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Forum Index > Roleplaying > The Night's Shadow
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Level 70
Frosty Hands
Joined: 1/14/2013
Threads: 43
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Posted: 4/26/2013 at 9:25 PM Post #691
(Hey guys I'm back! My trip went great. I still trying to catch up, got 6 or so more pages. But here's that character I've been proising you for awhile. Posted jsut so ya hve somthing to read for a bit.)

Name: Lucien (Last name currently unknown)

Nickname:Luc (Pronounced: Luke or Loose )
Do not call him Luci. (Pronouced Lucy)


Description: His hairstyle,skin tone and hair color match this

His eyes are gray, like typical number two pencil gray with darker flecks and tiny gold flecks when using magic.

He is physically he’s toned, fit because he kind has to fight things that may or may not be knocking at the camps door but doesn’t flaunt his body or skills. As far as clothing goes, get rid of the buttons make it a medium gray out of wool and add a nice hood to this (this is outside of work, day outfit)

This is probably accompanied by a pair of brown/tan trousers and sturdy boots.

Generally when he is working he will wear storyline time period equivalent to a white short sleeve tee shirt and jeans.

He probably has a nice pair of boots and fingerless gloves(because all my characters have fingerless gloves)

Position:Builder,blacksmith,tailor,cobbler,baker, warrior,hunter,trapper,tracker,carpenter occasional healer if you need something made he’s the guy to go to and he’ll find the supplies to do it with. He’s not excellent but he’s good at alot of things but generally keeps to himself so you would know this unless you literally thought . “Gee Luc knows, a lot I wonder if he can...?” And if you can get the courage to ask or are stupid enough to invade his privacy and make demands then maybe he can help you. He is highly skilled in magic but it is unlikely your characters will ever discover this.

Personality: He’s the dark mysterious ‘I don’t like crowds or yappy things’ kind of person, calm, meticulous, self-sufficient character.He is here because he wants to be and that’s as much as you're getting out of him. He hates annoying or overly energetic people (Blake be careful).

Power: Shape-Shifting, very specific shape shifting that you will see as the story goes on.

General age:Appears 23ish

Other:Fester this guy will give you the creeps like the this person is wrong in mind, body and spirit. Blake you will hate him because he is the kind of person I think Era will like, if she can get past the dark aura she may or may not pick up from him. Generally he is practical ,smart, respectful of space,not overly friendly but a good companion when you need someone to talk to, a great listener though few of words himself. He likes nature thought it hates him.He also has a great love of books.
Edited By 1172 on 4/26/2013 at 9:27 PM.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 12/19/2012
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Posted: 4/26/2013 at 9:32 PM Post #692
(Really sorry on not posting at all since a GOOD while, it feels that each time I try, I can't find what to type and by the time I finally end up with something... well... There's a couple of post and mine make no sense...
To be honest, I had half-gave-up posting, still I had so many things going on, making me having hard time to ever follow anything.
I used to be able to follow ALL Threads, now I'm lucky if I can follow correctly those I posted in that weren't belonging to me(which I note in my About Me... -.-")
I'm truly sorry to have given something a bit of "join and drop" with Snow, but I truly can't follow much
anymore, there's soooo much characters, that trying to remember who is who all the time is giving me serious headaches... TwT
I'll try to follow now and then because I like the overall story... But like I said when I got invited, Group RPs ain't much easy on me, especially when my brain decide to NOT follow AT ALL... ;w;
You guys are really fun, but it's useless to lie to myself, I'll NEVER be able to follow no matter what... >x<"
Sorry again for the "join and drop" effect thanks to me not following... T.T)
Level 70
Frosty Hands
Joined: 1/14/2013
Threads: 43
Posts: 962
Posted: 4/26/2013 at 11:17 PM Post #693
(ROlfling on PAges 64 and 65. So I'm fainally back guys did you miss me? Glad to be back I hope you enjoy this. It is very Long if you want I can move it or put it in parts. Essentailly I have been go for quite a bit so this is to make up for that.)

Below is a link that will get you to Mica's response. It is very Long so I have it in it's own area. It is the Last Reply.

-These can enfold location because I now have two characters you need to know who I am talking about and where were they are. I will not intro Lucien immediately as no one is looking for him but I will post for him as soon as someone ventures fro it. First I have to fix the mouse because sadly Era like Mica’s Fred you can’t keep him forever-

-A small stone cabin/forge about a quarter mile from the village-

A tiny field mouse winds its way in between thick stones and into the homy little cabin. The sunlight cast bright rays upon the stone structure and thatched roof, it basks heating the stones despite the small woods about it not far off there is a field. With much grain to supply it. Once inside the dangerous building he removes a slice of bread from an easy lift bread box, rests on his haunches and begins to chew. It was far safer here than with a griffon. Lion’s eat mice, birds eat mice more than likely lion plus bird would also eat mice.

-To Mica's response V-

Level 69
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 2/5/2013
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Posted: 4/27/2013 at 5:17 AM Post #694
Era slowly woke up. The baby griffin sleaping against her.

She then opend her eyes and let out a big yawn. She looked at the little griffin and gave it a small pet on the head.

The she went to pet the mouse, but the mouse was gone. Not even saying goodbye. How rude, after she shared her tent and bed with it. Oh well.

The baby griffing woke up and released a big yawn too.
'Hey little one, want to go for a walk?'

The baby craweld over to Era happy. Era picked it up and held it in her arms.

'I can't keep thinking of you as an It, I really need a name and a gender.'

She quickly raised the baby up in the air looking underneath. 'Jip, your definitely a boy.'

She lowerd him in her arms again and walked outside.

'Hey Talon, I am out of the tent again, going for a walk. If you want to keep doing a good job of stalking me you better hurry. Oh and by the way, look what came out of the egg. Isn't he the cutest thing ever?!'

The little griffin snuggeld into Era, Looking suspiciously Talon's way.

(The baby griffin looks like a mix of these 2: Did not use image but link because it is drawn by a person, so I'll just give the link to the drawing.
The baby looks mostly like image 1 but it has the ears and mostly the shape of the face of image 2, that looking more baby like.)
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/2/2013
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Posted: 4/27/2013 at 11:08 AM Post #695
((Sorry guys that I didn't reply. I'm in a time where I have my exams coming soon, and I limit my online time to a few role-plays If you like, someone can also act out my Chari, just to get the story moving :3 ))

((So far I have no idea what I want to do with my char, cuz right now she's all over the place XD Sorry about that >3< ))
Edited By 3716 on 4/27/2013 at 11:09 AM.
Level 70
Frosty Hands
Joined: 1/14/2013
Threads: 43
Posts: 962
Posted: 4/28/2013 at 9:34 AM Post #696
Several hours later (I don't know when she woke up so this may not be time skipping) Mica, tired, scrathed and in a mental state of panic fumbles into the camp collases onto her knees and bows over them body trembling despratly trying to catch her breath under the hot afternoon sun. Her skin prikles in the chill breeze that has suddenly picked up, or maybe from thoughts of before. She regans enough sanity to speak though does not lift herself to see the space before her. "Hello? Anyone here?" {Preferable not Kim because I might stab you. Then again I kind of need you to tell me this isn't as bad as I think.} Her voice is still weak but she tries again and though raspy it gains strength. "Hello!?"

(I presume Era has left and is current out of ear shot but I'm not sure, I'm not aiming for Era I am aiming for anyone left around camp. WHich may be empty. Mica is in the center of camp, I don't know who is near that other than her)
Edited By 1172 on 4/28/2013 at 9:35 AM.
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 2/25/2013
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Posted: 4/28/2013 at 12:05 PM Post #697
Aloevan, upon arriving with Ellery immediately ran up to Mica. " Oh my god. Mica! What happened to you?" she knelt down, and tried to help her up. " We're going to have to get you to the healers. Fester isn't here right now. . ah .. FESTER!? " she called out, as Ellery gently picked her up.

" I'll carry her, alright? You might strain your back"
Aloevan thought for a moment " Wait. No. Go to that Caravan over there" Ellery obeyed and followed her. Aloevan opened up the door and stepped in. " Put her on the hammock." she said quickly, gathering up some blankets, putting them on the hammock before Ellery lay her down. " You're going to be alright Mica." Aloevan smiled, patting her arm carefully.

" New guy . . ah .. " Aloevan paused, before tugging on the collar of his robes. " ' property of Ellery' .. Ellery. Yeah. Go look out for a grey-skinned man with a red shirt. If he comes into camp, call him over asap. His name is Fester. Tell him Aloevan wants him."Ellery panicked "wait. what? " Aloevan pushed him out. " Now!" Ellery sighed and began to walk around the camp site, looking around for this 'Fester' fellow.
Edited By 2790 on 4/28/2013 at 12:06 PM.
Level 69
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 2/5/2013
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Posted: 4/28/2013 at 2:44 PM Post #698

Era was walking around with her new baby griffin, getting lots of odd looks. Talon following behind her. (Or so she asumed)

She then saw a man walking into his shop uh working place uh whatever he calls it. It had been a while sinds she had seen him.

Hmm Now normally he would hate it if people barged in with no good reason. But Era did have a reason! (Grins)

She sneaked into the place. Untils he was behind the man.' Hey gramps long time no see!'

The she jumped backwards creating some safe distance she did have a baby to take care off after all.

(Ragnaroc, your other character can enter)
Level 70
Frosty Hands
Joined: 1/14/2013
Threads: 43
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Posted: 4/28/2013 at 6:37 PM Post #699
-in the caravan-

Mica lol unresitingly, a sick little laugh whispers from between her teeth. "Healers? HA, We don't have any healers. Besides what I've been through can't be fixed with some frumpty little spell." Another sick little chuckle trmors her body. "Your concern is much appriacted though~"

(other than Snow I don't think we have any healers do we? I mean Lucien can fix very minor things and deduce what happened to her but do we really want to mass entrance into Lucien's cottage? He does not like crods and it is a rather small space.)

-A little cottage in the woods-

(I am going to treat this as if Talon is outside the door or has not yet entered Luciens feild of knowledge if not this would go very differnetly.)

Lucien's shoulders tense as aburpt noise enters his world. He heard her enter yet still was not quiet prepared for the volume of her voice.
A rue smirk quirks the corners of his pale rose lips as he slings his large pack from his shoulders, placng it on a chair. "Hello little one. I've been expecting you for some time. What a fuffly friend you have there." He says this without yet turning but when he does it is with a pleasant good natured air. "I am surprised you haven't named him yet." His voice purrs like a velvetine panther, smooth as a dark river and rich as thick swirled chocolate. It was a sound that would bring most woman and some to their knees with want, a voice he'd done his best to change and luckily one that never seemed to effect the blonde female before him.
Level 60
The Whimsical
Joined: 3/1/2013
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Posted: 4/28/2013 at 7:14 PM Post #700
( Guys, gonna be gone for a few, so just make it so Blake's talking to others or sleeps or got sick or something :3 ))
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