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Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 2/21/2013 at 7:50 PM Post #1

Hi, wanted to know if there's any Mabinogi Players around!~ <3
As well as introducing myself to those who are~ <3

I'll start by myself :
Username : Sheechwan
(I have already too many friends on my list,
so I might not be able to add much~ XD)

Server : US : Alexina
Description of the char :
Green haired Elf, with green eyes, clothing
are changing on mood, even if I stick to the
same for a certain while, a happy wife too~ :3

Guild? :
Co-Leader with my boyfriend of the Aneotic
Guild! We switch Leadership to him and I
depending who got VIP/Premium Service at
the moment~ XD

Any more infos? :
My boyfriend, Joelou1 here, joelou1 on Mabi
(yeah, he forgot cap on Mabi for J and it stick
to him~ XP) is my in-game husband~ <3
We have a couple of "Alt", not Account, but
Character on the same Account and we use
them mostly for RPing~ XD
Or just enjoy Mabi without Guild Obligations
for a small while~ :3

Me and my boyfriend standing by our Guild Stone
I'm on the left and my boyfriend's on the right!~ <3
If you want to join, our Guild Stone is outside of
Dunbarton, North side!~
Map showing where to find Guild Stone~ ;3
Edited By 161 on 2/21/2013 at 7:51 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 12/23/2012
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Posted: 2/21/2013 at 10:26 PM Post #2
Still playing that? ;3
Well I used to play... with the same name lol...

Username : Mylia
Server : US : Alexina (Same as "Sheech" here XP)
Description of the char :
I'm a Purple haired Giant with Yellow eyes
Not much clothing, even if a few "pretty"
thanks to Shee getting me nice stuff, cuz she's
my rich girl, well not that much, but still make
more money than I! 8D

Guild? :
If I'm in a Guild, I'm probably in the same as
Shee, otherwise I don't care about Guilds much

Any more infos? :
I don't log very often, except when my friend here
ask for help or to join for an event, so we like both
try to get something, but it's mostly for her, cuz I
ain't playing much, I like RPing more than fighting
there... XD

Other character on same account :
Nomorecare, my human... I was on her when I just
wanted people to leave me alone, cuz when people
just doesn't know when you say, leave me alone is
a "want some solo time for once" and not you're
feeling bad.... o.o"""""

Oh and SHEECH! I wanna try your wings! XD
I'll try to log on someday when I'll have some time! lol
That and take a screeny with me with wing
Ya'll send me later ^3^
Level 70
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Posted: 2/25/2013 at 6:52 PM Post #3
orz Shee, I'm trying to buy my own pair of wings. qwq so gacha luck stinks!!!


Username : Tann

Server : US : Mari
Description of the char :
Pink-haired elf with aqua green eyes. c: Archer aspiring to be a cheerleader (bard/cleric/adventurer) in talent, and happily adventuring with a companion as a support girl. Total's under 1000 still, but she's cool with not being pro. ouo

Art of Tann : [x] [x] [x] [x]

Guild : Gestalt
Wonderful casual/combat guild that I've been in for a year and still going. Pretty old, and the members have school and work and life and stuff, but we haven't died so far, and instead, we just play when we wanna play and do whatever we wanna do. Also has many SM runs on the harder side. owo; I love that we don't have any drama though, since we're just usually casually battling and nothing much other than chatting. xD

etc :
I hiatus'd on Mabi as soon as I found Sylestia in January. xD I don't really play now except for key events like 3x AP. I have no intention of quitting fully in Mabi or Sylestia, so I'd happily switch from one to the other.
I'm happily partnered up with a companion I met last year, Ziokenshi, who is a warrior that's good at tanking most basic and advanced stuff, which is where I run around in. We make a good pair, but I feel like I'm weaker than him so I feel embarrassed and wanna give up all the time. ono Being a cheerleader is my main priority, as I am not a fashionista (having enough clothes as it is lolol) and am not really good at fighting. xD
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 12/19/2012
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Posted: 2/25/2013 at 9:46 PM Post #4

I love the Arts... :3~ <3

MY Wings costed me 5m... o.e"
Without counting what I lost to make the check for it... orz
And I had BIG luck on the Red Wings of my boyfriend you
know... but it's still 80$ in Gacha gone... and I'm pretty
decieved of the bad luck with it... really crappy stuff,
mostly filled with Accessories... but I don't even wear
them, I mostly throw them away... o.e"

Also, I barely use any armor, too costy, so I rely on cheap
clothings normally under my Style Tab, except that now, I'm
using lots the Shamala Outfit, as I'm highly trying to get some
more monsters in my Transformation Diary... owo"
I'm starting to think I should turn back to Mage one rebirth at
least for some Magical Training, then the next rebirth, I go
back to Adventurer... better like that~ XD

Urg.... that 80$ out of my wallet is hurting... @~@
I'm normally "over-eating" because I have enough money to
enjoy that, it feels weird to reduce my meals... Because I
spent lots on a game.... again... o.e"
(That's what happen when you like something TOO MUCH... """"orz)
Edited By 161 on 2/25/2013 at 9:46 PM.
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 2/26/2013 at 7:57 AM Post #5
At one point, I really wanted the Shamala wear, but I convinced myself to not want it. x: I spent $100 on NX at GameStop yesterday, and spent a $25 card to get 11 boxes. Seven boxes got me total and utter crap. ;; but then the 8th box got me a Nuadha M, which I was looking to buy as an end game item to show my thanks to my partner Zio. x3 I need white Cupid or angel wings now, then I'll be extremely content and not buy anything else.

Which wings seem better, Cupid or Angel? x:

Also, I was working on holy arts, but it's kinda hard trying to find 3 Dark Knights to heal at the same time. ;;
Edited By 1127 on 2/26/2013 at 7:58 AM.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 2/26/2013 at 3:11 PM Post #6

Yeah, but you don't NEED to just rely on Dark Knights, you can
simply gather 3 of your friend to "try" to pick Avon's Firey Sword
(Whatever it was called~ XD) and get hurt each try~ :3
Then when they are freaking over the deadliest of the deadly, you
start healing them~ :3
This should do the trick, I would try that, but I'm too lazy to gather
people for that~ XD
So I just slowly rank up by healing when possible and trying to join
people once in a while in dungeons to train Party Heal~ :3

Personally, Cupid is cuteness and Angel is more Beauty~ XD
Cupid Wings are really small compare to the Angel ones too~ XP
So I want the Angel one in White if possible ATM, but if I was
able to get Red ones for my boyfriend, I'll be happy too~ <3
I like my Cupid anyways, with my current set of clothing, I look
almost like an Angel anyways, well in my eyes~ XD
Level 70
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Posted: 2/26/2013 at 4:51 PM Post #7
GASP, why didn't I think of that stupid sword!?
...where will I find people stupid enough to do that for my training lol, please I need a constant MP source...x//x

I was thinking that too. I got offered white cupids for 6m (my buying price, though that's me in desperation orz), and I wanna also get in on an trade of $50 for white I'd have both and no quarrels. Plus I don't really need the NX as much as I WANT THOSE WINGS QQ.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 2/26/2013 at 9:21 PM Post #8

Maybe as I doesn't think of Dark Knight all the time~ XD
And you can always get yourself and two people if it's
hard to get 3 friends~ XD
Normally go with some with at least a good worth of HP,
so it take time to heal~ XD
And just make sure that when you go out, you're on/beside
a Mana tunnel and priorize doing that thing the day~ :3
You can always have some Mana Pots ready too~ ^-^
If you had been on Alex, I would have proposed to make
some pots, since I'm quite high in Herbalism(r3) and Pot
Making(r4), but you're on Mari... o.e"

I have one char on every Server, except Mari~ XD
Even if I only play on Alex~ XP
(Did played on Tarlach a bit at some point, found that
7 channels felt cool a bit and found that Tar wasn't the same
as Alex felt to me~ XD
Then I tried Ruairi, but didn't played much~ XD
Level 70
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Posted: 2/28/2013 at 9:53 PM Post #9
I'm looking to recruit DKs for the weekend to heal. xD I also spent 5m on my cupid wings...thenIheardsomeonesoldangelwhitewingsonhousinginmarifor5mandIwaslikeWHYYYYWHYYYYYWHYYY.

I also entered that cosplay contest. Wish me luck, I hope to get white angel wings from that. ;o;
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 2/28/2013 at 10:28 PM Post #10

I'm not entering the contest~ :3
I'm thinking that since I got my Cupids ones, I'll be fine~ :3
Plus, I'm not fond of contests like that anyways~ XD
If I were INDEED to win, there would be tons of people that would
probably want to add me or suddendly are over-friendly with me,
but I never met them or anything... XD

But I do wish you good luck on getting those Angel Wings~ :3
I'm going to be still looking for some when I have some time for
Mabi~ XD
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