Players (Online): 113 Players (Today): 384 Players (Active): 2,294
Players (New): 4 Visitors (Today): 2,038 Pets (Total): 8,267,899
Season: Spring   Weather: Windy
Welcome, Guest
Member Since
Black Cherry
Owned By

Username: Darkforestwing
Title: The Kind-Hearted
User ID: 8271
User Level: 62
Joined: 9/10/2013 at 6:31:59pm
Last Online: 1,215 Days ago
Account Age: 3,897 Days
Profile Views: 1,764
About Me



Ping list for games

TopazWolf, Lakarr, ShadowedDemon, Sorenaorod, Dunefairy,
Silverraven, Soltra8, Flute, Roguew, Thunderfangepic,
Lolidragon, Kurama, Ella599, Peace5000, Pepper43315,

My Breeding Thread
(work in progress)

My adult males are all priced,
my adult females are up for breed on request or already priced
Feel free to send me a message for breed with them
or just ping me in my Breeding Thread


Ok, I'm a collector so this is a long list ^_^
But any of this items will make me really happy.
So if you have one of this and are ok parting with it just tell me.
I can't pay in diamonds but if you're ok for waiting I use the missions to make up enough money for buying this items.
Just tell me your price

Searching for this avatar items:

- ANY Ryori except Air
- Gloomy Flame
- Shaman's emerald medicine staff
- ANY Birds
- Pristine cleaver of the Valkyrie
- ANY Owl
- Viridian chibi mage staff
- Viridian chibi mage wand

- Robes of the oracle
- Elven council robes
- Banshee's costume
- Mystic healer's robes
- Cloud explorer's outfit
- Seraph's regalia
- Chibi mage robes

- Iridescent circlet
- Circlet of the deep sea
- Circlet of drifting dreams
- Astral nebula crown
- Celestial nebula crown
- Brownie headdress
- Jeweled floreal headdress
- Kitty mage hat (the colourable one)
- Chibi hair ribbon
- Viridian mage hat
- Viridian chibi hair ribbon

- Enchanted wings
- Summer Fairy wings
- Wings of the ice queen
- Autumn leaf wings
- Vampiric wings
- Arcanic wings

- Mane highlighted quitari tail
- Essence of wind
- Nephini buddy
- Winter veil
Pet Information
In order to help reduce Server Load, these stats have been temporarily disabled.
Exploration Information
Battle Record: 1,727-9 (99.48%)
Mission Record: 4,409-32 (99.28%)
Gold Earned: 26,228,845
Scales Earned: 31,209
Quests Completed: 18
Sylestia Completion: 10.80%
Dungeons Cleared: 4
Bosses Defeated: 15
Elites Defeated: 50
Superiors Defeated: 429
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 272
Epic Items Found: 630
Rare Items Found: 600