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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > UB's RP info
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Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 8/13/2013
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Posts: 406
Posted: 9/11/2013 at 11:51 AM Post #1
A dashes of light appears at the tip of your nose. "Ugly Butter", a blue skinned, sharp toothed fairy from Fungus Groove. She hits you with a teeny piece of paper, and makes indiscernible squeaking noises. Frantically waving her arms, she flies backwards towards a clearing in the woods, beckoning you to follow.

As you follow UB, the fairy named after her terrible cooking, the trees above you open. A warm light covers the field in front of you. There is a small barn, attached to an even smaller cabin. Sleeping in a rocking chair by the cabin's door, is a hermit. His hat is worn; his beard is long. UB zips over to a paddock, and walks (with a swagger) along the fence. Despite having wings, she reaches her arms out to balance herself.

This is The Clearing. It is UB's home, and a safe haven for all surrounding tribes, clans, and families of sylestia. Sometimes species fight, sometimes they build alliances.

The Vulnyx Clan
A Vulnyx called Shark Bait runs a clan on the shore. Known for their ability to work together, Shark Bait's clan is one of the largest families in the clearing. They spend their time fishing and sleeping.

The Zolnixi Packs
There are two competing packs of Zolnixi in these woods. One is lead by Eramir, strongest and healthiest of the Zolnixi. One led by Sol Daze and Sol Maze, who are intelligent and graceful. One has green and brown, earthy colorings, the other is brightly colored, adorned with talismans, blessed with 3 tails.

The Faelora Herds
They quietly observe everything from a safe distance. It is rumored that the Faelora and the Nytekrie occasionally meet in the deep woods, to perform magic. The two species are usually seen at war, Nytekrie will even hunt young and weak Faelora. Since Ny'Vene have been seen in the area, the Faelora and the Nytekrie may be setting aside their differences to join together.

The Nytekrie Tribe
At the top of the mountain are the Nytekrie. They are led by the almighty Hugo Eclipse. Unlike other families around the clearing, Hugo is the alpha male of the entire species. He has many loyal followers, and has constructed a very capable hunting team.

The Lupora
The Lupora have the least structured hierarchy out of all the families in The Clearing. "Alphas" change on a daily basis. Most of them are calm, happy, helpful sylestia. The few that seem to have a tendency towards violent, are quickly shunned by the rest of the Lupora.

The Ny'Vene
The least sighted species in The Clearing, there is an unconfirmed number of Ny'Vene in the area. As far as UB has observed, they do not co-exist with any other species.
Edited By 7391 on 9/13/2013 at 9:34 AM.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 8/13/2013
Threads: 23
Posts: 406
Posted: 9/13/2013 at 9:35 AM Post #2

please don't post yet C:
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 8/13/2013
Threads: 23
Posts: 406
Posted: 9/13/2013 at 9:35 AM Post #3

please don't post yet C:
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