Players (Online): 92 Players (Today): 354 Players (Active): 1,814
Players (New): 9 Visitors (Today): 2,575 Pets (Total): 8,438,050
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Owned By

Username: Crystallizedshadow
Title: Trickster
User ID: 21609
User Level: 70
Joined: 7/11/2014 at 8:33:14pm
Last Online: 250 Days ago
Account Age: 3,723 Days
Profile Views: 2,137
About Me
Hi, I'm Crystal. I made an introduction thread if anyone is curious about me XD

My IRL best friend is Rixva, she introduced me to this site

To those interested in any of my pets, if the breeding fee is too high, just PM me and chances are I'll work with you

My breeding forum if anyone is interested

Stole this from Rixva XD
Past Avatars:

Pet Information
In order to help reduce Server Load, these stats have been temporarily disabled.
Exploration Information
Battle Record: 46,992-38 (99.92%)
Mission Record: 7,628-43 (99.44%)
Gold Earned: 104,365,966
Scales Earned: 64,972
Quests Completed: 19
Sylestia Completion: 11.89%
Dungeons Cleared: 20
Bosses Defeated: 31
Elites Defeated: 48
Superiors Defeated: 489
Mythical Items Found: 6
Legendary Items Found: 1,280
Epic Items Found: 2,202
Rare Items Found: 3,598