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Forum Index > Breeding Discussion > Waiting List for Nephini Araceli's Babie...
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Level 70
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Posted: 8/30/2013 at 11:26 PM Post #1
Hello everyone. :3 Allow me to introduce you to Araceli, Light's Grace! She's a Nephini auction baby, triple visual, beautifully colored! And next to her is Kresimir! He's a mystical generated Nephini I created for the sole purpose of breeding with Araceli, matching her colors nearly spot on! You can click their images to view their profiles. ^^

And this is the thread that will be for me to keep track of who wants babies from this pairing, what the prices will be, and their current progress! :3

What you can expect:
Colors very closely matching Araceli's!
Double visual of Fairy Runes, Fairy Shimmer, and carried Leaf Petal Wings! 100% of their offspring will have this!
You will receive their offspring as a hatchling, after I have tested it.

How this will work:
First come, first serve! I have a list for everyone who wants a baby from this paring, and the sooner you make yourself heard, the sooner you'll get one! And even better, it's name your price! I want everyone who wants one to be able to get one, so the fee is really only a tip you can offer for my services, which can be as much or as little as you want! :3
NOTICE: This is a one-per user offer, you cannot get more than one. This may change if/when I get through the entire list, and/or if we have more of one gender than people are asking for.

The important info I need from YOU!
If you're interested in having a baby from this paring, then I need the following information:
1. How much you're paying. As I said, it's name your price! If you don't have much to offer, you don't need to offer much, any amount will be enough to get you a Nephini from this pair! But if you're feeling generous, you can offer more. ;3
NEW INFO: If you are not sure how much you can pay, I can list your price as "TBD" (To Be Determined) and then you can notify me how much you want to pay when your turn comes up.
2. Which gender you want to have, or if the gender doesn't matter. For example, if you want to have a boy, then the next boy will be yours, and a female will instead go to the next person on the list that wanted a female or didn't matter to them. But you will have to wait until you're the next eligible person on the list!
You can post this info in this thread, or you can send me a message, but I will send pings via this thread to alert people about their hatchlings.
Edited By Vevina on 10/27/2013 at 1:07 PM.
Level 70
High Warlord
Joined: 2/16/2013
Threads: 59
Posts: 1,428
Posted: 8/30/2013 at 11:26 PM Post #2
This post shall be where I keep track of people, prices, and preferences!

The List!

1. Vevina, DONE
2. Amirell, DONE
3. Savynn, DONE

4. Kaeari, Female, 50k(Pending)

5. Chrbe, DONE
6. Selestial, DONE
7. MakeshiftDemon, DONE
8. Sylvette, DONE
9. Bella1988, DONE
10. Starfall, DONE
11. Cerberus, DONE
12. Flute, DONE
13. Darkwingedangel, DONE
14. Ketaneo, DONE
15. Ethel, DONE
16. Zaynah, DONE
17. Roe, DONE
18. Diablo, DONE
19. Xxspade, DONE
20. Waycrazy, DONE
21. Velo, DONE
22. Yuno, DONE
23. Zelly, DONE
24. Isa, DONE
25. Draco, DONE
26. Kittencannonz, DONE
27. Talyn, DONE
28. Copperfangs, DONE
29. Cat1990, DONE
30. Zeo, DONE
31. Zevria, DONE
32. Bigboomer, DONE
33. BandaidMcHealerson, DONE
34. Dragondawn, DONE

35. Falconcry, Either, 15k(Pending)

36. Donmino, DONE
37. Valixene, DONE
38. Luohs, DONE
39. Winter, DONE
40. Sinarri, DONE

41. Roshan, Female, TBD

42. Roguew, DONE

43. Topazwolf, Female, 35k

44. Willowdarimn, Male, 100k

45. Kestral, Female, 20k

46. Nightoftheraven, Either, 20k

47. Sorenaorod, Female, 5k

48. Dunefairy, Female, 6k

49. Raccoon23, Female, 20k

50. Sablemyste, Either, 50d

51. Valfreyja, Female, TBD

52. Ember2000, Either, 30k

53. Lechubacabra, Either, 25k

54. Aaronampora, Female, TBD

55. Sugarcube357, Either, 500g

56. Shadow, Either, 100k

57. Angelzrulez, Female, 30k
Edited By Vevina on 6/20/2014 at 1:52 PM.
Level 70
High Warlord
Joined: 2/16/2013
Threads: 59
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Posted: 8/30/2013 at 11:27 PM Post #3
Current Progress!

Eggling #42!

If it is female, it will go to: Roshan
If it is male, it will go to: Willowdarimn
Edited By Vevina on 6/21/2014 at 1:54 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 8/30/2013 at 11:27 PM Post #4
Reserving an extra post for good measure!
Level 70
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Posted: 8/30/2013 at 11:29 PM Post #5
*Cuts ribbon* This thread is now open. :3
Level 75
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Posted: 8/30/2013 at 11:53 PM Post #6

You are a saint for doing something like this! O: Anyway, I'll glad give 150k (The highest amount I can guarantee I'll always have on hand) for a baby from them , preferably a female, if that's all right. ^^
Level 70
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Posted: 8/30/2013 at 11:56 PM Post #7

Most definitely~ :3 The list has been updated with your info~!
Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 8/30/2013 at 11:58 PM Post #8
Thank you so much again. And don't forget I'll be working towards breeding a female nephini for you as well. <3
Level 70
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Posted: 8/31/2013 at 12:00 AM Post #9
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 6/10/2024 at 9:08:19am

Thank you so much again. And don't forget I'll be working towards breeding a female nephini for you as well. <3

I'm probably going to forget. XD But yes, you're very much welcome~ :3
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 2/25/2013
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Posted: 8/31/2013 at 9:11 AM Post #10
May I be put on the list? Gender doesn't matter, meaning it's probably gonna end up being a male and that's completely fine XD and I can give you 150k~
Edited By 2789 on 8/31/2013 at 9:12 AM.
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