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Forum Index > Other Fiction > The Magical Land of Majestia
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Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 4/7/2014 at 6:26 PM Post #1
This is a book series I will be making, hopefully I will publish it in the future (I really want to be a author when I grow up.)

Anyway, onto Book 1, The Quest for The Gemstone Guardians


The tale of how Majestia was made is a tale many know, and so that tale begins Long ago, dragons were hunted for everywhere. Dragons had no safe places to land, so they soared all the time, resting on clouds just before the clouds just before the clouds burst into nothing but air. All dragons were tired, and they began slowly disappearing. There were however, 12 dragons trying to stop this madness. The oldest and biggest, (Also the leader) was Garnet. She was fearless, so fearless, she could sometimes be reckless. The second was Amethyst, a shy, but tough purple aurora dragon. Third was Aquamarine, she was a sea dragon, the only kind of dragons that could rest from flying, and even despite that, she wanted to help. Fourth was Diamond, her scales shone a brilliant white. Then there were Emerald, Pearl, Ruby, Peridot, Sapphire, Opal, Topaz, and Turquoise. They put all their power together, and an island, known now as Majestia, appeared. However, no one could find any of the Gemstone Dragons, some believe they are the island themselves, while others believe it was too much for the dragons, so they died, either way, no one knows what really happened.
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 4/7/2014 at 6:29 PM Post #2
Chapter 1
Blaze sighed. She didnt like studying scrolls in school. Shed rather be out hunting, or playing, instead of being in this cave reading scrolls. Why did she need to know the scrolls by heart? Its not like it was going to help her. It was all stuff from the past, who cares about the Dark Dragons? So what that the humans corrupted a few dragons called the Dark Dragons? Not like the Dark Dragons were going to just appear out of thin air and invade. Yeah, like that would happen. The Dark Dragons mission is to make the rest of the dragons either to more Dark Dragons, or to kill the others. She read. So what? she mumbled so that no one could hear her. She continued reading: They planned to get revenge, and soon take over Majestia Yeah right, she thought, but now this scroll was getting interesting. The only way to stop the dragons is to find the gemstone guardians, if they even exist anymore. Suddenly, Blaze heard shouts from outside. What was that? She asked the rest of the class. Very interesting, Ill go check it out. Their teacher, Coral said. No fair, Blaze thought. Why cant I have any fun? Blaze glanced around her class, there were five dragons in total. Three girls, two boys. The two other girls in class were named Flora and Brooke. Flora was a normal Shimmer Dragon. Her scales were a light shimmering green, it looked as if her scales were rainbow with a tint of green in the sunlight. Brooke was a normal Otter Dragon. Fairly small with tan scales with a blue underbelly and blue horns. The two boys in the class were Hail and Thunderstorm. Hail was unusually pale-colored for a Snowflake Dragon, he had claws, back spikes, horns and teeth of never melting ice and he had a tail that was so unbearably cold. Usually boy Snowflake dragons were a slightly dark blue, but Hail was a pale light blue, very unusual for his species. And Thunderstorm was an average Storm dragon, grey scales, Yellow underbelly and horns. And a tail shaped like lighting at the end, of course the lightning on his tail was yellow. Coral came rushing back a few seconds later. The dark dragons have returned! She shrieked. How odd. Blaze murmured to herself. Blaze wasnt one who would read scrolls on purpose, but she took a scroll labeled The Gemstone Guardians, she had a feeling they would need to find them, and maybe the scroll said where they could possibly be. Coral looked panicked, very panicked. Get to the underground storehouse. Its the only place. The five dragonets rushed to the underground storehouse without looking back. Brooke looked uneasily at the passage leading back to the school cave. What do we do now? Thunderstorm asked. I think we should read this, in the scroll I had to read, it said stuff about the Dark Dragons and how to destroy them. Blaze said, as calmly as she could. Well then tell us how! Hail snapped. It said if the Gemstone Guardians are alive, they should be able to stop the Dark Dragons. Blaze said simply. What? Flora asked How are we supposed to get the Gemstone Guardians? Oh, Hi Gemstone Guardians, will you appear out of the ground and save us from the Dark Dragons? Flora seemed hysterical. I managed to take a scroll labeled The Gemstone Guardians, maybe it says something about where the Gemstone Guardians may be. Blaze said to the four dragonets. The destiny of Majestia is up to us? Brooke spoke for the first time, she sounded scared. Just start reading the scroll. Hail yelled. Hail seemed to be in a bad mood, so Blaze just did what he asked before he whipped out his tail. The tale of Majestia-She began Not that part, we know that part! Hail lashed his tail impatiently. Ok, ok. Blaze continued: No one knows where they went to, if they are still alive no one knows either, some believe they are deep beneath the heart of the island. Blaze finished. I dont know where that is or how deep though, and its just a guess. Blaze gazed at Hail, who looked very impatient for an answer. I guess we should go do that. Hail said. Are you CRAZY? Brooke yelled. There are Dark Dragons out there, no way will I go out there again. Brooke shook her head. Well, we have to! Hail said. Otherwise, dragons will become extinct, the only dragons around will be Dark Dragons. Hail reasoned. Hail makes a good point, I agree. Blaze said. I-I want to live on. I will go too. Thunderstorm said. Brooke looked at Flora Well, are you going too? She asked. I-Im sorry, Brooke. But its for the good of us dragons. Flora replied. In that case, I guess I have to go too. Brooke said, her voice shaking. Dont worry, well make it. Flora reassured Brooke. Hopefully. Blaze muttered. Flora glared at her, but didnt say anything. So now what, leader? Brooke said to Hail in a mocking voice. Hail looked around. Lets start digging down. We are about at the center of the island. Hail started digging, and everyone else did too.
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 4/7/2014 at 6:29 PM Post #3
Chapter 2
After about what seemed like hours of digging, they reached a small underground stream. Everyone was thirsty, and everyone drank until they werent thirsty. Then they began digging again, soon they heard snoring to their left, they dug, and dug to the left until they came across an underground cave connected to a small underground lake, in the lake little fish swam around, and mice and rats scampered across the floor of the cave. Then she saw the twelve dragons. They looked like the Gemstone Guardians. We found them! Blaze let out a cry of pure joy. The dragons didnt even wake up. Huh. Are they. Dead? Blaze now looked disappointed. One of the dragons woke up. It was Sapphire. Help. She rasped. The five dragonets rushed over. What happened? Hail asked, surprisingly, he sounded worried. Underasleep.spell. Sapphire rasped. I have..Barelyany..powers.without.others. She panted heavily. How do we get them out of the sleep spell? Thunderstorm asked. One.way..getthem..thegolden.kelp. Sapphire looked at the bottom of the lake. But were not sea dragons. All except for Brooke. Flora looked at Brooke. But I am a river dragon. Brooke protested. Only.way. Sapphire rasped. Fine. Brooke huffed. Where is it? Atvery....bottom. Sapphire said. Then Brooke dived in.
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 4/7/2014 at 6:30 PM Post #4
Chapter 3
Brooke dove down. All the fish here were mostly clear and white, but she came across a pretty one now and then. So what was this golden kelp? And why couldnt Sapphire get it herself? And why did Flora make her come along? The lake looked shallow from the top, but it was surprisingly very deep. And the deeper she went, the more beautiful the fish were, and the harder it was to see. Soon she was very deep and there was still no sign of the bottom. How far does this lake go? She muttered to herself. Finally she reached the sandy bottom, no, more like the gravely bottom. She looked around, no sign of any kelp, however, there were a few caves around the bottom. Brooke sighed. Great, theres at least five caves down here. She grumbled. She then went to the first, it was very small, and held no treasure or kelp, or anything but a dragon skull. Since the cave was half air half water, she guessed this was probably like an underwater prison. She searched the second cave, all she found were a few crabs and a bunch of sand and broken shells. The third cave had kelp and other plants, but everything was green. The fourth cave had a small load of treasure, but no kelp. Finally, she reached the fifth cave. In this cave were plenty of dragon skeletons, and a piece of Golden Kelp. Brooke took it and started swimming up to the cave.

She reached the top soon and climbed out of the water. What took you? Hail asked impatiently. It was just deeper then you assumed. Brooke grumbled, then she gave the kelp to Sapphire. Oneoftheeleventhingswe...NeedtocuretheGemstone Guardians. Sapphire rasped, then placed the golden kelp on Aquamarines snout. Sapphire explained as Aquamarine woke up. Now Sapphire sounded stronger.
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 4/7/2014 at 6:30 PM Post #5
Chapter 4
What do we need next, Aquamarine? Hail asked Inside the crystal. Aquamarine pointed to a big yellow crystal. Is the golden essence. That will.wake up Garnet. Aquamarine rasped, but not as bad as Sapphire had. The dragonets all looked at Thunderstorm. What? he asked. You are the best one for the job. Blaze explained. F-Fine. Thunderstorm picked up the crystal, everyone heard an electrocuting sound, then Thunderstorm disappeared. All we can do is wait. Hail said then he started pacing around the cave.
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 4/7/2014 at 6:32 PM Post #6
Chapter 5
Everything looked so yellow. Thunderstorm expected a light coming from the Golden Essence but that was it. Not a whole room filled with yellow light. This was going to be harder than he imagined, not that he imagined it to be easy. He looked around for anything Out of place He saw a slightly darker shade of yellow in a certain spot. However, when he touched it, it became a huge golden dragon. Who are you? Thunderstorm asked. No, who are you? The golden dragon asked. I-Im Thunderstorm. Thunderstorm said. Well, Thunderstorm, Im sorry, but you may not have the golden essence, not unless you have a good reason. The golden dragon snapped. But I do have a good reason. Thunderstorm explained. No one does. The golden dragon laughed cruelly. But I do. Thunderstorm protested. Well, then what is it? My friend is under a complicated sleeping spell, and the golden essence will wake her up. Thunderstorm said. And who is this friend of yours? The dragon snorted. My friend Garnet. Thunderstorm explained. You mean the Garnet? You cant be serious. Shes dead. No, shes not. Thunderstorm said impatiently. Neither are any of the Gemstone Guardians. The Golden Dragon stopped to think for a moment. Hmmmm He thought. Then he remembered reading a scroll, this scroll he read when he was a young sun dragon, the guardians of daylight, Only Sun and Moon Dragons know what really happened to the Gemstone Guardians he remembered. They were put under a deep spell, legend has it, one of the guardians will awaken and call for the help of five young dragonets. This dragonet was young. They will call for the help of the golden-touched objects, each will awaken one guardian. Fine. The dragon hissed. But on one condition. Thunderstorm looked curiously at the Golden Dragon. I will come with you. He said. Thunderstorm thought for a while. And, considering how much they needed the essence, and said yes. My name is Beam by the way. Beam said, then they teleported out of the crystal with the golden essence.

(So, what do you guys think so far?)
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 4/7/2014 at 7:11 PM Post #7
P.S I wrote this on Microsoft word, so the quotation marks didn't appear
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
Joined: 2/9/2013
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Posted: 4/8/2014 at 5:23 PM Post #8
Chapter 6
Everyone saw Thunderstorm teleport out of the crystal with a strange dragon, and Hail was first to react. Who is this? Hail hissed. His name- Thunderstorm started Im Beam. Beam finished And why is this Beam here? Hail hissed. I- Thunderstorm was cut off again. You wouldnt get the essence otherwise. Beam said, giving the essence to Aquamarine. As long as he helps he is welcome to stay. Rasped Aquamarine.

A bit later, Garnet was awake, and she was probably the scariest of the Guardians, and she was the biggest too. Her scales were dark red, she had dark red spikes ending with black tips all over her body, even her wings had a few, and that wasnt everything that made her scary. Her tail thinned until it was whip-thin, and had spikes on both sides. She had seriously long and sharp claws, same thing with the teeth, you didnt want to be against her in combat, at least, no sensible dragon would. All Beam could say was, he was glad that he was on Garnets side. As soon as Garnet woke up, she looked around, somehow she sensed everything about everyone in the room, because she said, Dont worry, I wont hurt any of you, at least any of you that are on my side. Beam didnt know if that was supposed to be reassuring, if it was, it did not reassure him. However, Hail and Garnet got along really well, as if Hail was somehow kin of Garnet. Soon, Garnet told of where the golden object for Emerald was. In the dark forest, find the Golden Root. Garnet didnt pause, but her voice was still weak. Everyone looked at Fauna, who had a good taste in flowers and where to find them. Ill go with her. Beam offered, after all, he was sure nobody would like it if anything happened to Fauna.
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