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Level 75
Fancy Pants
Joined: 2/20/2023
Threads: 8
Posts: 330
Posted: 2/21/2023 at 10:09 PM Post #1

So, I'm in the Lost Grove right now, and I'm not dying, but i'm consistently getting close, and I don't see the merrit in buying elixers nonstop (they're so expensive too. . .) Should I try leveling my pets up, or is it an issue with my prof. points/elements?

I run a light/water/air party, with my water as a tank. However, my light pet constantly ends up replacing water as he does better. As light is generally for healing, I'm pretty sure I did something wrong, haha.

Here's my party for reference:

Light (up)
Water (middle)
Air (down)

Thanks for your time!!
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
Threads: 85
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Posted: 2/21/2023 at 11:31 PM Post #2
A bit part of your issue will be that your relics are only lv25 (and two of your armors as well)
You'll want to replace the whole lot with Lost Grove gear asap anyway (tiers of rarity are Exotic, Vinethorn, Stoneweave, Primordial. Since these can be upgraded once a player has the Blacksmith built you may see ones that are +[number] in the broker. There are five + tiers, and an equip is slightly better than the base form of the next rarity up when it's at +2 (eg, Exotic +2 is a little better than base Vinethorn))
(for context in differences, a lv25 legendary relic gives a +135 to the Damage stat, a base Exotic gives +300, and a base VT gives +450, and that's not even accounting for the differences the other stats on those relics, and the other equips, are making to the final output)

Tidal Lord or Warden on Water
Pyromancer or Lightbringer on Light
Storm Caller on Air

Upgrading from their current gear to LG equipment will 100% help.

I'd say you may want to consider swapping for new party pets, since the lower base stats will make it a bit tougher (mostly the HP, since that has exponential lv-bonus growth as opposed to the lv-bonus=lv that the other stats get). Not necessary, but something you can think about doing.

That aside, definitely it's tricky to start in LG before you've gotten any attack ranks and when you're lower level. One trick is to stay in the top section of the Grove (top row of screens and the area down the middle on the entrance side of the river where the druids are) as it only ever gives you 1-enemy mobs (aside from from node interactions from some tasks you can get once the barracks are built)
This will mean you won't get overwhelmed in fights early on while you're still raising from lv60 up to lv65 (which takes a pretty hefty amount of exp- 6,820,164 to be exact)
It Just Grindin'
However, though it is long and tedious it will also help you get items needed to build the barracks

Also different prof builds, if you get more confidence in survival. At the moment with the low base HPs the hp profs are probably being very helpful, but Light pets are usually statted as 3int/3dex at lv75 and airs 3str/3dex. Water tanks can vary, I run a max water tank on my second team as 3str/3agi, and my starter as water tank on my tertiary team with 1hp/2str/3agi, but he's ranked, has upgraded gear and supported by a ranked max stat light pet.
(Strength is pretty important to a water pet since how much their Ice barrier and ice sphere can absorb is based on it. Agility is important because defence and evasion. HP is somewhat important for being able to take bigger hits)
Level 75
Fancy Pants
Joined: 2/20/2023
Threads: 8
Posts: 330
Posted: 2/22/2023 at 7:04 AM Post #3
I swear, you literally know every answer on this site-

Thank you so much for putting the time into writing that!! It's really beneficial.
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