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Posted: 5/16/2024 at 7:30 AM Post #11
I do appreciate that you're trying to make themes look better, and I know well that art can take time.
I used to draw before arthritis in my hands made it difficult to even use a pencil.

Efforts to make things less frustrating for max stat breeders is also greatly appreciated.
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Posted: 5/16/2024 at 8:38 AM Post #12
I had a though a moment ago. Something Dracaena mentioned earlier in the thread, but more fine-tuned.

Perhaps you could allow unbred max-traited restricted to be regenned? Those that were generated before the new traits are implemented? That would allow max stat breeders to regen some pets for new traits, while not having to completely re-max the theme.
They would have to re-max trait the theme, but it would be a FAR less painful process than having to re-max stat the theme.
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Posted: 5/16/2024 at 11:14 AM Post #13
Author: Krinadon
Time Posted: 5/15/2024 at 9:58 PM

I am sorry that the addition of new Traits is causing frustration. The reason that we opt to do this are because some species, like the Aeridini, have dedicated Trait Slots for parts of their bodies. If a Restricted Trait Set has no Traits for these slots, then these body parts just end up blank. So, for the Aeridini, the Natureguard Trait Set had a blank body and then no Gene for their wings.

Throughout the years, players have overall expressed the preference that these body parts have Traits vs be left blank. So we have started targeting older Restricted Trait Sets that we feel are applicable for this. The Natureguard Trait Set seemed like a perfect candidate.

Regarding existing Breeding Projects, yes, it now creates the need for new breeding stock. However, we do already offer this in a couple of forms. Once or twice a year, we give players access to the Wheel of Themed which helps add some new Themed Pets into the game. And then this past year for the Fortune Event, the Lucky Scratchcard could award any old Restricted Themed Pet, specifically. We can continue looking for additional ways for current players to get their hands on old and retired Themed Pets. That has always been a goal of ours so that players have a chance to add newly released Traits into old Breeding Projects.

Do you realize the odds of a specific player spinning the Black Friday Wheel and geting the exact Restricted pet they want, same with the lucky ticket. Yes, people do get them but if the deciede to sell said pet the price will be easily over 2 million in gold, or the same in diamonds. I've seen this.

I understand genes and mutations leaving open places on a pet but, that should have been addressed before being released. I also understand that you have to make money to keep the game going, But there is a difference between making money and making people feel they are waisting theirs. This is how I feel when I have to take a pet I have already given maxed traits, and almost max stated, them have to start all over to add new traits that have been added to said pet. Then you have the problem of having to breed to pets that have beginner, very low stats if you can find the pets you need to do this. If you can find said pet you have to be able to use the pet for breeding. There are many owners who will not allow you to breed to their pet. I've come accorss this as well. I understand not wanting to breed certian pets. I was so lucky to find an awesome player who allowed me to breed to her pets so that I could finish my crystallized griffis. My project will be finished very soon now! So now, I have to worry about if you're going to add a G3 to the crystallized griffi or any other projects that I'm working on that are restricted themes - FRUSTRATION AGAIN !!! The breeeding aspect of this game is, for me, the best part of this game. I enjoy breeding pets!!! When frustration takes over it is no longer fun, just a chor, no enjoyment.

I just want you to understand how I feel, A game is supposed to be fun, and to me right now I'm just struggling to find my old love for this game.
Level 75
Frosty Hands
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Posted: 5/16/2024 at 2:11 PM Post #14
I think this is a nice update for this Aeridini set. I didn't collect any of the Natureguard themes or want to use the traits for other themes because it felt incomplete as a set and I don't like the way most of the Aeri body genes mix with this trait set. I am not currently a huge breeder, but I do collect with an eye to breeding so this may change my mind about collecting future Natureguard themes.

I do understand the frustration for the dedicated breeders, but the arguments being used against adding the new restricted traits to old sets could be used for entire species of pets that are waiting for revamps as well. For example all of the Nephini projects players have worked really hard on that may have to be completely thrown out the window later on after the traits and color slots move around. I have an entire breeding stock for the Icy Cave Faelora that I no longer need because the traits don't line up the way I needed them to, not to mention the Morks and Nyts that I no longer wanted after the revamps. It is probably this kind of reasoning that makes a lot of players hesitant to breed any of their themes, because "what happens if I breed them and then a new trait I /really/ want to have or that looks better on my project comes out?"

Also, another thing for the player base to keep in mind, this whole game is still in beta. This means that if the Devs chose to, they could completely change or remove entire item sets, pet traits, or even entire species of pets if they so choose. I see that message every time I buy or download a game in beta on Xbox, so I suppose that's why it's easier for me. Heck, when buying a game still in beta it also says that the game may never be completed and to not buy it if you aren't comfortable with that.

To offer a few posible solutions:

To players who have already completed a max trait project for the original 4 - 5 traits, I would suggest either leaving their names in those slots, or making slots for "first 4 (or 5) trait completion" and I would also suggest leaving any of the players who have finished a max stat projects in those slots.

Offer a compensation bundle to those players who are in the middle of a project, so long as they can show that the project is theirs and they are fairly well along in the project.

To help combat many players not wanting to allow beedings to their themes maybe open up a new feature that has themed pets that players can breed to that swaps what themes are available. It could change daily or weekly but each time a theme comes back up it's traits get rerolled, with the odds weighted in favor of newer traits. I would hope that the breedings would be only gold fees, but in the event of some themes charging diamonds I would suggest keeping that to restricted trait sets only and keeping it at a lower price than what players would have to pay to buy the seed (or other crafting item) as they wouldn't get to keep the pet, only the purebred offspring.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 5/16/2024 at 8:26 PM Post #15
adding this here because i've been keeping up with the arguments...

as a project breeder, i don't really see a problem with adding new traits to old restricted sets. adding the new traits to the sets (assuming you have the pet with those traits) isn't actually that hard - it's the same process you use when supermaxing a project.

*technically* it can be a long and expensive process if you want it done quickly. but if you are patient and willing to breed a lot, you can max a set in less than 3 generations if you're starting with a max parent. that's 2 or 3 prismatic philters and maybe a nurture boost tag or two.

it might take a little bit longer if you're trying to add the traits, yes. but there's no limitation on generations for a max stat project. if you have the patience, you can do it for little to no cost.

its understandable to be frustrated that a project that was done before now has new traits to be added, but it's not exactly impossible to fix.

i do agree with the argument that people should be able to access the old themes with those traits though. i don't think a compensation package or letting people regen pets is the answer because that's unfair, but i think they should be added to a not-distant future event so people can access them. that's happened before with another restricted set that had new traits come out - and i think that one was handled perfectly.

*edit: i misremembered when the new traits were added to the galactic set for the griffi - the former theme wasn't released but i think they really should be.
Edited By YureiNeko on 5/16/2024 at 8:34 PM.
Level 75
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 5/17/2024 at 12:44 AM Post #16
Hmm. This idea of adding 2 new traits to older 4 trait themes seems like a nice idea to freshen up the look of the trait sets.
Has anyone suggested that maybe the older themed pets that have already been around for so long should not have those new traits added? The ways to obtain them are so exclusive and rely on chance - if its just wheel of themed etc..

If the older themes wont be affected and can remain completed then people can focus on the new pets and enjoy the traits instead of scrambling and looking for a way to complete themes which they thought were done for.

Also for the sake of those who worked hard to obtain the credit for being the first person to complete traits/ max stat those themes.

Unless you plan to have an event where people can have a fair way to earn these older pets again with specifically those traits available, it could be a strain on players who are competitive or strive for completion.

Just my thoughts on the topic, the new traits are very nice : )
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 5/21/2024 at 4:30 PM Post #17
I appreciate all of the input on this topic. I am trying to think of a solution that works for everyone and meets my expectations of the release of new Traits like this.

I will say that I have not touched the existing Natureguard Themed Pets. They are still represented by the original 4 Traits and indicate who were the first players to max them based on those original 4 Traits. The goal of adding the new Traits into existing Natureguard Themed Pets is a individual player based goal - the game isn't steering players to do that in anyway. And while that is entirely encouraged in Sylestia - for players to play their own way - I just wanted to state that it's not an official thing in any capacity.

I will continue brainstorming of a viable way to make it easier for players to get their hands on the old Restricted Themed Pets with new Traits. However, it's always intended to be a new generation of content by adding these new Traits to old Trait Sets - it's intended for players to have to try and find the new Traits, work them into new projects, etc.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 5/23/2024 at 1:18 PM Post #18
Can we grow the Aeri's with the two new traits or no?
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 5/24/2024 at 2:53 PM Post #19
Author: Jenrette
Time Posted: 5/23/2024 at 1:18 PM
Can we grow the Aeri's with the two new traits or no?

Yes. There was originally a bug preventing them from being selected. It's fixed now.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 5/24/2024 at 2:57 PM Post #20
Great, thanks (:
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