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Forum Index > News and Announcements > Spring Festival Pet Traits
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Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 5/13/2024 at 9:42 PM Post #1
We have added the following Traits into the game in celebration of this year's Spring Festival! We have other non-Restricted Traits picked out, but did not have time to complete them. We may still work on adding them in game ASAP.

Species: Aeridini
Restricted Trait Set: Natureguard
Trait Slots: Gene Two, Gene Three
Trait Names: Natureguard's Wisp, Natureguard's Blend
Note: Natureguard is an existing Restricted Trait Set and is now 6-Visible Traits instead of only 4-Visible Traits. We also reworked the existing Traits to have more detail.

Edited By Krinadon on 6/3/2024 at 9:52 AM.
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Posted: 5/14/2024 at 11:26 AM Post #2
So this means that just like the crystallized griffi, when you added the Crystallized Rays that we have to disrupt an unbred pet multiple times to get the new genes/traits?? It gets really expensive to disrupt pets multiple times to get the new genes/traits. It is also expensive to purchase another un-bred pet - if any exist. I had to purchase a crystalized griffi and disrupt it multiple times to finally get the crystallized rays so that I could finish my breeding project. I am the only one in the game that has a 5 visiable crystallized griffi at this point in time. Another player in the game was so nice to allow me to breed to her crystallized griffis, so I could have 2 different bloodlines. This time we have to get 2 pets instead of 1 to disrupt. This is just FRUSTRATION!!!!! I have Natureguard Aeris but I'm seriously thinking about releasing them because I don't want to go through the expense and frustration of having to repeat another project. Most of my Natureguard Aeris are over 1000 health because I had started maxing them. I am thankful now that I did not finish them, I dont have to put any more diamonds into them, just release them. Sorry that this post is so negative but I wanted you to kow how I feel about this. If you remember. I messaged you about the crystallized griffi when I found out you added the crystallized rays. I just feel extremely FRUSTRATED at this point..

Level 75
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Posted: 5/14/2024 at 11:26 AM Post #3
You know, when you add new traits to a restricted set years after inception, it makes people absolutely NOT want to touch non-6-vis restricted sets because it messes up ALL the hard work of people who put a lot of time, effort and money into a project. It's already frustrating enough when restricted traits don't want to carry over from parent to child.

The traits look nice, but this is extremely frustrating. And I haven't even touched the Naturegaurd. Those who have? I can't even imagine how they feel, but I know I'd feel.

It's not fair either, to those who were credited for max-traiting a theme, then have it taken away.
Edited By SerenityEather on 5/14/2024 at 12:24 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 5/15/2024 at 3:12 AM Post #4
Maybe the frustrating element about this could be addressed by bringing back the old natureguard themes now so that people have a chance to catch new ones with the new traits which they can then breed into their existing projects (still a bit of work but not nearly as bad). Or maybe players could somehow win/earn an item that lets them add one of the new restricted traits to an existing 4-vis so people can upgrade their existing projects.

I really love the new traits, and I really love the idea of all restricted trait sets eventually having all 6 slots occupied, so I'd be really keen to see a workaround for the frustration of adding traits to existing sets. I think this is a great opportunity to rethink the mechanics here a bit and come out the other side with an improved game.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 5/15/2024 at 8:52 AM Post #5
Author: UntitledPrince
Time Posted: 5/15/2024 at 3:12 AM
Maybe the frustrating element about this could be addressed by bringing back the old natureguard themes now so that people have a chance to catch new ones with the new traits which they can then breed into their existing projects (still a bit of work but not nearly as bad). Or maybe players could somehow win/earn an item that lets them add one of the new restricted traits to an existing 4-vis so people can upgrade their existing projects.

I really love the new traits, and I really love the idea of all restricted trait sets eventually having all 6 slots occupied, so I'd be really keen to see a workaround for the frustration of adding traits to existing sets. I think this is a great opportunity to rethink the mechanics here a bit and come out the other side with an improved game.

I agree with this. And perhaps you could allow tagged and purebred natureguard Aeridinis to be regenned. That solution would make everyone happy, I think.
I would propose for all the previous natureguard themes to indefinitely be treated as 4v sets when it comes to breeding, regardless of what happens. If that's not already the case.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 5/15/2024 at 9:58 PM Post #6
Author: CasmereSphynx
Time Posted: 5/14/2024 at 11:26 AM
So this means that just like the crystallized griffi, when you added the Crystallized Rays that we have to disrupt an unbred pet multiple times to get the new genes/traits?? It gets really expensive to disrupt pets multiple times to get the new genes/traits. It is also expensive to purchase another un-bred pet - if any exist. I had to purchase a crystalized griffi and disrupt it multiple times to finally get the crystallized rays so that I could finish my breeding project. I am the only one in the game that has a 5 visiable crystallized griffi at this point in time. Another player in the game was so nice to allow me to breed to her crystallized griffis, so I could have 2 different bloodlines. This time we have to get 2 pets instead of 1 to disrupt. This is just FRUSTRATION!!!!! I have Natureguard Aeris but I'm seriously thinking about releasing them because I don't want to go through the expense and frustration of having to repeat another project. Most of my Natureguard Aeris are over 1000 health because I had started maxing them. I am thankful now that I did not finish them, I dont have to put any more diamonds into them, just release them. Sorry that this post is so negative but I wanted you to kow how I feel about this. If you remember. I messaged you about the crystallized griffi when I found out you added the crystallized rays. I just feel extremely FRUSTRATED at this point..


I am sorry that the addition of new Traits is causing frustration. The reason that we opt to do this are because some species, like the Aeridini, have dedicated Trait Slots for parts of their bodies. If a Restricted Trait Set has no Traits for these slots, then these body parts just end up blank. So, for the Aeridini, the Natureguard Trait Set had a blank body and then no Gene for their wings.

Throughout the years, players have overall expressed the preference that these body parts have Traits vs be left blank. So we have started targeting older Restricted Trait Sets that we feel are applicable for this. The Natureguard Trait Set seemed like a perfect candidate.

Regarding existing Breeding Projects, yes, it now creates the need for new breeding stock. However, we do already offer this in a couple of forms. Once or twice a year, we give players access to the Wheel of Themed which helps add some new Themed Pets into the game. And then this past year for the Fortune Event, the Lucky Scratchcard could award any old Restricted Themed Pet, specifically. We can continue looking for additional ways for current players to get their hands on old and retired Themed Pets. That has always been a goal of ours so that players have a chance to add newly released Traits into old Breeding Projects.
Level 75
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Posted: 5/15/2024 at 11:30 PM Post #7
If the added traits were the only thing, I wouldn't fuss over it. To a max trait breeding project, it's annoying and can be pricy. The issue is when someone had bred max stats, only to then have to breed maxed pets back to pets with base stats in the mid-30s at best. It's not merely frustrating at that point- it's infuriating, because one must effectively max stat the same theme TWICE!!

Don't get me wrong, I do prefer NOT having blank bodies, but it'd be nice if the traits were released all together, or at least close to each other- not a year+ apart!
Edited By SerenityEather on 5/15/2024 at 11:32 PM.
Level 68
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Posted: 5/16/2024 at 2:57 AM Post #8
............... sorry was sleepy when i posted
Edited By Meowth27 on 5/18/2024 at 2:11 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 5/16/2024 at 4:12 AM Post #9
Author: SerenityEather
Time Posted: 5/15/2024 at 11:30 PM
If the added traits were the only thing, I wouldn't fuss over it. To a max trait breeding project, it's annoying and can be pricy. The issue is when someone had bred max stats, only to then have to breed maxed pets back to pets with base stats in the mid-30s at best. It's not merely frustrating at that point- it's infuriating, because one must effectively max stat the same theme TWICE!!

Don't get me wrong, I do prefer NOT having blank bodies, but it'd be nice if the traits were released all together, or at least close to each other- not a year+ apart!

I definitely agree it would be nice all Traits were released together. =P But we're talking about Traits released many years ago where outlook was different and sometimes we just didn't have the time/resources to go for full 6-Visible Trait Sets - they are very time consuming.

We try and do so now with new Trait Sets - when they do come out - unless it's a pet that has like 3 Body Genes in which case 4 or 5 Traits works just fine.

I will try and think of some other way to help breeders without hurting the value of the newly released Traits. I do appreciate the feedback.
Edited By Krinadon on 5/16/2024 at 4:13 AM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 5/16/2024 at 4:12 AM Post #10
Author: Meowth27
Time Posted: 5/16/2024 at 2:57 AM
............... sorry was sleepy when i posted

I believe this is the wrong thread. =P

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