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Level 60
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Posted: 2/16/2013 at 7:37 PM Post #1
My roleplay on another site died and i must roleplay.

"The wind is blowing hard and it feels like ice. Where are you? What happened? you don't remember anything, not even your name. It's freezing you need to find shelter.
A man with dark brown hair and grey eyes seems to appear out of nowhere "Hi" he says handing you a jacket "Kim sent me to find you. we'd better get back to camp before the storm hits" Kim? who's Kim. who is this man. yet what else can you do but follow?"

"Of course this probably inst exactly what happened to you but its defenetly what happened to me."

"We don't know when it started exactly, Kim was alone for a long time and then she found Talon when she learned to tell when someone appeared. We think people are being taken here form another world, another plain of existence, but we cant really be sure. Kim founded the group known as The Night's Shadow or Shadow for short. its main goal is to protect the people who show up in the world and teach them to use there powers. It doesn't always work out. It wasn't until the group had grown fairly large that we discovered other groups some with not such kind causes as our own. it was then that we began to use our powers to fight not just the monsters that lurk in this world but our own people as well. they started it"

"our people have many traditions one of which is that when you come to us without a name you need to earn one. kind strange really I wound up with the name Hunter because I was always the best hunter we had, at finding people and food."

"people come to us at all ages everyone has at least one magical talent thought they do not often discover them right away"

"well welcome to The Night's Shadow I suppose you'r always free to leave as long as Kim doesn't think you'll run off to our enemys. If you see something glowing and green moving about in the grass walk the other way it'll likely eat you if you don't.....I don't think that there is anything else you need to know......Oh ya sometimes people get more powers after completing some dangerous task Kim says you can't have more than two powers without 'earning them' whatever that means, she has three. this world is called Atlantis by the way.... that's just what it feels like it wants to be called"

"The leaders form a counsel which advises Kim (no i'm not one of them and i wouldn't want to be )

Night's Shadow

Leader: Kim
Scout Leader: Talon
Scouts: Echo
Warrior Leader: Rose
Warriors: Fester Aloevan Zahara
Hunter leader: Blake
Hunters: Hunter, Era
Healer leader: Ellery
Healers: Elyia
scavenger leader:
scavenger: Svetlana
Builder leader:
Unclassified: Takami, Silvia


General age:

No god modding (duh)
Have fun
don't bug people about there spelling unless you really cant tell what they'er trying to say or the spell your charry's name wrong over and over again.
No killing someone's charry without asking
Do NOT ever roleplay someone else's charry
Have fun
I think thats it
Edited By 210 on 6/6/2013 at 6:31 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 12/19/2012
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Posted: 2/16/2013 at 7:38 PM Post #2
Name: Kim
Gender: female
Description: silver hair and green/gold eyes
Position: Leader
Power: shape-shift(crow, cat, otter, or panther), phase-shift, and sense when people come to Atlantis and where they are
Age: around 20
Other: She founded The Nights Shadow

Name: Talon
Gender: Male
Description: Dark brown hair and grey eyes
Position: Scout leader
Power: teleportation though he cant go very far
Age: around 20
Other: Kim's best friend

Name: Hunter
Gender: Male
Description: Dusty blond hair and brown eyes
Position: Hunter
Power: He's not quite sure though he's very good at finding things
Age: about 18
Other: Joined Kim's group when he first came to Atlantis.
Edited By 210 on 4/11/2013 at 4:55 PM.
Level 28
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Posted: 3/11/2013 at 4:55 PM Post #3
Name: Echo
Gender: female
Description: short with a tattered black shirt and curly black hair, tattered tan jeans, reddish eyes
Position: scout
Power: can sense people's emotions and generally see what they're about to do
General age: 7
Other: was disowned by her family in chicago after her mom died and had been bouncing around from foster home to foster home until she came to atlantis
Edited By 3032 on 3/11/2013 at 5:47 PM.
Level 60
The Whimsical
Joined: 3/1/2013
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Posted: 3/11/2013 at 5:41 PM Post #4
@Waterheart Hi!
I hope I don't god mod...;A;
Name: Blake (I seem to really like that name 0_0 )

Gender: Male

Description: He's a tall, black-haired man who is bashful and exciting, but can also be quite serious and sometimes thinks before he acts. He is sometimes dense. He is a bit tan as well. XD

Position: Hunter Leader

Power: I dunno if this is allowed or makes sense but...he can find peoples certain fears and make them look like they came to life (Illusions, Dreams, etc) Life like basically.

- He also have POWER MIMICRY, meaning he may copy your powers. He can only use a power he copies for 2-3 days, a few hours for strong ones.

He also has third eye, seeing things beyond human vision but only for a short period of time, because he receives headaches upon using it. (Unusual creatures, monsters, invisible stuff, etc, which is why I said he can only use it for a short period of time)

General age: Around 20 I guess XD

Advantages; He's loyal, quite faithful, is very strong, and finishes whatever he starts.

Disadvantages; He has a small case of Claustrophobia - a fear of confined places. Meaning he only gets jittery when in a small place, like a little shed. He doesn't like being ordered around too much.

Personality; He's serious and a bit not talkative but besides that, he's rather calm and is quite kind. He doesn't have a stache or beard so don't go overboard XD. Despite being calm and all, he's actually a pretty good artist/carver XD.

@Waterheart I ALSO HAVE A QUESTION. When does my character appear and does he know Kim and everyone else?

Let me know if I have a problem in this form so...XD
Edited By 2877 on 3/14/2013 at 2:43 PM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/8/2013
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Posted: 3/12/2013 at 12:15 PM Post #5
Description:Golden Blonde hair with Purple streaks and gray eyes
Position:Warrior Leader
Power: Is so silent and can sneak up on anyone no matter what
Can persuade anybody into giving her what she wants(is this allowed)
General Age:around 20
Other: a little bossy lol
Edited By 2049 on 3/12/2013 at 1:01 PM.
Level 60
The Hallowed
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Posted: 3/12/2013 at 1:47 PM Post #6
Name: Fester
Gender: Male
Description: Black messy hair, Red eyes, sharp teeth, a very slight grayish tint to his skin.
Position: Warrior
Power: Upon eating part of a human corpse Fester's light wounds will heal.
He can see into the future but can't tell in full detail what he saw, so he has to be vague, comparable to a fake fortune teller.
General age: 22
Other: He's a cannibal (of course he'd only his enemies.) The fact that he is a cannibal is unknown to the rest of the characters (whether Kim knows is up to waterheart.) Healing magic (magic being any form of spell or unnatural healing power) will not work on Fester although traditional healing will (such as stitches and surgery.) Otherwise his personality seems to be laid back, sarcastic, sometimes a little rude, but always a flirt around the ladies. Fester will often refer to himself as a hunter even though he is a warrior. When treated as a subordinate by Rose he'd probably get sassy. He is good with stealth but he isn't that intelligent.

New stuff:
The closer he gets to death the less he'd care about who's corpse it is he'd eat from in order to heal. As death gets closer he'd be more determined to kill a human in such a case where there are no dead humans around, using all his strength and disregarding any new injuries obtained in said process. At this point friend or foe no longer matters and all that matters is survival. Such cases he is almost zombie like and he is no longer in control of himself.


Name: Takami

Gender: Male

Description: Takami has white center parted hair that goes to the back of his neck, although it doesn't look particularly well kept it looks like he at least tries to put some effort into it in the morning. His eyes are usually closed, however on the rare occasion that they are open(Usually when he is furious) they reveal a deep teal color. He has fairly pale skin, almost colorless. Takami is a little over six feet tall and is moderately slim. He wears a royal purple suit with a teal tie to match his eyes. There are only four buttons on the front of the suit, placed rather oddly to the unknowing eye, but to him they are recognized as a braille T. For good measure he has the letter T embroidered on the suit pocket. Underneath the suit coat he wears a typical white dress shirt. When the white dress shirt it is revealed that Takami's chest and arms are covered in burn marks. He wears white socks and black dress shoes.

Personality: Takami can be somewhat arrogant, a little secretive about himself, but overall is a very caring man. He tries to keep a calm and collected attitude, however if something is truly upsetting to him he may raise his voice.
He has good posture, as if he thinks about every single step he takes with pride and elegance. He is very social, as without sight he can get bored very easily in silence. He would be the one to host big fancy parties for the heck of it.

Position: Unclassified due to lack of sight.

Power: Takami is very articulate and can be extremely persuasive, almost to the point of mind control, however those with a strong will can resist.
Takami can access the morphogenetic fields, which is basically a special form of telepathy, however only those who can also access the morphogenetic field will be able to communicate with him. Svetlana also has this power and he will be able to talk to her not only when they are apart but at different points in the current “Time-line.” (Basically he can talk to her past self as long as he remembers it, so he won't be able to talk to her before they arrived in this world. This feature won't be used most likely as it will get very confusing.)He will be able to communicate with those he has a strong bond with, however they will not be able to talk back.

General age: 28

Other: Takami is blind and therefore his other senses are enhanced slightly. Takami arrives in this world with Svetlana and although they don't directly remember each other they do appear to recognize each other.
Takami given the opportunity can play various sting instruments such as the Violin, Lute, Piano, Organ and the Harpsichord(to be fair they are all keyboard based instruments so after learning the piano it didn't take long to learn the organ an harpsicord as well.) When he still had his vision he was a talented tinkerer. Although he retained some of his tinkering ability, it is hard for him without his sight. Takami can cook for himself however he'd much rather have Svetlana cook for him. Despite his lack of sight he has a fairly good sense of direction.
Edited By 2789 on 4/10/2013 at 10:08 PM.
Level 60
The Whimsical
Joined: 3/1/2013
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Posted: 3/12/2013 at 2:43 PM Post #7
Okay, so Amberanime is taking hunter just so peeps know! XD @Waterheart is this okay? Okay! XD
Level 69
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 3/12/2013 at 2:47 PM Post #8
Name: Era (name she got in Atlantis, her real old name she either forgot or left behind)
Gender: Female
Description: Darkblond medium lenght hair and brown eyes. Hair is either in a messy braid or ponytail.( she has a small scar in the back of her neck, but her hair hides it)
Position: Hunter
Power: Can understand Animal language and animals can understand her. She can hear or see or feel what an animal sees/hears or feels when she is insync with one. (so only when animals allow her to or trust her or at least don't mind her, also this power is very new and still unstable, it doesn't always work and sometimes it happens withoud her wanting it too)
General age: 17
Other: Tomboy with insecure side. Loves animals dispite being a hunter. (I am not sure if Hunter means hunting animals, or people, or monsters. So I just went the idea that she hunts bad/dangerous/evil and when in need of food. If this is not ok or not what is what is supposed to happen let me know )
Other skills: Very good with a bow (better then most) but still learning. Good tracker. She can sing, but probably will not do so in front of others.
Dislikes: Guys who flirt with her, or people who look down on her because of her age or gender.
Atlantis: She ended up in Atlantis when she was 6. She doesn't remember much from her old life. She was alone and scared and had new powers she didn't understand. She had to figure it out the hard way by her self. Later she got found by somebody (hunter leader Blake) and properly trained as A hunter. She joins Kim because she doesn't want any new people to go trough the same as she had.
(She doesn't have a bare forhead like this picture, she has hair in front of it hanging near her eyes. Messy. But such an option isn't there yet xp. If easyer you can also imagine her wearing a dark red headband keeping the hair out of her eyes.

I once send a pm to waterheart about my bad guy and his powers it is not a real sheat but it is info on him, I got permission for 3 powers because he is one of the bigger/stronger bad guys the good guys will work towards to defeating. Which won't be easy looking at his powers.

1 Redirection (when a person uses an abilitie on him, depending how strong it is, he can redirect the damage the power can do to another person, example Blake uses his fear ability on him and he rediracts it to Era or Fester and make them see their biggest fear. He can not use this ability or only a little bit on people stronger or just as strong as him. Abilities that are not aimed at him, he can not redirect, so if a healer heals a person he can not redirect the healing to him.)

2 Mind control: (Don't plan to godmode, when I plan to use it on characters that aren't Era I will ask their players permission first trough pm) This abilitie is one people don't know he can use. (with the eception of those he used it on and Kim to a degree but even she does not know what he can du fully) He can use it for limited time. What he can do, is sneak into minds and make them hear and see things he says or imagines. At the same time he can control the body and make it move like he wants to. This ability is stronger when he is infront of the person controling. In the same area, he can make 1 person or a bunch of weak minded people (minions) do exactly what he wants. In a distance, not in the same area, he can make them walk and talk but not as natural and fluent like from up close. (Like Era back with catch the creature mission). Once he uses This part of the ability people will not be aware their body's move or act withoud them. He can however also make people move the way he wants with them being fully aware their bodys are being controlled. He prefers not to use this ability unles orderd or as a part of a plan because it leaves him weak and exhousted afterwards. Open for attack.

3 invisibilitie; He can become invisible, but in a total kind of way. What I mean with that is that not only does he become invisible for the eyes, but also for ears and nose. He will be gone for all your senses. He uses this to get away from the good guys when needed. He doesn't ever use this in a fight. Because despite the fact he is a bad guy, he prefers to fight his enemies knowing they can see him. This is a spy/escape abilitie only, at least that is how he uses it.

Personalitie: Cocky,playfull, teasing but clever. He doesn't charge in things blindly. He has no shame in running away or taking a leave when he is losing or when he simply feels like it. He is not a sour loser either. He always leaves smirking, already planning and looking foreward to the next encounter. He is bored by his people with the exceptions of some of the other elete bad guys, so the ocasional battles and meetings with the good guys are a fun way to pass time.
He is not impressed fast. He likes playing around and rarely even uses his full strenght, prefering to leave before he has too. He had no desire to get rid of the good guys, enjoying to make things hard on them and see them struggle is way more fun. His one real weakness is that he already believes the bad guys have won, so he doesn't take fighting with the good guys that seriously. If he had, he could have ended half of the good guys already. Becouse he doesn't the good guys have the chance to grow stronger and that could lead to his end some day.

In a way he is like a cat playing with a mouse, instead of eating it.

I tried making him:
I also have him with his hood off, but the characters haven't seen him with his hood off yet so I will keep him like this until they have seen him that way

(please ignore spelling and grammar. I rushed this and I have dyslexia.)
Edited By 1955 on 4/25/2013 at 7:04 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 3/12/2013 at 7:35 PM Post #9
everyone accepted
Ember that power is fine but please remember to limit it so that you don't god-mod (in other words so you dontmake her invincible)

Everyone who has a position is already part of the group. They met Kim when a scout found them and brought them to the group.
A hunter hunts animals for food and can track people should it be needed

And other questions?
Edited By 210 on 3/12/2013 at 7:36 PM.
Level 60
The Whimsical
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Posted: 3/12/2013 at 7:50 PM Post #10
Yes, yes, YESSS!! I've got a qustion!! First, I was stalking the web until you came on. 0_0 Second, Can I find Era before she became a hunter, and then she became a hunter? (It's in Era's info) I founded Era before she joined, and what world are we in?
Edited By 2877 on 3/12/2013 at 7:51 PM.
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