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Season: Spring   Weather: Stormy
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Username: Zenaku
Title: Trickster
User ID: 14048
User Level: 70
Joined: 12/31/2013 at 10:01:28pm
Last Online: 502 Days ago
Account Age: 3,778 Days
Profile Views: 5,792
About Me
Not much to say about myself. Just a drag....Err... Girl who likes to draw, play video games, mmo's and pet sites. Oh, I also love to read books. I've been on many pet sites, but this one seems fun thus far. So it seems I might just stay awhile.

I will NOT accept random friend requests. I must KNOW you first which means by talking or roleplaying. Therefore I will deny the request. Though if I accidentally block you, don't worry, it was an accident and will be fixed asap.

If you wish to speak to me about buying a pet or if my prices are too high. please PM and we can work something out. Just know that a lot of my pets are not for sale.

This is my Sona, she has many names and forms. However her main species is a dragon. Here she would like to be referred to as Zenaku. Yes, my user is after her Name. However I used to be called Zrika before the name change. You may still call me that if you wish. However I would not oppose being called Zen or Aku either. :3 I drew this myself. (Please don't steal.)

Here's a picture of Zen made by Shiraishi! Thank you so Much! <3
(Shiraishi's profile;

~I am huge on keeping my word. In that event, if I do forget something I told you I'd give you, let me know. I'll do all I can to give you what you wanted. I also expect the same from anyone who gives me their word or promises me something.~

If another SG lig is found gib it to Lostlupo

Pet Information
In order to help reduce Server Load, these stats have been temporarily disabled.
Exploration Information
Battle Record: 296,178-60 (99.98%)
Mission Record: 8,591-29 (99.66%)
Gold Earned: 144,659,746
Scales Earned: 99,083
Quests Completed: 19
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 91
Bosses Defeated: 298
Elites Defeated: 1,116
Superiors Defeated: 11,544
Mythical Items Found: 34
Legendary Items Found: 1,203
Epic Items Found: 4,631
Rare Items Found: 18,113