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Username: Klokwerk
Title: Trickster
User ID: 17378
User Level: 60
Joined: 3/16/2014 at 6:22:35pm
Last Online: 1,929 Days ago
Account Age: 3,714 Days
Profile Views: 777
About Me
CURRENT ANNOUNCEMENTS: So a big sorry to anyone I'd been chatting/writing with. I know I've been flaky lately and erratic with activity. While May was better than April (aside from working being a tad overwhelming at times), June seems to herald the return of health problems for me. Got some good meds from the ol' doctor though so I'm hoping that will help a little? It's worth a shot, anyways. SCIENCE WILL SAVE ME FROM MYSELF. I hope. Geez being sick is the worst :c

Now let's get down to business...
(To defeat the Huns...!)

Welp. I've been here 300+ days so I guess I better update this thing.
oh geez i am so bad at profiles though :T

Uh. The name's Klokwerk, as you know. Most just call me K for short, though. I might be new-ish to Sylestia, but I'm a veteran of multiple pet sites, forums and roleplaying sites! I'm generally a very shy person though unless people come and pester me so 90% of the time I lurk unless lured out. I'm...working on that, though!

Slowly. But, you know, it's happening!

I'm not on all the time due to work- kids of Sylestia, being an adult is pretty lame and you should avoid it if possible (SPOILER: you can't. i'm sorry :c) But! I make an effort to be around if I end up having a compelling reason. Right now, there's no major drive to be glued to the site at the expense of work and rest (hence why my stables are currently a trainwreck of half-formed breeding plans and impulse buys :T) so if I vanish or don't reply to you for a span of days, don't be offended! I'm probably an ungodly mix of busy and tired.

Let's see... things I like? Writing. Roleplaying. Videogames. Reading. I'd like drawing more if I wasn't so terrible at it. Those are the big ones! I'll flesh this out more later when I have a bit more time to refine stuff but really, those are the major things.

I'm looking forward to having a great time here, though! I think I'm going to like it here...
Pet Information
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Exploration Information
Battle Record: 16,717-8 (99.95%)
Mission Record: 2,102-9 (99.57%)
Gold Earned: 15,771,388
Scales Earned: 3,589
Quests Completed: 18
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 3
Bosses Defeated: 19
Elites Defeated: 149
Superiors Defeated: 1,210
Mythical Items Found: 1
Legendary Items Found: 134
Epic Items Found: 616
Rare Items Found: 1,777