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Username: Tarasalem
Title: None
User ID: 3265
User Level: 60
Joined: 3/16/2013 at 7:35:35pm
Last Online: 1,007 Days ago
Account Age: 4,076 Days
Profile Views: 951
About Me
So I think I'll just use this to brag about my amazing Sylesties. ;D To begin with, I think I'm gonna show off my pretty starter Sylesti that I named Aribella and have had as a part of my party almost all the time. And just so you know, she is up for breed, so if you find her to be suitable with your Sylvorpa, go ahead and breed with her~! I'll even show a few of her offspring below her picture.

She currently has three children, though out of them all, I think I'm most proud of her daughter Amabel:

I tend to keep track of those who choose to breed with one of my sylesties because I'm always so curious to find out how they'll turn out~! <3 And so if you also decide to breed with one of my sylesties, could you send me a link to their profile just so I can help nurture it and see how wonderful they turn out? I'm always curious to see what the children of my Sylesties look. <3

Also recently, there was a new breed introduced known as Puffadore~! I immediately went to the Diamond shop and got a regular essence for the female and an enhanced essence for the male. I used two magical pies on them each, so it basically made them adults within six days after I generated them. I'm proud to say they were the first two Puffadore adults in Sylestia~! But only hours later, I searched for Puffadores and realized that some users had the same idea as I did. xD So there ended up being seven adults of only six days. Anyway, these are my two Puffadores (Fulvus and Elysia):

And then I bred the two twice. The first one came out... Well, not as I'd hoped it would. ^.^' All of its genes and mutations were recessive, so it'll just look plain when fully adult. This is it now and when it's an adult:

And then the second one came out EXACTLY as I had hoped~! It has one recessive mutation, one visible mutation, and one visible gene~! <3
I actually JUST hatched it, and spazzed when I did the genetic test. So here it is currently and how it'll look as an adult:

I'll be breeding Nephini next, because it seems they've captured my heart as well~! <3 I'll add those results soon~! ;D
Pet Information
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Exploration Information
Battle Record: 1,739-18 (98.98%)
Mission Record: 54-8 (87.10%)
Gold Earned: 547,643
Scales Earned: 3,885
Quests Completed: 19
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 0
Bosses Defeated: 6
Elites Defeated: 48
Superiors Defeated: 521
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 0
Epic Items Found: 26
Rare Items Found: 93