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Forum Index > Player Guides > Xavi's 6-vis Breeding Guide!
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Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 9/8/2019 at 3:43 PM Post #81
Well fortunately I'm not aiming for speed xD
Yeah I was initially going for like 1/4 chance of getting what I wanted, so I'll just, like, start spreading out the gene whatchamacallits right now I cannot explain things xD
Thank you, this was very helpful for me so... yeah! I'll fix whatever I'm doing right away.
*runs off to scrap Google Docs files*
Edited By Canawlia on 9/8/2019 at 3:43 PM.
Level 73
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Posted: 9/10/2019 at 11:44 AM Post #82
*piggybacks on another of Canas' posts* Well, now i got a use for certain pets in my stables...thx xav you helped more then one breeding noob today XD
Level 75
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Posted: 9/12/2019 at 9:27 AM Post #83
Do you try to keep your projects purebred? Or is it more hassle than its worth?
Level 75
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 9/12/2019 at 7:23 PM Post #84
If it's a theme you're working with, always always always keep it purebred. Otherwise you'll lose the theme tag on the offspring, and with that you lose the value it holds; you may as well be working with non-themed pets to begin with if you're not going to hold true to the themed lineage.

( It also helps in modern times thanks to the advanced search, since people can easily look up themed offspring and see all the purebreds available for sale. If you mess up your themed lineage and break the tag, you won't get the search advantage! )
Level 75
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Posted: 9/13/2019 at 4:56 PM Post #85
How do you keep your lines purebred? I'm looking into starting my first max stat project, but I don't see how I'll be able to complete it without inbreeding at some point.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 9/13/2019 at 6:38 PM Post #86
Wait, by purebred you mean without inbreeding then?

The term "purebred" is in reference the themed pets, not a matter of inbreeding. Purebred themed pets are pets that are only ever bred to pets from the same theme. (For example, a full lineage of Nature Kissed Faelora; purebred offspring are marked with a blue tag, the original tagged themed are marked with a purple tag.)

Inbreeding was more or less a feature added "just because" - it holds no consequence to the game, to the pets, and it's only a tiny margin of players that even care about it. For most players, it doesn't even cross their mind. (And like I said, "purebred" is in regards to themed pets and keeping their lineage pure to hold true to the theme's official colors.)

When it comes to stats pets, inbreeding is basically required. Stats are derived anywhere between the parents' numbers, so in order to raise them efficiently, inbreeding with other high-stats pets from the project is the best way to go about it.

If you're trying to 100% avoid inbreeding on a stats pets, you'll need... * does some calculations *

2048 beginning pets for a project starting below 200 health
minimum 512 prismatic philters; breed philtered with non-philtered and try to get lucky with the RNG to get near-identical inherited stats to the highest parent, and philter that offspring. 1024 philters to drop the risk and guarantee the following generation without fighting RNG.

1024 beginning pets for a project starting between 200-400 health
minimum 256 MORE philters for this generation; 512 to avoid RNG risk.

512 beginning pets for a project starting between 400-600 health
I'm not even going to bother putting the philter numbers because already this project is ridiculous and will never make back its investment.

256 beginning pets for a project starting between 600-800 health

128 beginning pets for a project starting between 800-1000 health

(64 with 1000-1200)
(32 with 1200-1400)
(16 with 1400-1600)
(8 with 1600-1800)
(4 with 1800-2000)
(2 at max to breed your sales offspring without having to apply philters to the eggs)

Even with the best possible pets you can get - fabled exclusives, fully boosted and philtered upon hatching - you're going to need a big hoard of pets to get to maxed stats without inbreeding, and an even bigger hoard of prismatic philters.

>_> That's... that's kind of ridiculous. Which is why most people completely disregard inbreeding.

*edit to fix spelling mistake
Edited By Xavion on 9/13/2019 at 6:46 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 9/13/2019 at 7:12 PM Post #87
Okay, that makes so much more sense, and relieves about 100% of the worry I had about a max stat project. Thank you so much for your time, and this forum. It was very helpful.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 9/13/2019 at 7:41 PM Post #88
Haha, I would have been worried too! I'm glad it was just a misunderstanding on the terminology :)

I noticed on your profile that it's the new Firedancer Luporas you'll be breeding? The main thing you'll want to do in the beginning is get to the full 4V first. For my first project I wasted 20+ prismatic philters on pets with low-vis that I ended up releasing, most of them immediately after they hatched and the rest before they were ever even bred. (Some that were 5V1C bred to 5V1C but they had the carry in the same slot and were a 5V; the missing trait meant I couldn't use it for breeding since I was going for 6-trait only. .-. I learned a hard, expensive lesson that day. Don't get too eager to use the philters or they'll just go to waste.)

I'm going to assume that you don't have an exceptional genetic testing kit as well? I noticed two of your lupes are still untested. It's a HUGE investment but when it comes to stats, it's worth it. Eventually you may end up breeding pets with a vast difference in their base stats - this guy, for example, with 1824 and 1455 for the parents - and without knowing the egg's stats, it may be worth philtering or it may be a total waste. He happened to be 1749 with decent str/int/dex/agil, so I philtered him. He could just as easily have had stats closer to the mother's but I would have had no way of knowing.

Good luck with your project! And if you come across anything else you're unsure of, feel free to ask either here or through PM :)
Level 75
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Posted: 9/13/2019 at 8:12 PM Post #89
Yes, I completely fell in love with them. I've even started making some sketches of them. <3

I'm already making my plans on when to start using philters. I'm debating using philters on the 4c generation because I know they'll all be 4c and I think it would help boost stats without wasting philters. What's your opinion on that?

No, I don't have a testing kit yet, but I'm 100 diamonds away from being able to afford one (when the diamond sale starts xD)

There's actually another web game I play where purebred means not inbred but can be between two different types. So I guess I'll just have to adjust to the breeding terminology here. Lol!
Level 75
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 9/13/2019 at 8:37 PM Post #90
Hmm... 4C gen...

4C females can be used throughout the project until you have your 4V, but there's no guarantee which gender the eggs will give you... 4C males will have a quick expiration on usefulness and at max, 1 from each female 2V is all that would be useful... You have... two females currently. Three males...

Is it worth using multiple philters to get 1 gen of stronger pets..?

*gives it some thought*

While it was my initial instinct to say 4Cs may be worth philtering, after a thoughtful breakdown I'm going to say it isn't worth the risk. Here's why:

Say you philter 3 offspring from each female, totaling 6 prismatic philters. You could end up with 6 females, which wouldn't hurt. You could end up with 6 males, which would be pretty unfortunate as only 2 would be useful. Or you could get a perfect balance of results giving you 3 pairs of 4Cs. I'll say RNG was generous and go with that sort of result.

FM1: male/female/female
FM2: female/male/male

With 6 prismas, you have raised your project by 1 stat rank.

Now let's consider the future. You're up to full 4V and working on getting the stats up. You have a male with 1400 health, an unrelated male with 1500 health, and a handful of females ranging from 800-1400 health.

You could get lucky breeding the 1500 with an 800 (highest with lowest) and have stats close enough to the male's that a prismatic philter will raise the overall health by ~150, and other stats by ~5. (for this example, 1500 father gives a 1450 offspring, which with philter will be 1650.)

Now take your 1400 health male with the 1400 health females. You have more pets at 1600 for the next generation.

You could potentially use as little as 2 philters - one offspring from each of the males - and raise your project by 1 stat rank. 1650 with a lesser-statted pet can still give you something close to 1850; 1600 with a lesser-statted pet can still get you close to 1800. Breed down, get a good RNG result, philter up, and you'll get to full maxed stats with high efficiency.

With this example, the 6 philters used for the first generation didn't amount to much - and that's with the ideal outcome of hatching pairs. It may feel like a stronger start, but it isn't worth the risk of philtering and getting unneeded genders (ie, 6 males when you only need one from each female) and no matter how many 4Cs you philter, it's still only 1 stat rank when later on, those 6 prismas could get you 3-6 full stat ranks through RNG and careful selection.

(Edit: I also have to say that was a VERY good question! I quite enjoyed mulling that one over ^^ )
Edited By Xavion on 9/13/2019 at 8:39 PM.
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