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Forum Index > News and Announcements > 2023 Stocking Stuffer
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Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 11/30/2023 at 11:31 PM Post #1
Start Time: Friday, December 1st at 12:00 AM
End Time: Monday, January 1st at 11:59 PM

Stocking Stuffing is finally open! This feature allows you to stuff other players' stockings with your very own presents! From now through January 1st, visit a fellow player of Sylestia and select an item from your Inventory to stuff into their stocking.

When stuffing, please note that only certain items are eligible. Eligible items mostly include Essences, Avatar Items, Philters, Trait Disruptors, Level 60+ Experience Orbs, and Pet Costumes.

Once it's December 25th, the Grand Winter Feast Day, all players will be able to open their Stockings to see what other players stuffed into them!

You can also view a log where you can see who has stuffed your Stocking when visiting your own page and also what you have already stuffed into other players' Stockings by visiting their pages.

There is also the ability for players to manage a Wishlist! To manage your Wishlist, just simply visit your own page in the Stocking Stuffer feature and click the "Manage Wishlist" button. From there, you can exclude certain items and this will prevent other players from being able to place those excluded items into your Stocking.
Level 61
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/24/2023
Threads: 14
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Posted: 12/2/2023 at 11:51 AM Post #2
Cant wait for December 25th my curiosity has already peaked on what I have gotten this is gonna be a great winter fest also thanks for the gift in the stocking krin
Level 30
Joined: 12/13/2023
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Posted: 12/18/2023 at 6:56 AM Post #3
Can we open it after the 25th, if we didn't already?
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 12/18/2023 at 3:42 PM Post #4
Author: Micolilacp0ppy
Time Posted: 12/18/2023 at 6:56 AM
Can we open it after the 25th, if we didn't already?

Yep. On December 25th, everyone will then be able to open their Stockings.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Site Administrator
Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 12/28/2023 at 11:54 PM Post #5
Just a reminder that time is running out on Stocking Stuffer! If you have any last minute gifts needing to be stuffed, you only have until January 1st to do so. After that, no more gifts can be stuffed.

However, players have until the end of the Winter Festival to open their stocking.
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