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Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
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Posted: 12/4/2020 at 7:19 PM Post #1
Welcome to my absolutely amazing guide! (No, not really, lol) Over the months I've been at Sylestia, players have asked me several questions. Some of them are repeated by almost every newbie in general. For that reason, I have decided to create a guide on it. Feel free to ask any and every question you can think of here (Game-related, please)

And, I hope this helps!

Themed Pets

Q: What is a themed pet?

A: A themed pet is a pet that has a certainly designed color palate and is sold for more. An example.

But that probably doesn't make much sense. So I'll explain it in a more detailed way. ;)

Here's [one of] my favorite pets, Apollo! (And, yes, I do use Apollo for literally everything I do, lol)

Here is Apollo's genetics:

Looking over the image, here are a few questions that you can ask yourself to figure out if Apollo is a themed pet:

-Is there a star anywhere?
-Does it have a title. Ex: Blue Jay Zolnixi, Raspberry Lemonade Lighira, Royal Elven Lupora?
-Can I find a pet like this on Advanced Search? (or) Have a seen a similar-looking pet before?

The answer to all of these questions is no. (But you can probably figure that out) Because of this, Apollo is not a themed pet.

Now, here's another of my personal favorites, Dune. Here's her genetics:

Looking over this image, let's answer the questions:

-Is there a star anywhere?

Yup! There's a blue star below the names of her parents! (If you hover over it on the link I gave you, it will read themed pet offspring)

-Does it have a title. Ex: Blue Jay Zolnixi, Raspberry Lemonade Lighira, Royal Elven Lupora?

It does! Dune is a Coconut Sands Ferrikki!

-Can I find a pet like this on Advanced Search? (or) Have a seen a similar-looking pet before?

Yes, you can/see/recall find similar pets. Looking on advanced search, I've found three pets that are similar-looking:

Pet 1
Pet 2
Pet 3

Another thing about themed pets:

They're worth more. For example, as much as I love Apollo, nobody would want to buy him for much. Meanwhile, for Dune, she's a Coconut Sands Ferrikki. Ferrikkis are hard to find in the wild (even though I purchased Dune, lol) which makes her worth more instantly. Plus, she's a popular theme. Also, she looks good. Which is always good with a theme. ;)

Capturing Pets

Q: There are so many pretty pets in the game! Is it worth it to buy the traps to catch them all?

A: To answer your question... no. Please don't do that. I'm sure every player who has been on Sylestia for a while agrees with me.

The reason for this is that most pets in the wild look... just downright ugly. For some examples of captured pets:


Also, generally capture pets have no traits... or if you're lucky maybe a carried?

Overall, coloring and traits accounted for, captured pets are just not worth the effort. They only take up a trap, waste your stable space, etc.

However, there are some exceptions:

-When you enter the battle, it says you have found a rare/epic/legendary enemy. (Will be in a different color, so don't worry, you'll notice it.)
-While you battle, the enemy is labeled (Blue Jay Zolnixi, Royal Elven Lupora, etc.)
-You're lucky enough to get a genetic scanner, see a good-looking pet, scan it, and it says that a rare/epic/legendary trait has been found.

If any of these scenarios occur, capture the pet!!! It is so worth it! (If you don't have a trap, just ask on the forums or chat)

In Fest Zones, or The Lost Grove, this is more common, but you can still find themed pets in the other zones. You might want to apply a perfume though to increase your chances. (I've never found a themed outside of fest zones)

Breeding Pets

Q: I just realized that there was a breeding feature!!! Do you think it's a good idea to go on a breeding spree to see what the babies look like?

A: No, no, no, please don't do that! Breeding is similar to capturing pets; if you don't do it correctly, it doesn't work.

Looking in Advanced Search now, 2,361,051 dishwater pets have been bred and released because they weren't wanted. That's 2,361,051 pets too many.

I understand that most players find it hard to part with a pet. (I'm not excluding myself. I wrote a goodbye letter to 5 Zols when I was a newbie and had to release them for stable space... It was about five pages long.) Here's the thing, though: you would have never had to release them if you hadn't bred them.

Breeding can be good though. Some players use it to do projects (Please check mine out! You can find them linked in my forum profile, which is linked to my profile.) such as trying to obtain six visible traits, getting maxed out stats, and more!

I know this is confusing. So here's all that information put into insanely simple terms:

What to breed:

-Two themed pets (of the same theme!)
-Two high statted pets
-For a project (This is a long term goal! You can't just breed one pair and quit!)

Why am I being so strict about this? Most pets don't sell if they are dishwater pets. (Pets that have little traits, low stats, ugly, or a combination of above) And if they do... players will normally release them. (So, if you're selling, try to price over 500 because The Releasers of Sylestia generally release anything for sale under 500g because they're trying to help the economy and make pets worth more again.)

Earning Gold

Q: Help! I'm all out of gold! How can I earn more-fast?!?

A: This is a common problem, actually. You only have about 1k (Newbies, feel free the blast the PMs at me if I'm wrong) to begin with. Newer players (And older players too. Not trying to be biased.) tend to spend their gold all at once... and then it's gone.

Common things that drain gold are:

-The town healers (I don't know if you've noticed, but they tend to overcharge. Proof? One time my pets were at full health and the healer offered to heal them for 200g.
-Buying the items in the town shops (don't do this. You can revive the potions from doing missions, along with the armor. And the ability items just aren't worth it.)

Of course, none of the above are necessarily bad, it's just not recommended for newbies since they generally don't have much gold.

On the other hand, here's how you can earn gold!:

-Do missions. (Missions are an easy way to get gold and free stuff without much effort. It becomes easier with high-level pets, so get a few off of Advanced Search. At the moment, there are quite a few cheap level 70 pets on right now! Just put all of their proficiency points in one thing (For example Health), name the pet (Ex: Health if you put all proficiency points in health), and send it on missions according to it's highest stat! (Ex: Send your health pet on missions with the stat labeled: Health) )
-Sell pets (No, this does not mean the dishwater pets you just learned you needed to get rid of. Find a cheap themed pair-as many as you please-and then breed them to get pets to sell. I'm always willing to offer free pets to newbies if wanted!)
-Sell items you got from doing missions
-Explore Trollsblight Caverns (This is probably the best place to earn gold. It's the second/third zone. (Once again, feel free to blast PMs at me with the correct answer) You are most likely to find chests there, and none of them have negative outcomes!)

Obtaining Essences

Q: I've seen all of these players creating pets with essences! I want to create pets too! But how do I get essences?

A: Oh, yes. I remember how essence-insane I was when I first joined. I saw the generator and wanted to create all the pets three times over... (Projects kind of ruined it for me... lol)

But that's not what you were asking for. :) As for how to obtain essences, here's a list:

How to obtain essences:

-Nurturing (Completely random. You could get two in a row, or none after 1,000 nutures.)
-Battling (Veeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrry rare. I've still had it happen though!)
-Trade Broker (Just save up!)
-Event Prizes (Depends on if Krin does something with essences or not.)

Even though I've said this with capturing pets and breeding, please hear me out again. (Or just skip over all of this. It's not like I'll know the difference...)

I recommend not immediately going insane with essences. (Like I most likely did...) Even if the pet is insanely beautiful... it's not worth that much. (Of course, It's a completely different story for a project...) Themed pets, 6vis, and max stats are what sell best on Sylestia. Even then, not all of them sell... (Please check out my RW y'all! Linked on my profile's profile!)

I recommend using the generator for projects only; not just to make a cool pet. Often that pet will get released. (One reason is that the generator often has a massive color swing.)

Hope this answered your questions, and feel free to ask me more! If there's another common question, I will create an answer here as well.

Edited By Beaubuddyz on 12/21/2020 at 4:05 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
Threads: 157
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Posted: 12/4/2020 at 7:19 PM Post #2
Rsvd just in case
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/4/2020 at 7:20 PM Post #3
Rsvd just in case
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
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Posted: 12/4/2020 at 7:20 PM Post #4
Feel free to post now!!!
Level 72
Majestic Brewmistress
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Posted: 12/19/2020 at 2:25 PM Post #5
oh wow this is SO helpful!
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
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Posted: 12/21/2020 at 4:05 PM Post #6
Aw, thank you so much! I really appreciate it!
Level 68
Snow Wars Combatant
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Posted: 2/11/2021 at 11:39 AM Post #7
Hey, returning player here... How do I split item stacks in my inventory?

I figured it out!
Edited By Ohie on 2/11/2021 at 4:59 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
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Posted: 2/22/2021 at 4:12 PM Post #8
Hello! That's actually a great question! Although you've already figured it out, would you be okay with me adding it to the guide?
Level 68
Snow Wars Combatant
Joined: 5/18/2017
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Posted: 3/5/2021 at 11:49 PM Post #9
You dont have to ask me, but yes, add it!
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