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Forum Index > News and Announcements > Calling All Bug Hunters
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Level 75
Master Egg Hunter
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Posted: 11/25/2023 at 7:22 PM Post #11
Im not able to mass move from stable to stable either.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 11/25/2023 at 7:53 PM Post #12
Author: Vully
Time Posted: 11/24/2023 at 4:22 PM
checked just now and yes
It occurs when I try to move some pets from multiple tabs including the destination tab when there is not enough space
I repeated it in multiple stables and It happens the same regardless of pets or location

Thank you. I was able to replicate the error and figure out a solution. Hopefully, this is fixed now and won't error out anymore.
Level 75
Frosty Hands
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Posted: 11/27/2023 at 3:42 PM Post #13
I went to enter the Crypt in the Lost temple. All of my buttons greyed out after I clicked enter but it didn't load me into the Crypt. After making sure it was frozen and not loading I refreshed, but it kept me in front of the Crypt door. I tried to enter the Crypt again but it is now telling me that I am already exploring a dungeon and cannot enter a new one. I have closed and opened the window and left and reentered the LG but it's still giving me the same message.

It also won't let me enter any of the other Temple dungeons.
Edited By Zekotan on 11/27/2023 at 3:43 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 11/27/2023 at 7:54 PM Post #14
Author: Zekotan
Time Posted: 11/27/2023 at 3:42 PM
I went to enter the Crypt in the Lost temple. All of my buttons greyed out after I clicked enter but it didn't load me into the Crypt. After making sure it was frozen and not loading I refreshed, but it kept me in front of the Crypt door. I tried to enter the Crypt again but it is now telling me that I am already exploring a dungeon and cannot enter a new one. I have closed and opened the window and left and reentered the LG but it's still giving me the same message.

It also won't let me enter any of the other Temple dungeons.

Yep. I can see an error that fired for you. I tried to fix the error - kind of interesting error - not entirely sure what went wrong.

Regarding your instance, it's complicated to figure out exactly what's going on, but I removed you as being "active" within your current instance. This should let you try to enter a new dungeon now within the Ancient Temple.

Let me know if you have any other issues with it.
Level 75
Frosty Hands
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Posted: 11/28/2023 at 1:18 AM Post #15
I tried to enter the Crypt again and now it's just a black box. I can "move" but it never clears up and I never run into anything. I closed the browser window completely, and just to make sure it wasn't a cookie issue I switched to my phone, but it was a solid black box even on the phone. I guess Vex said "no thank you" this week lol.

Edit: I tried to leave using an escape crystal but it said "you cannot use this item so close to a sylestian portal". I then used the exit zone button and sent me back to map. I then tried entering the fest zone to see if the bug would follow me but the zone shows up just fine.

Edit 2: It will let me into the other dungeons with no issues, just not the Crypt. I have entered and cleared the first north and south floors. It still locks me up when I try to enter the Crypt though and I have to leave via the exit zone button.
Edited By Zekotan on 11/28/2023 at 2:48 AM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 11/28/2023 at 8:35 PM Post #16
Author: Zekotan
Time Posted: 11/28/2023 at 1:18 AM
I tried to enter the Crypt again and now it's just a black box. I can "move" but it never clears up and I never run into anything. I closed the browser window completely, and just to make sure it wasn't a cookie issue I switched to my phone, but it was a solid black box even on the phone. I guess Vex said "no thank you" this week lol.

Edit: I tried to leave using an escape crystal but it said "you cannot use this item so close to a sylestian portal". I then used the exit zone button and sent me back to map. I then tried entering the fest zone to see if the bug would follow me but the zone shows up just fine.

Edit 2: It will let me into the other dungeons with no issues, just not the Crypt. I have entered and cleared the first north and south floors. It still locks me up when I try to enter the Crypt though and I have to leave via the exit zone button.

I went ahead and just reset your Orb of Memories. Probably just need to reset your Dungeons and spawn a new one. I don't have a way to salvage it. It must have messed up mid-creation and the whole Dungeon is broken.
Level 75
Frosty Hands
Joined: 12/27/2014
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Posted: 11/28/2023 at 8:50 PM Post #17
Okay, thank you!
Level 67
Collector of Souls
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Posted: 11/30/2023 at 3:07 AM Post #18
tldr: the game forces me to refresh the page before being able to battle; it seems it only happens on SCRIPTED battles

hi, i think i found a bug. it isn't exactly game breaking, it goes away after i refresh the page, but it happens repeatedly. currently i'm in sweet blossom orchard. sometimes when i enter a battle (so far it's only happened on the trolls, and every time the lunemara ambush you when collecting the saphryn shadow plants.)

it puts you in the battle like it normally would, you can select your attack and enemy like normal, but when you press end turn the attack icon that shows up top layer over each other as well as nothing happening except the turn "ending" and inputting the attack again with nothing happened. i also have the infinite genetic scanner that normally shows health, mana, etc., but the numbers for those bars are non-existent like i don't own it.

like i said, it goes back to normal after i refresh the page, but i don't think it's a normal occurrence. unless it's something with my computer which is possible, this thing's an old heap of junk xD

edit: it also happened with all six of the irrigation pump battles, with the big lunemara swarm directly after, the battle with the lunemaras sol and luna and then myrida. myrida popped up normally with the mana and health numbers, but i had to refresh the page to actually fight her

edit 2: now that i've moved on to astryl's tranquility, the issue has cropped up on the collect rope quest every time the woodsmen ambush you from the tents, when you're attacked when collecting the village supplies and then again when aeric is battled right after, and when i fought vorpar. it didn't happen with any of the mini bosses
Edited By Apoxy16 on 11/30/2023 at 4:03 AM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 1/9/2016
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Posted: 11/30/2023 at 8:53 AM Post #19
^ the above sounds like the same thing that's happening in this thread
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