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Posted: 2/16/2014 at 8:27 AM Post #1
Decided to make a guide on Eggling Auctions.
(was gonna make it illustrated but I have bit more to say about em xD)

i. Eggling Auctions - General Overview
ii. Patterned Eggs - Non-pet Prizes
iii. Pet Eggs - Pet Prizes
iv. Golden Eggling
v. Past Eggling Auctions
vi. Tricks and Tips and More Info
vii. FAQs

Edited By Flute on 3/16/2014 at 10:31 AM.
Level 70
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Posted: 2/16/2014 at 8:35 AM Post #2

i. Eggling Auctions - General Overview

In addition to the opening paragraphs that Krinadon has to say for eggling auctions, these are pretty much the rules and expectations:

1. There are a set number of eggs, each with a start bid and minimum increase.

2. There's usually two tiers of eggs, which you can tell from the patterns of the eggs, patterned and pet eggs. The patterns of the eggs help denote what prizes are inside.

3. All bidders are anonymous. When you bid, your chosen egg with be highlighted in a green box and your own name will show up as the highest bidder of the egg (unknown to everyone else viewing the auction). Gold you have bid will be automatically deducted from your account.

4. Once you are outbid, you will get automatic notification via PM and instant return of the gold that you bid. The green highlight on the egg you have chosen will now be gone, since you're no longer the highest bidder. (feel free to bid again!)

5. Confirmed: You can outbid yourself with a higher bid. Just put another bid over the minimum increase of your own. (this is to combat suspected sniping, which I will mention in Tips and Tricks and More Info)

6. You cannot bid on more than one egg at a time.

7. The auction is set to a hard close, a.k.a. it ends RIGHT at the time given, server time. Make sure you know well what time it ends in your time zone if you would like to win.
Edited By Flute on 2/17/2014 at 7:41 PM.
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Posted: 2/16/2014 at 8:41 AM Post #3
ii. Patterned Eggs - Non-pet Prizes

(grabbed them from the Week of Love auction, kinda lazy to actually make them look random aha)

Patterned eggs look kinda like easter egg patterns (trivia: easter was the first time these eggs debuted!), often recolored to be themed to the respective season, or randomly colored.

Their prizes ARE NOT PETS.
Instead, they are of other item prizes. They often include:

-Greater Pet Dyes
-Greater Genetic Mutators
-Choice of Forum Game Items
-Enhanced Essences of Choice
-Mythical Essences of Choice

-Choice of respective Monthly Item
-Gift Basket of respective Festival/Event
-Choice of respective Festival/Event item

-Avatar Style Unlocks

-Title: The Eggcellent
(must be a new prize?)
Edited By Flute on 2/17/2014 at 8:20 PM.
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Posted: 2/16/2014 at 8:54 AM Post #4
iii. Pet Eggs - Pet Prizes

(again from Week of Love Fall Festival auction, but pet eggs don't necessarily have to be all these species nor a theme)

Eggs that look like egglings of actual species, such as fabled eggs (which get their own design) or regular pet eggs,
are actual pets.

You know what you're getting with the fabled eggs. Their egg design is unique to the species.

HOWEVER, you can't really tell with regular pet eggs. They can either be special premium pets that aren't available through normal means (i.e. Puffadores, usually sold via Puffadore shop and no where else unless player-made).

-Do know that the eggs correspond to the pet's actual color. Usually, if it's a fabled pet or a wheel pet, it will be 3vis (and un-testable by test kit, expect this to happen, you can just check what it will have via pet searching the pet).

-In the Winter Festival of 2013, with the introduction of the Wheel of _______ and their 3vis Wheel-exclusive pets, special-themed pets from the Wheel have shown up in the eggling auction as possible prizes. Here, people know what they're getting.

-Otherwise, if there is no known theme to the pet, they are often pets that are hand-named by Faiona (she likes giving special egglings special names c; ) and are usually 3vis. Their colors are usually nice as well. I can list some examples in a bit.

-Trivia: There has been an auction where all the eggs were pets, ranging from fabled pets to all regular pets (including Qitari to Lupora, etc). This has proven that prizes are denoted by their image.

-As of the Fall Festival, the eggling auctions in the festival have started to include Mojo Pets, exclusive pets that have a unique way of being collected from the Fall Festival alone. They are 2vis versions of the Mojo Pets.
In this case, this means that the eggling auctions tend to have special eggs that match up to the exclusive trends that happen in each festival. (This also includes why the special custom-designed eggs by Krinadon/Faiona are of the representative pets in each fest, such as custom Lighiras in the summer and custom Ryoris in the fall).
Edited By Flute on 12/26/2014 at 7:37 PM.
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Posted: 2/16/2014 at 8:57 AM Post #5
iv. Golden Eggling

One of the big kahunas.

Eggling spots with golden eggs are gold and have a higher starting bid because they guarantee a big and special prize. Doesn't necessarily have to be a pet though.

These have tended to be 3-vis or 4-vis custom pets. You design a pet, and you shoot the image from the pet generator to Faiona/Krinadon, and they will generate it for you.

They don't have to be pets though.
Just know it's a high-stakes prize.
Edited By Flute on 2/16/2014 at 8:57 AM.
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Posted: 2/16/2014 at 9:00 AM Post #6
Edited By Flute on 12/28/2014 at 1:41 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 2/16/2014 at 9:01 AM Post #7
vi. Tricks and Tips and More Info

1. Sniping

A general technique used to win auctions is called sniping. It is the action of bidding at the VERY last seconds of the auction (like say if the auction ends at 5:00:00pm, snipers place their bid at 4:59:40-4:59:59pm).
This is to give the illusion that the standing price is the winner, but an up-bid will not only win, but give no window whatsoever for an additional up-bid.

This tends to happen with valued eggs that people have their eyes on, or eggs that have low bid values relative to the entire auction.

2. Placing a High Bid from the Start

I have seen several times, that to combat snipers, people place the highest bid on an egg as they can.

This is a preferred action for people who won't be online at the end time of auction to snipe.

The reason for doing this is so they don't have to constantly fight for the bid. If the bid is high enough, potential bidders will look to find another egg that is cheaper, OR lose interest altogether for bidding on the egg due to the high price.

Say for example the egg was a 3vis fabled egg.

If someone didn't want to fight with bids, they can put down a big payment of 8m. Eight million gold is a big sum and most likely won't be topped so easily, unless someone who wants that egg has more than 8m of their own to top the bid. Otherwise, said egg will be deemed safe.

Or say for example it was just a miscellaneous egg.
In this case, many players looking to bid will try to pick the egg that is cheapest, since it's unknown what the prize in the patterned eggs will be, and all prizes will be randomized anyways.

In order to fight off potential snipers, a wary person can bid 800k (a giant bid relative to the entire auction's eggs) while all the other eggs are priced at 100k or under. In this case, the bid will stay for that egg unless someone with 800k or more decides to top that offer. However, all miscellaneous patterned eggs are in the same pool of prizes to be randomized, so chances are, snipers will ignore the egg with the high 800k bid and look for cheaper eggs to snipe by the end of the auction.

Edited By Flute on 11/8/2014 at 12:34 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 2/16/2014 at 9:02 AM Post #8
vii. FAQs


Level 70
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Posted: 2/16/2014 at 9:02 AM Post #9
Bid logs (I always wanted to do these but I was always lazy orz)

Fall Festival Eggling Auction #2

Winter Festival 2014, Auction #1

Winter Festival 2014, Auction #2
Edited By Flute on 1/4/2015 at 7:00 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 2/16/2014 at 9:02 AM Post #10
-extra post-
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