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Forum Index > Player Guides > An Illustrated Guide to Sylestia!
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Level 70
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Posted: 3/25/2013 at 7:38 PM Post #1
WARNING: Image heavy! Long strips of images ahead!

Attempted to make titles that you can CTRL+F to, to skip some scrolling. xD
@ Difficulties
# Zones with Old/New Exploration Systems and Rarities
$ How to Send Items/CoD
% How to Mission Effectively
^ How to Battle MultiEnemy/Army Instances
& How to Build Tank/Glass Cannon Parties
* How to Make a 3vis Pet!
@@ Scale Shop Egglings



These images are clickable if you want to see them zoomed in! :)


Thanks Shadowphyr for the sample images!



Thanks Taptothebeat and Bella1988 for the sample screenshots!



Credits to Lost for info!
Edited By Flute on 2/27/2015 at 10:29 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 3/25/2013 at 7:41 PM Post #2


If you made it to the bottom of the pictures, I applaud you. FD;

More to come! If you have any questions/comments/concerns/suggestions, lemme know. c:
Edited By Flute on 1/16/2014 at 12:46 AM.
Level 60
Joined: 12/19/2012
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Posted: 3/25/2013 at 7:46 PM Post #3
Is it okay to post after this? XD

The images loads fine for me! And this is a good guide idea! Some people are too lazy to ready bulky text! (Me sometimes included XD)

If I can like the post I would! But would you include things like money making guide too? Seems to me many players still having difficulties making a few gold and having trouble looking for guides. :\
Level 70
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Posted: 3/25/2013 at 7:51 PM Post #4
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 6/17/2024 at 11:49:26am

Is it okay to post after this? XD

The images loads fine for me! And this is a good guide idea! Some people are too lazy to ready bulky text! (Me sometimes included XD)

If I can like the post I would! But would you include things like money making guide too? Seems to me many players still having difficulties making a few gold and having trouble looking for guides. :\

Yeah, I'll just use the 2nd post I made for any additions. It's not like I can easily separate some of those images. xD;;
Wish there was a hidden/spoiler quote thing that shortened the post, makes things cleaner.

I hope the text is readable for other players in the images. I imagined the text to be smaller in my mind (like font size 9), but I wanted it to be readable at least. x: The first two images have size 12 or so.

I'll come up with a money-making guide then. But what are there besides missions that I should add? o:
Level 60
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Posted: 3/25/2013 at 7:57 PM Post #5
It'll look better once spoiler button is implemented! XD

Hmmm... I'm thinking of money making through essences, like from nurturing and also battling Sylesties in the weakest zone in an area, like Faerina's Shrine in Umbra forest for quick kills and fast drops... And dungeon runs for avatar item drops and better equipment! But that's all I can think of other than missions though! DX

Oh, as far as the text size, I think it's good enough! I can read just fine! OuO
Edited By 184 on 3/25/2013 at 8:00 PM.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 3/25/2013 at 9:11 PM Post #6

I love how you did this guide~ :3
I think it explain clearly, plus it look "fun" to actually read
it! Even if I knew everything, I felt like reading for fun~ xD
Level 70
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Posted: 3/25/2013 at 10:11 PM Post #7
Okay, so Money-Making through missions, farming/nurturing for essences, and dungeons. c: I'll see what I can do!

Thanks Ruinia and Shee for the input! >u< Wish it was a bit more organized...I can't make all the parts of the 3-piece guides readable without breaking it apart, or it'd get resized. x//x But it helps to know what else to do, and what people need help on. c:
Level 60
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Posted: 3/26/2013 at 2:17 AM Post #8
could also add a mini note on selling items to players or just selling them to game. You can usually get a few thousand from selling equips just to the game depending on the type, for ones that no one is likely to buy. It isn't really anything great or important, but little bits help right?
Edited By 1033 on 3/26/2013 at 2:17 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 3/26/2013 at 4:45 AM Post #9
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 6/17/2024 at 11:49:26am

Thanks Ruinia and Shee for the input! >u< Wish it was a bit more organized...I can't make all the parts of the 3-piece guides readable without breaking it apart, or it'd get resized. x//x But it helps to know what else to do, and what people need help on. c:

I think it looks great for now! Because it doesn't have bulky text in them and has picturessss! XDD
And no worries! I'll tell you ASAP if I remember or see more things that seemingly many new players have difficulties with! OuO

Quote From:
Originally Posted: 6/17/2024 at 11:49:26am

could also add a mini note on selling items to players or just selling them to game. You can usually get a few thousand from selling equips just to the game depending on the type, for ones that no one is likely to buy. It isn't really anything great or important, but little bits help right?

THIS. One of the important things I forgot to add! Green, blue, and purple rarely (to almost never) sells in the broker, but they give decent gold if you just sell them to the game! From dungeon runs alone, I can net around 50k just selling green, blue, and purple to the game! It may not sound much, but getting 50k per day is pretty nice, no? XD
Edited By 184 on 3/26/2013 at 4:58 AM.
Level 75
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Posted: 3/26/2013 at 7:09 AM Post #10
I've added your Guide to A Guide to Guides. If you have anything I should add about this Guide, please let me know.
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