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Username: Aren10000
Title: Candy Dispenser
User ID: 6608
User Level: 60
Joined: 7/14/2013 at 10:21:39am
Last Online: 3,642 Days ago
Account Age: 3,956 Days
Profile Views: 610
About Me
I was walking through the woods near my home one summer morning. Over roots, past leaves and to the lake hidden in a small plains. My feet made ripples in the warm water as the gentle breeze blew my short hair. Then i saw a Sylesti egg. It was in some long grass, half hidden by it. The parents were nowhere to be seen but I soon found out why. Marks from a trap where in the moist mud. The parent had been caught, leaving the egg alone.

I looked after the egg for weeks until it hatched. It was a little vulnyx!

I named her Blaze because of her colours and personality. Blaze and I became the best of friends and soon where going into the woods together, getting twice the amount of food to eat! Blaze soon turned into a teenager, and to my surprise, had wings! Blaze looked like she had been generated, but i had thought her parents had been captured! It seems the mystery of Blaze's parents is on-going and more mysterious then before!

Blaze has helped me through problems and in return in have made her stronger and braver. She isn't afraid of anything... except for maybe little Skeley.

Pet Information
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Exploration Information
Battle Record: 250-9 (96.53%)
Mission Record: 236-26 (90.08%)
Gold Earned: 437,982
Scales Earned: 4,146
Quests Completed: 14
Sylestia Completion: 2.74%
Dungeons Cleared: 0
Bosses Defeated: 2
Elites Defeated: 3
Superiors Defeated: 27
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 2
Epic Items Found: 9
Rare Items Found: 28