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Players 1,835 319
Sylestia Pet Data
Category Total Yesterday
Pets 8,457,648 542
Generated 679,858 7
Captured 1,217,991 56
Bred 6,559,696 479
Statistics updated daily at midnight
Sylesti Garden
Astryl's Meadow Wild
Click on a category to switch the visible Themed Pets.
These Themed Pets are available from the Sylesti Garden feature. Collect Seeds and add them to Planter Pots in order to Grow them into the following Pets!
All Pet images shown below are simply examples. Actual Traits will vary depending on multiple factors.
Majestic Seeds
Fabled Seeds
Regular Seeds
Click on a category to switch the visible Themed Pets.
Embervine Natureguard Aeridini
Total Pets Owned: 115
Discovered By: Hundenelsker
Teacup Fairy Kelpari
Total Pets Owned: 102
Discovered By: Gravitas
Candy Dryad Lunemara
Total Pets Owned: 108
Discovered By: Hundenelsker
Elven Woods Lupora
Total Pets Owned: 107
Discovered By: Hundenelsker
Dainty Dawn Puffadore
Total Pets Owned: 96
Discovered By: Amitiel
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