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Level 75
Collector of Souls
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Posted: 9/11/2023 at 11:29 PM Post #31
ping me when u reopen
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/18/2020
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Posted: 9/12/2023 at 3:32 AM Post #32
Okay :)
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/18/2020
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Posted: 12/27/2023 at 6:50 AM Post #33
I am open to taking art requests again :)
Level 75
Vanquisher of Undead
Joined: 12/18/2016
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Posted: 12/27/2023 at 8:16 AM Post #34
Hi, hi, could I request a non-chibi piece of these two characters, if two characters would be alright, that is?
(Art reference is a commission by @vantan_sora / dA: VanTan-Sora )
If two characters wouldn't be comfortable for you, I'd totally understand. ^^

Reference Images:
Character description:
The character on the left, male, is very tall, especially compared to the character on the right, female, who in turn is rather short, and a bit chubby as well. She's probably reach just under his chest.
The guy has red eyes.
The stitches on the female character don't have to be included, especially if they were to make you uncomfortable. Without the stitches, her skin is still pale with a pinkish tone, and she has freckles dotted across her cheeks.
They both typically wear darker/gothic clothing, and he tends to wear earrings on his human set of ears. Her dress and shoes in the reference are her typical style, though she'll also wear longer sleeves. Clothing wise for him, he wears clothing similar to the reference, but also similar to this. So really, whatever would be most comfortable for you to draw clothing-wise would be alright with me.
They're boyfriend and girlfriend, and he's rather protective over her.
Pose-wise, would them holding hands or hugging be alright? Background-wise, whatever would be most comfortable for you would be alright.
Any other things I should take note of?:
If accepted, would it be alright if I gave a tip of 200k? Your artwork is really beautiful, and I'd love to at least offer a tip for it.
Edited By Draculina on 12/27/2023 at 12:00 PM.
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 10/22/2016
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Posted: 12/27/2023 at 8:46 AM Post #35
Predictably putting up my horror's concubine up for consideration, if you'd want some anthro practice in any form! As for your "not ability to create quality works",, I find it very funny that those words are immediately followed by one of the highest quality art pieces I saw around here. That Mimyuki one is an entire scene, that must have takes ages!! It looks like a legitimate promotional material with all that detailing and gloss!!!

You are definitely underselling yourself, and even if Orbe won't be to your tastes, know that your art is wonderful, and it's an artist thing to be too harsh on oneself, while us outsiders are pogging wildly.

Reference images: Toyhouse page here!
Character description: There's a good bulk of it on his wiki page if you don't mind the long read, but! To give you short version.

Orberus is a wild and beautiful maned wolf, who attained the half-hearted position of the royal advisor to a local King, and spends most of his time perusing the wilderness with his wolfpack, hunting down dangers and supernatural horrors that would threaten the Overworld and his love one's in it.

While kindly, Orberus is difficult to get along with like a normal person- becouse at the end of the days, Orberus is a dog, and no amount of pretty clothing and make up can hide that. He's possesive over the few he truly cares about, and feels bonds strongly. The same way, he can fly off the handle at the slightest of danger, being eager to bite before barking, to save himself the same hurt that wrecked his life once before.

Orberus wasn't met with a lot of gentleness in his previous life, and even now, most people write him off as a pretty plaything for the royalty. His uncontrollable, wilder side is one he's proud of, but one many realize too late under his dandier quirks- all before they hurt someone Orbe consider's his, and fall to the flames of his own making...

Specifications: Oh, Orberus has SO much going on, you genuinely are free to peruse his story and art out whatever strikes your fancy and would be fun for you.
Do you want to draw on a hunt, on all fours and with a couple of dire wolves? Being crawled over by his most beloved pets, the many poisoned frogs he keeps? Standing in a middle of a golden steppe, the old home he was torn from, as it is quickly burning down all around him? I really love the pumpkin drawing you did for 2022, so I think you'd have a blast with the fire effects. :3

His story includes him dying to protect one of the last unicorns in the world, before they we're all poached by his ex-husband and troop of royal alchemists. If you wouldn't mind drawing a horse-like creature, I'd love if you could draw maybe an interaction with it, or include it as a theme.

If you'd want to practice some angst, Orberus is bemouthed as hysterical, and would definitely crumble on a drop of a pin. You're welcome to put him through horrors, joys, posing handsomely into the camera, anything at all. I'd be happy to work with you on it, and trust me, I'll be overjoyed just to have him be considered by you. :3

Any other things I should take note of?: While I always love to see them being taken note of, his bell, leaves/gold petals and claw marks under his muzzle are all optional, and you are free to mix and match to your taste. You are also welcome to drop him down on all fours and feral-ize him as needed! Canonically, when Orberus is on a prowl, he can easily pass for a wild dog, if one lot more willowy and just. Well. Red.

And just like Draculina, please do expect a hefty tip if accepted, I'd feel horrible if your skill went unrewarded. :3
Edited By Calyrex on 12/27/2023 at 8:48 AM.
Level 75
Cutely Creative
Joined: 7/24/2023
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Posted: 12/27/2023 at 12:00 PM Post #36
Oh your art is so pretty! I would love a piece by you :)
Reference images:
(Ahh this is such a bad ref, but I couldn't find anything else. She's got small antlers that got cut off the top of the image)

Character description: She's on the shorter side, and dresses in more nomadic clothing, always with a scarf or a poncho. Personality-wise, she's a very kind but also terrified and paranoid traveler that's constantly moving from place to place, never staying in one spot for long. I'm sorry I don't have any better references, this is a really old character and I couldn't find any other art I had of her lol, but her skin is pretty fair and her hair is a very dark brown, and her eyes are a deep, dark green.

Specifications: I don't really have any specific things, but if you would be able to do like a forest-y background that would be awesome! If it's too much work, don't worry about it.

Any other things I should take note of?: Would 50k work as a tip? I'm kinda broke right now but it feels wrong to not tip you anything :)
Edited By Frostfal on 12/27/2023 at 12:08 PM.
Level 75
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 2/13/2016
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Posted: 12/27/2023 at 5:07 PM Post #37
Hello! I absolutely love your artstyle and the detail you put into your work!
Reference images (would help a lot):

Character description:
This sweet baby may look scary, but he has a kind heart. The eyes have a soft red glow and i would love if you could add dark blue freckles on him too! He normally has a silver chain on his tail and a silver bracelet around his left arm
Specifications (eg. pose, expressions, background, etc.):
I would love for the pose to be the bori eating sushi, the type of sushi can be up to you and i would love if you can make him look happy munching down. The background can be whatever you would like
Any other things I should take note of?:
Not that i can think of, but i want to tip 300k. and as soon as i get more gold then i'll come back! You deserve the tips!

Gaining tip money back
Edited By Hershey on 5/12/2024 at 12:08 AM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/18/2020
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Posted: 12/27/2023 at 6:45 PM Post #38
Sure, I'll start working on this soon! I would appreciate it if you could clarify these two things for me:
1. Does the guy have both wolf ears and human ears at the same time? (oh and are there any particular sort of earrings he'd wear?)
2. If I were to draw the female character without stitches, would her skin be the same colour throughout, or should there still be darker pink patches?

Aww and thanks so much for offering a tip! I'd gladly accept it after I've finished your request :)
Edited By Drakonis on 12/27/2023 at 8:45 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/18/2020
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Posted: 12/27/2023 at 6:50 PM Post #39
Ahh thank you for the kind compliments XD I have noted down your request. I also appreciate all the interesting ideas you've provided!
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/18/2020
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Posted: 12/27/2023 at 6:54 PM Post #40
Thank you, I've noted down your request! And no worries about the tipping, really. Anything is much appreciated and, in fact, none is completely fine with me :)
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