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Level 75
Joined: 5/1/2018
Threads: 2
Posts: 31
Posted: 12/23/2023 at 2:47 PM Post #1

I am hoping for some more experience players to maybe give me some insight on this team...

Do I keep leveling up or do I leave them where they are? What gear would be the best? They were going to be my arena team but I have changed my mind LOL

I do have one team that is level 72 I think...and same elements as the team above with a little bit of rank..up to rank 3 on their skills (thank you RaCrystallizedWyvern for this team :) )

Oh and is the LG the only place to Rank up skills

Thanks for any insight and help
Edited By Ccrhymes on 12/23/2023 at 3:13 PM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 12/24/2023 at 12:24 AM Post #2
Lost grove and fall fest specific activity Maws of Madness are the only places where attacks can gain rank exp.

For the rest, it depends what you want to use the team for.
Lv30 is the typical level for festival board teams, if that's the intent of these pets, though water/light/air isn't a typical board team element selection (you can see more info on usual fest board team setups here)

What gear you go with would depend on if this current element setup is water tank light healer, or light healer water buffer, for which pet goes into more Agility-oriented stat gear (tank)
(Light tank, sub-60 illusionist (/evoker), 60+ lightbringer (reaver and pyromancer also viable), water buffer more likely to lean to myrmidon / storm caller (assassin/ tidal lord/ warden viable)
water tank, assassin/ tidal lord (/ warden), light healer evoker/pyromancer typical (illusionist/reaver/lightbringer viable). Basically, tank favours Agi equips highly for the evasion and defence, healer/buffer tends to get dex equips, but agi's okay, of whichever damage stat type is relevant for the element in question)

Air's always str/dex though, so Myrmidon at sub-60, storm caller at 60+
Level 75
Joined: 5/1/2018
Threads: 2
Posts: 31
Posted: 12/24/2023 at 3:02 PM Post #3

Thanks for the input, really appreciate it. Don't think I will be doing the fest battle boards. I think eventually these will be one of the main teams. So I guess I will keep leveling them. Maybe try to get one of each the elements, will get there eventually. Think I have couple ready to level as alternates for the team. Working on figuring out team building and such. So all help is appreciated. Now to try and remember everything.
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