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Username: Viskue
Title: Candy Dispenser
User ID: 28511
User Level: 40
Joined: 1/10/2015 at 4:47:59pm
Last Online: 488 Days ago
Account Age: 3,386 Days
Profile Views: 428
About Me
*I made this bio when I was like 14 but I dont feel like changing it for memorys sake*
hi yo call me visk er somethin .3. basic bio lol

favebook: wings of fire series, Diana Wynne Jones Books
favefood: dont really got one
favecolor: i dunno
im a very indecisive person
what viskue means: some sorta crazy dragon cat animal i made in the 5th grade
manga or anime? have to go with manga
i like questionares <<<<<< SO BORING
im such a weirdo by.. alsoi dont exactly have internet but after school lets just say i get a chance to play for like 30 mins maybe and hour depends but usually 30 mins and like 8 hours on saturdays eh it all depends
I would love to have this qitari i dunno i just wanted to keep looking at it on my profile XD

I dunno i want to keep putting in sylesti ideas here so feel free to take (i mean some of them i have no codes for but still)(like these i didnt think of saving the codes before i thought of this idea sorry look at the bottom i guess the ones on top are for inspiration or if you can remake them but they have alot of markings so i don't think you can anyways well maybe if you made to parents with half the markings and their child looked like one of these etc.)

(lupora Male)

(Lupora Female)

Eye Color: R: 206 G:184 B:255 OR CEB8FF
Color One: R:132 G:0 B:255 OR 8400FF
Color Two: R: 45 G:0 B:87 OR 2D0057
Color Three: White
Gene Design One (POLECAT): White
Pet Information
In order to help reduce Server Load, these stats have been temporarily disabled.
Exploration Information
Battle Record: 519-12 (97.74%)
Mission Record: 21-5 (80.77%)
Gold Earned: 88,105
Scales Earned: 323
Quests Completed: 15
Sylestia Completion: 4.96%
Dungeons Cleared: 0
Bosses Defeated: 2
Elites Defeated: 0
Superiors Defeated: 20
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 0
Epic Items Found: 5
Rare Items Found: 31