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Forum Index > Artwork Trades > Animela's Art Center
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Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/23/2013
Threads: 26
Posts: 663
Posted: 6/13/2014 at 6:37 PM Post #1

Please note that I cannot take any Commissions right now due to having too much work on my hands as it is.

Welcome to Animela's Art Center


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _#1. Index/Introduction
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _#2. What I can Offer
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _#3. Waiting List
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _#4. Finished Work
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _#5. Q&A

Hello, I am Animela, welcome to my Art Center. I am an Artist, still working to improve but I would like to offer up my services here. I specialize in my own style of drawing as well as professionalize myself in animation, pixel art, and sprites. I will be offering 5 different kinds of art, each with their own subcategories and features. I am not sure on prices at the moment but feel free to offer in Gold, Diamonds, USD, and 6 vis pets that I do not Own as of yet. Essences towards listed unstarted projects would be awesome as well.

By the way, if you see a blue linked X or blue text that isn't labeled to take you to different places, it's probably an example of what I'm talking about.

Commission Guidelines
All Artwork bought belongs to the Buyer and they are free to do whatever they wish with it except claim to have drawn it themselves. If resale of the Artwork happens, please notify me.
Artwork Completion:
As soon as an Art piece reaches the first open slot the piece will have a Maximum of 2 Weeks to be completed. This does not mean I will take an entire week to complete your work as I will work to complete the piece as soon as possible but I prefer Quality over Quantity.. If I am to go on Haitus or Vacation I will state such in the thread before I go and will give the reasoning as to not keep people in the dark.
For digital drawings, feel free to ask to approve a sketch before it is drawn and coloured.
I do hold the right, in special cases, to complete another person's Artwork before yours as long as it is completed before its own deadline.
All payments will happen after the artwork's completion, not beforehand, in the case that I cannot complete your Piece.
After the Artwork is completed the buyer will be required to pay within 2 weeks(I will message once at the end of the first) or otherwise revoke their right to own the Artwork. In the case of Rights Removal, the buyer will be put on holding until the payment is made and will not be allowed to commission me until such. If the Buyer is to go on Haitus before their Artwork is finished, please let me know.
I also still hold the right to deny any offer given to me if I feel that it is not worth my efforts for the artwork at hand. (Hard work for low pay, ect.)
Edited By Animela on 12/20/2014 at 12:15 PM.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/23/2013
Threads: 26
Posts: 663
Posted: 6/13/2014 at 6:39 PM Post #2
Please note that I cannot take any Commissions right now while I'm working on this very big spriting contract.

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What I can Offer

Digital Art
If you've seen the picture up at top and the examples below you'll notice there are 3 different lining styles: Full Line, Softline, and No Line.
I am also perfectly comfortable drawing almost anything. It does include Animals, People, Ponies, Sylestians, Furries, other creatures and so on. Just keep it PG-13 as I refuse to draw gore.
There are 3 different Subcategories here:
Headshot: X x X - These don't really count as they bodies are their head. x.x" : X x X
Bust: x X x
FullBody: X x X x X

There are also Add-ons:
Animation: X
Background: x X x
Extra Characters: X
Flat Color: No Shading instead of the default Styled Shading

Digital Art
Line Style:
What to Draw: (At least a small description, Example Pictures are nice but not required)
Add ons?:
Price Offered:
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Scratched Sprites
This has Two Subcategories:
Regular/Pokemon Style Sprites:
These are typically in a 80x80 to 96x96 size Canvas.

Pixel Art:
These are typically in a 150 to 200 size Canvas but can be bigger or smaller upon request.
They also have an option of being pretty much anything. This can range anywhere from
Creatures: X x X
To Object: x X

Add Ons:

Scratched Sprite
Sprite Size:
What to Sprite: (At least a small description, Example Pictures are nice but not required)
Add ons?:
Price Offered:
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Gift Box(Originally Known as PokePresents)
Strange as it seems it's a bit what its name deems it to be.

You can stick pretty much anything in them. Pokemon, Animals, Ponies, even People.
These do also have the option to be animated to blink, wave, twitch ears ect.
They're in a 80x80 Canvas but if it's possible, it can be requested to be squashed into a 50x50 one instead. Like so:

Gift Box
What's in the Box?: (At least a small description, Example Pictures are nice but not required)
Box/Ribbon Looks?:
Add ons?:
Price Offered:
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If you remember the Lick Icon explosion years back then you may be familiar with these.

Over the years I have spent my time improving upon the original base the original owner threw out at teh community and use the base simply what it's suposed to be: A base
Anyways, I rescratch the entire body, and use the base as the reference for body movement and tongue position. Nothing of the original Licky base is actually ever used. I also have a personal eyeset that I made for the lickies nearly 4 years ago.
This of course makes it much easier to personalize rather than just working with a character, as you can see from the Examples.

Add Ons:
Detailed Background
Animation in Background
Extra Character Animation
Shiny Tongue (Auto included if Shaded)

What's Licking?: (At least a Small description, Example Pictures are nice but not required)
Background Options?:
Add ons?:
Price Offered:
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Kitty Walkers
Just a small base I came up with a few years ago. Will tamper with for more options later.

New Parts!

Customization Options: Species Available - Cat, Vulnyx, Zolnixi/Fox

Kitty Walker
Walking Direction:
Customization?: (List Part and Type if not Default type 1, This can be skipped if you just use a Sylesti picture for the looks)
Price Offered:
Edited By Animela on 12/15/2014 at 12:29 PM.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/23/2013
Threads: 26
Posts: 663
Posted: 6/13/2014 at 6:42 PM Post #3
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Waiting List
I tend not to take more than 3 people on at a time though if Order Exceed the limit, it may be raised to 5 if mostly smaller stuff.
Users with Larger Orders than 1 will have extra orders moved around to keep other users from having to wait too long. IE: This helps in the case of Mass Orders.

1. Request Through PM - Sprites - Mass Order - 18 - References
Will be moved around as necessary - 14 done so far.

Waiting for me to Reopen Commissions:
1. Dauntlessscale1
2. Kelardy1
3. FierePepr
Note: Ping these people when Commissions Reopen.
Edited By Animela on 1/11/2015 at 5:35 AM.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/23/2013
Threads: 26
Posts: 663
Posted: 6/13/2014 at 6:46 PM Post #4
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Finished Work
Finished Work will be listed and Linked here so that previous orders can be retrieved in case of loss.
Organized by Alphabetical Order
Ordered Work: - Linked with Name

Sassy Moose, Melody
Tyrantrum Sprite, Malamar Sprite


Out for a Walk

Zolnixi in a Box, Griffi in a Box, Vulnyx in a Box
Day at the Pond(Animated version)

Taiyuan and Rai - Campfire

Zero - PKS Sprite, Zero in a Box
Edited By Animela on 10/26/2014 at 3:01 PM.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/23/2013
Threads: 26
Posts: 663
Posted: 6/13/2014 at 6:49 PM Post #5
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Q & A

Q. How long have you been doing Art?

Short: A very very long time.
Long: It really depends on the type of art. I've been "drawing" since I was first trusted to touch a pencil and marker(parents thought I would draw on the walls) but the first time I actually drew on a computer was back in 2000. I was 5 and the computer had classic paint and even that was kinda cheated. I took a picture of our husky and changed it pixel by pixel until it looked exactly like a wolf. I didn't try drawing anything on my own until I was 6 and it wasn't until 2003 that I attempted spriting and found out I could actually do it.
In 2010 I decided to wanted to make "moving" pictures. I wasn't sure how I was going to do it but but I had a theory. In old style cameras and VCR tapes, videos were seperated into seperate frames that sped past your eye so fast that you couldn't tell there was a gap between them. So I decided to try and animate my first youtube show: The Tobi and Me Show. The first episode sucked and went way too fast to actually read what the characters were saying but it proved that my theory of making a bunch of pictures and altering them and saving as different pictures did work as an animation process. Over the years through improving my art and slowing down what I was doing I was able to make it smoother and less choppy.
Admittedly I didn't have any other art programs other than Classic Paint until I finally received GIMP around the end of July of 2013. Until then, the only types of Art I could make digitally generally looked like: This, This, This, and This
While it's a decent program, Classic means Classic. You could only zoom to 8, couldn't zoom out meaning the biggest thing you could make was limited to the size of your screen, and it was all pixels unless you worked to smooth things out. It had no transparency support and no layers either. Despite this, I was able to find work arounds that I probably wouldn't have found had it been easier.

Q. Does "this" automatically come with "this"; What are the defaults?

Short: Usually No.
Digital Art: Unless something else is requested the default is Full Line, Bust, and Transparent/No Background. Default Pose is sitting/stand with hands in lap/at side like one would take for sitting studio or for school pictures.
If nothing is requested other than "surprise me" or just a character requested with nothing else filled most of the time default is received. If inspiration hits I may take a different course but not to any extra cost to the person asking for the art.
Scratched Sprites: Unless something else is requested the default is whatever size the sprite will comfortably sit in. It will not include add-ons unless requested.
Gift Boxes: Box will come with default ribbon unless asked. If no colours for box or ribbon are specified I will pick what I think will fit. It will not include add-ons unless requested.
Lickies: Default is transparent or randomly coloured background, no extras.
Kitty Walker: Default is transparent background, facing right ->, and female. Unless markings are specified the cat will be one complete colour. Stick tail is default (once I finish a fluff tailbase)

Q. Can you do Chibis/draw in this style?

A. Yes, chibis belong in the digital art section. As for drawing in certain styles, I can mimick art styles such as MLP, Adventuretime and Homestuck but I will generally stick to my own unless requested. If I haven't drawn in it there's a chance I may be able to mimick it but probably not as closely as one might like. I will also typically stick to my own coloring style unless requested.

Q. Are you planning on adding anything else?

A. It depends if I have the time or not.
I do not plan on adding traditional anytime soon. While I can draw through traditional means, I don't exactly have the tools nor can I afford them anymore.
I do plan on reworking my original Kitty Walker Base to include different tails and ear sets for other animals but I will only be able to do such when I have more meandering space. Animating is a tricky process and it took about two weeks to figure out why the original's base kept going wonky when I didn't want it to.

Q. Can you teach me to do "this"?

Short: No thank you.
Long: I would prefer not to. :(
For starters I make a horrible teacher; I am very self critical with my own work and I have been known to be very hard on my students in the past whether they admit it or not. If you can't do it right, I will make you do the same thing over and over until you start seeing your own mistakes before I do. My classes also take a very long time as I will not be satisfied with This or This when I could get This, This, This or This. I may open up to things in the future but they will not include lessons on anything I include in my shop, except for maybe scratch work.
Second I have my own style of doing things.
And Third there are some things I don't want other people doing like my Gift Boxes and Kitty Walkers. Those are personal made bases that I worked hard on to get them just right and really don't want them stolen, forged or otherwise.

Q. Can I make Walkers/Gift Boxes. I'll even give you credit for coming up with the Idea.

A. No. I am a butthead and am selfish so no. I don't need any copy cats and they don't need to turn into something like the common Fusions/Recolors/Spriteovers/Runners I see a lot of people doing, even if they were pure scratch when I was making them.

Q. What Art Programs/Tools do you use to make your Art?

Art Programs: I strictly Use Gimp. I'm able to draw with it, I'm able to do what I need with it and I'm able to frame replace animate with it.
Tools: I use a Mouse, I've never touched a tablet nor do I own one.

Q. Can I ask you a question?

A. Feel free to ask more questions. They'll be posted up here for others to view(with exceptions) so I'm happy to answering anything you throw at me
Edited By Animela on 10/26/2014 at 3:01 PM.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/23/2013
Threads: 26
Posts: 663
Posted: 6/27/2014 at 6:21 PM Post #6
I recently did a set of 9 of Icons for a Minecraft server's store, though I still have another set to do. Figured I'd post these here for some giggles.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/21/2013
Threads: 23
Posts: 924
Posted: 6/29/2014 at 2:47 PM Post #7
I had a question for you, I saw your art topic on the forum and I was curious as to what it might cost for a full body of two characters with a background with digital art. Sorry to bug you but I'm curious and always looking to commission art, especially if I can get artwork of some characters from a book I'm working on writing. Depending on the estimate of the price I'll formally request and post descriptions for the two I have in mind.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/23/2013
Threads: 26
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Posted: 6/29/2014 at 5:13 PM Post #8
I can't honestly give a real answer as I don't know what my art is worth to other people. It's typically ignored so I'm going to assume not very much but I'd prefer not to sell myself short. As an artist I think it's worth highly but as a Critic I'd rather burn it all and tell myself to quit or go hide until I can produce real art..
Anyways it depends on the currency you're using, and style choices.

I've been told to keep my base at around $15 for USD as per suggestions from friends who have bought artwork vs the time and quality I have a habit of putting into my work, so guess It could go up from there but as for increments or other currency I've honestly no clue. Otherwise I'd have actual prices listed under each category but I will eventually when I've gotten a better grip on things.

Typically though, an extra character only costs half as much as the first. Based on the base price I've been told to set what you're describing would sound around $25-$30. As per currency conversion I'm still kinda new to the whole gold and diamonds thing for even just Sylestia based Items so that area is really fuzzy for me.
Was there a price range in the currency type that you were thinking of?
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/21/2013
Threads: 23
Posts: 924
Posted: 6/29/2014 at 5:25 PM Post #9
Well I really like your artwork, right now I don't really have access to cash but I can offer some essences, I have 10 diamonds, gold, and I can offer some Wheel pet offspring in exchange, not sure if you're interested in those (Most of them are in my first stable in tab 3, though my Wheel puffs are in my 5th stable I forget the tab, and my Wheel ligs are in stable 6 the last tab). Also right now diamonds currently translate to 2,500 each in gold. and 500 diamonds translates to $5.00 USD, so every 100 diamonds = $1.00 USD.
Level 65
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/23/2013
Threads: 26
Posts: 663
Posted: 6/29/2014 at 6:34 PM Post #10
Well thank you. c:
As for wheel pets, the Chocolate Cherry Puffadore(2nd tab) takes my interest, as would a purebred Chocolate Fudge Lighira but you don't seem to have any females for your male there.

What kind of essences do you have?
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