When it isn't his guard duty time he would usuly keep away from everyone and only talk to them about something serious if they and boys but girls he usuly just acts brave and a bit like a puppy around them. But almost every weekend his personalty suddenly changes, he becomes a whole new Zolnixi, he is quiote frendly but now and then you see a bit of seriousness amurging, on rare occastions he is in his frendly mode not on weekends.

Personalty: This bouncy puppy would do anything for fun and most of the time she copies everyone, so the girls try and keep her away from the boys because they find them a 'bad influence'.
Whisper likes to cuddle up to someone by wedging her self under their head and body, head first.

Personalty: Like her 'sisters' she is slightly flirtly with boys just so she can tease them and see how far she can push them. Neon likes playing pranks but she never tells anyone she did them! If someone tells her what happened to them she would just look surprised and consurned.

Personalty: Like her 'sisters' she is slightly flirtly with boys just so she can tease them and see how far she can push them. She would usully dive into the undergrowth to look for bugs and things, or she would go digging to see what interesting things she can find. Make sure you don't fall down one of her holes!

Personalty: He like shaving a fun time and if he is ever told to do guard duty he runs of and starts doing crazy stuff when girls are around *like doing flips after jumping from a hill*. He doesn't find that the three girls would flirt then try pushing him, he just loves the attention from them! Sometimes he is a bit silly and goes a bit over board with the crazy stuff and usully brakes a bone or two.

Personalty: No truly knew her name when she arrived at a hatchling but they found her adorable and fuzzy, and when she was older she lost the fuzzyness but kept the adorablness, so they called her cute. Like her 'sisters' she is slightly flirtly with boys just so she can tease them and see how far she can push them, but she is slightly kinder then her 'sisters' and usully apoligizes if she pushes them to far and trys to make them feel better with fairy mushrooms. She would usully send ages making a water or mud slide just to go down it. She adores Whisper the most and after Cute has finished making a slide she would get Whisper, go on her back and let Whispers sit on her belly and go down the slide.

I hope this helps you!
Level 69
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Posted: 6/14/2013 at 3:57 PM Post #6

So your girls are flirty IN some weird way I like that. Most girl characters in rp around here are tomboys (I am guilty for that haha) or cool or nice or sarcastic but I have not seen many flirts.

I have to say I like the top male and your flirty 'sisters' the most.

You can play whatever zolnixi you like though even all 6 if you think you can handle them all. I would suggest you pick one you would play the most though and then I will do the same and the rp would mostly follow those 2 and how they interact with the other Zolnixies ?

But if you ask me who I like most it would be Snows, Tribe and your older girls. I am not so fond of hatchlings because how you can handle them is limited. I might enter a hatchling of my own later, I am not sure yet. But again you can play them all if you want just do make sure I know with which zolnixi you are roleplaying.

I will use 5 I think If things go well and do not get to crouded I will enter more zolnixi's later on. If it doesn't go well I will remove a few.

The 5 I picked are down below. Do let me know what you think

And is it ok if I make one of my zolnixi's have a crush on one of yours or maybe have a rivaly with one of yours?

Because I was thinking of making Topaz have a crush in Tribe. If that is not ok I will make her have a crush on one of my zolnixi's.
Edited By 1955 on 6/15/2013 at 7:18 AM.
Level 69
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Posted: 6/15/2013 at 7:11 AM Post #7
Ok the characters I will use (for now) are: (and I do really own these guys, I am only using zolnixi from my stables)

I will give them ages in human years so you have a bit of an idea what the age differences are.

Also White/Topaz/Black and Shax are part of a rescue/research party that will be going to the forrest to find out why zolnixi keep dissapearing there, and once they are there they try to find out how they and the others can leave again. (While trying to figure out a lot of others things as well)

1 WhiteTenshi (Tenshi) Age in Human years: 19

He is a serious kinda guy. Cold and doesn't make friends often. He shows respect only to those proven to be superior to him. He looks down on everybody else. He gets in fights with happy go lucky and prankster and fun makers a lot. He is very strong and doesn't give up ever, even if it would be better for him to do so. He likes and looks up to Black (my number 4) and wants nothing more then being noticed by him. He hates most girls. So he hates it a lot when they flirt with him xp .

Role in the rp/how does he end up in the forrest: He is part of a rescue/research party formed by the king ruling the area where the forrest lies. Many zolnixi's have dissapeard there and the king wants to know how this can happen and if they can get their zolnixi's back. The king then forms a team with powerfull/brave/intelligent indiviuals under the leadership of Black to go into that forrest and figure out the mysterie and bring everybody back home. White is a new guy, who just enterd a school for warriors. He is a bit of a prodigy and is far stronger then others his age. Even though young and with great many things to learn, the king felt his physical abilities would be usefull for the party. White lacks in insight and empahtie and hoped that by putting white together with black that would change. So White is placed as the rookie of the group. Following Black, and hopefully learning from him as well.

2 Topaz Age in Human years 25

Bit of a tomboy though she does like having her pelt in good condition. She is a very relaxed kinda girl who would rather be lazy then tired. She is fond of sweets and almost never gets stressed. She is a sarcasm girl and a prankster ( mostly with words and small acts instead of big physical pranks that take a lot of time). She enjoyes music and has a crush on a male zolnixi.

Role in the rp/how does she end up in the forrest: She is a fire mage, the best with fire magic in the kingdom. She also is pretty smart. She is also a bit young, but has had a mission before this one so she does have some experience already. She also works very well with Black and grew up around Shax and thus the king believed she would be a good asset to Black's team. Topaz and Shax where also Blacks personal request for joining him on this mission.

3 Gully Age in Human years 15

She is a sweet optimist kinda girl. Nothing gets her down. Example: If it rains and everybody is complaining she will just sing songs. That does not mean she can not kick serious assss. She is much stronger then she looks and would fight to protect her friends. However when she is not fighting to protect she is a sweet, gentle girl that always is kind to everybody, even those that are not kind to her. (Not kind being rude or insulting, when not kind turns to abuse or something she will fight back). She is also a prankster though, but she would never pull of pranks that would hurt people. She knows the limits and is always in for a good laugh.

Role in the rp/how does she end up in the forrest: A normal young zolnixi girl that was just minding her own buisniss in the hills. A bunch of hungry vorkid came out of the forrest for some reason and started chasing her. She was driven into to the woods, and into the river where she passed out and was saved by the zolnixi's living there. She tries to get back home but fails every time. When Black's party arrives she tries to help in any way she can.

4 BlackDevil (Nicknamed Black) Age in Human years 40

A goodhearted and natural born leader. He looks after all sylesties if he can. He is serious in the face of danger, but a bit of a goof when not. He is father of 2 boys who live at home (and will not be a real part of the rp because both those boys already have rp's of their own xp) He usualy gets along with most sylesties. He is not afraid to tease those around him, but he is not afraid to say what needs to be said either. He knows white looks up to him and he sees potentiol in White. But he thinks white needs to open to others more before he can aknowledge him fully. He is also a living legend. Having faught with kings and other warriors in past battles, and comming out victorious with the minimum of lost lives. He faced bad guys most would not dare to face, bad guys stronger then him, but his calm and focused mind and ability to use every sylesties strongest points to the max, he was able to win the battles with his team. The sylesties part of his team are also very well known and respected. Everybody knows though that is was because of Black they where able to pull such victories of. (Bad guys where people in black, vorkid armies, troll armies, and other creatures, even angry Ny'Vene.) Black does not bow for zolnixi just because they hold a higher position. He only listens to those he believes have earned that right. His king is one of them, Shax another. Any king or lord or ruler he believes is not a good one, he will not listen to at all. He will always do what he feels is teh right thing to do.

Role in the rp/how does he end up in the forrest: The leader of the rescue/research party. His goal is to find the missing zolnixies and bring them back to their families. He also wants to find out what the reason is for the zolnixi's dissapearing so it will not happen again. Once his party has crossed the and he finds the missing zolnixis he makes it his priority to keep everybody safe from monsters, and yet does not ever stop looking for ways out. Sometimes he finds clues that could help. Will he be able to free evrybody and find out what or who is causing this?

5 Shax Age in human years 38

An old friend of Black and part of his team. He is a friendly guy most of the time and is the only one able (next to Black's family) to calm black if he where to get angry. He is mostly amused by his friends antics and the antics of other zolnixi and spends most of his time just looking at others and being a listening ear to those who need it. He keeps secrets like no other. Every secret ever told to him, he kept even from those he no longer considers friends. He (unlike Black) is not a goof, though he will laugh if Black does something funny or silly. He has a weak spot for little ones. Despite his cool calm appearence he actualy is shy around adult female zolnixis. He is unmated/single and is very easy to blush. You could say girls are a weak point as well. Topaz is an exeption because she grew up around him and he sees her as a little sister.

Role in the rp/how does he end up in the forrest: The right hand man of Black. They have faced many batles together and trust eachother with their lives. He just like the others of their party end up in the forrest because they went there on purpose. He makes for a good right hand man because he is the only one that can handle Black's antics in a proper way. Black is most of the time a good leader. BUt he has moments where he is to stubborn and might end up insulting leaders or other powerfull positiond sylesties. Shax is his damage control. He is damage control in another way as well. Shax his strengt lies in being able to take a lot of hits. He is the tank and the shield of the group.

6 To appear later...

So to put it short'with main stats:
1 Grumpy Cold serious Physical prodigy Rookie of the rescue party (Strenght/Dexterity))
2 Lazy sarcasm loyal FireMage of the rescue party (Intelligence/Agility)
3 Kind pranking optimist Normal girl (Health/Agility)
4 Goofy stubborn with strong heart Leader of the rescue party (Strenght/Intelligence)
5 Patient calm nice shy guy Right hand man and tank of the rescue party (Health/Dexterity)
6 Unknown for now
Edited By 1955 on 8/25/2013 at 4:07 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 6/15/2013 at 1:11 PM Post #8
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 6/1/2024 at 9:46:25am

Ok the characters I will use (for now) are: (and I do really own these guys, I am only using zolnixi from my stables)

I will give them ages in human years so you have a bit of an idea what the age differences are.

1 WhiteTenshi (nicknamed White) Age in Human years: 19

He is a serious kinda guy. Cold and doesn't make friends often. He shows respect only to those proven to be superior to him. He looks down on everybody else. He gets in fights with happy go lucky and prankster and fun makers a lot. He is very strong and doesn't give up ever, even if it would be better for him to do so. He likes and looks up to Black (my number 4) and wants nothing more then being noticed by him. He hates most girls. So he hates it a lot when they flirt with him xp .

2 Topaz Age in Human years 25

Bit of a tomboy though she does like having her pelt in good condition. She is a very relaxed kinda girl who would rather be lazy then tired. She is fond of sweets and almost never gets stressed. She is a sarcasm girl and a prankster ( mostly with words and small acts instead of big physical pranks that take a lot of time). She enjoyes music and has a crush on a male zolnixi but who?

3 Gully Age in Human years 15

She is a sweet optimist kinda girl. Nothing gets her down. Example: If it rains and everybody is complaining she will just sing songs. That does not mean she can not kick serious assss. She is much stronger then she looks and would fight to protect her friends. However when she is not fighting to protect she is a sweet, gentle girl that always is kind to everybody, even those that are not kind to her. (Not kind being rude or insulting, when not kind turns to abuse or something she will fight back). She is also a prankster though, but she would never pull of pranks that would hurt people. She knows the limits and is always in for a good laugh.

4 BlackDevil (Nicknamed Black) Age in Human years 40

A goodhearted and natural born leader. He looks after all sylesties if he can. He is serious in the face of danger, but a bit of a goof when not. He is father of 2 boys who live at home (and will not be a real part of the rp because both those boys already have rp's of their own xp) He usualy gets along with most sylesties. He is not afraid to tease those around him, but he is not afraid to say what needs to be said either. He knows white looks up to him and he sees potentiol in White. But he thinks white needs to open to others more before he can aknowledge him fully. He is also a living legend. Having faught with kings and other warriors in past battles, and comming out victorious with the minimum of lost lives. He faced bad guys most would not dare to face, bad guys stronger then him, but his calm and focused mind and ability to use every sylesties strongest points to the max, he was able to win the battles with his team. The sylesties part of his team are also very well known and respected. Everybody knows though that is was because of Black they where able to pull such victories of. (Bad guys where people in black, vorkid armies, troll armies, and other creatures, even angry Ny'Vene.

5 Shax Age in human years 34

An old friend of Black and part of his team. He is a friendly guy most of the time and is the only one able (next to Black's family) to calm black if he where to get angry. He is mostly amused by his friends antics and the antics of other zolnixi and spends most of his time just looking at others and being a listening ear to those who need it. He keeps secrets like no other. Every secret ever told to him, he kept even from those he no longer considers friends. He (unlike Black) is not a goof, though he will laugh if Black does something funny or silly. He has a weak spot for little ones. Despite his cool calm appearence he actualy is shy around adult female zolnixis. He is unmated/single and is very easy to blush. You could say girls are a weak point as well. Topaz is an exeption because she grew up around him and he sees her as a little sister.

6 To appear later...

So to put it short:
1 Grumpy Cold serious
2 Lazy sarcasm loyal
3 Kind pranking optimist
4 Goofy leader with strong heart
5 Patient calm nice shy guy
6 Unknown for now

Hahaha I think Snows would be thinking of the girls because of Gully Age doing a few pranks on him!

I think I might use Snows *because you wanted to rp with him and it's fine if one of them has a crush or rivaly ^_^* and....Tribe with a mixture of Cute!

I hope you are okay with these three ^_^
Level 69
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Posted: 6/15/2013 at 4:57 PM Post #9
I'm Ok with all of them

So how do you want to start this rp and where?
My old post, I am re using this post to add some more characters.

I have my rescue party. Here are Nixi's that are part of the tribe that wants to get away. Personality's/names and bachgrounds will follow soon.

(Can she be a sister of the Tribe leader?)

And 1 nixi that is part of the tribe that has been brainwashed into thinking that the curent situation is for the best.
(if it is ok Cora that I play one nixi in your nixi group of Snows, Tribe, Cute, Whisper and a few others I don't recall right now because I have not been interacting with them yet?)

And 1 Nixi that works for the bad guys Like Kage. (You will have to tell me who she works for Exactly. )

(for personalities/age/name etc. go here, I'm to lazy to do it twice )
Edited By 1955 on 8/28/2013 at 8:56 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 6/16/2013 at 4:42 AM Post #10
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 6/1/2024 at 9:46:25am

I'm Ok with all of them

So how do you want to start this rp and where?

If you want I can start and is it okay if we do it by messaging?
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