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Level 75
Master Egg Hunter
Joined: 10/3/2022
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Posted: 12/23/2023 at 2:07 PM Post #11
Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale:
The little match-seller.

The Little Girl with the Matches is the story of a poor girl who is frozen and barefoot on the streets of the city on New Year's Eve. She does not dare to return home without having sold the matches, as she is afraid that her father will then beat her. No one wants to buy matches from her and everyone is indoors to celebrate New Year's Eve. She can see the joy in the houses and smell the roast goose being served:

"The lights shone from all the windows and then the street smelled so lovely of roast goose; it was New Year's Eve, yes, that's what she was thinking".

She finds herself in the dark and the only light she has is the light from the matches she ends up lighting to keep warm. She dreams far away from the cold and she feels great, but the warmth disappears quickly and she is left in the dark and the cold:

"She pulled one out, "Ritsch!" how it sparkled, how it burned! it was a warm, clear cap, like a little candle, when she held it in her hand; it was a strange light! The little girl thought she was sitting in front of a large iron tiled stove with shiny brass balls and brass drum; the fire burned so blessed, warmed so well! no, what was that! - The little one already stretched out her feet to warm them as well, - - then the flame was extinguished, the tiled stove disappeared, - she sat with a small piece of the burned-out sulfur stick in her hand".

"When a star falls, a soul ascends to God"

When she lights another one, she dreams far away and imagines that she was sitting on the other side - inside the warmth illuminated by the candles, the warmth and the lovely smell of roast goose, but the reality is unfortunately different for the poor little girl. In the end, there are no more matches left and she dies of cold, although with a smile on her face, as she knows that grandma is waiting in heaven: for old grandma, who was the only one who had been good to her, but now was dead, had said: When a star falls, a soul ascends to God.

The fairy tale is written in 1848 by Hans Christian Andersen.
One of my favorite fairy tales.

Must admit i had to use goggle translate since english isnt my natural language but did my best :)
Might not be the version of a hero we are used to see but turn around the story and see she did go out try sell matches to get food on table nothing stopped her so she is a different kind of hero.
Edited By Hebs on 12/23/2023 at 2:20 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/7/2023
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Posted: 12/23/2023 at 3:16 PM Post #12

*True Story*
In 2018, a BBC documentary film crew was filming the Sir David Attenborough series Dynasty in Antarctica, when they ran into a heartbreaking and dire situation.
They had been filming for months, and were faced with the difficult task to continue their filming of emperor penguins for the documentary and follow the rule that they had been taught to follow, not to intervene in nature, or risk their careers and livelihoods to combat a tragedy.

On one occasion following a storm, the team discovered several penguin mothers and their chicks had become cut off from the colony in a ravine. They filmed harrowing footage of mothers battling to drag their chicks up the sheer slope, some making the terrible choice to abandon their baby.

After conditions became so dire that they crew was forced to leave and take shelter from a storm, the crew returned two days later and decided to build a stepped ramp that helped the remaining penguins climb to safety.

Before the episode aired, Director of Photography Will Lawson defended the decision to take the rare step and intervene in the penguins welfare:
We knew we were the only other animal there. There was no animal benefiting from the demise of these penguins. It was only going to end one way.

It might seem like an easy decision to make for us (who don't have anything on the line), but this crew risked a lot to save these penguins, and I think that makes them heroes. Here's to hero Will Lawson, who helped the penguins get home for the holidays :)
Level 75
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 12/23/2023 at 4:09 PM Post #13
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 11/18/2018
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Posted: 12/23/2023 at 8:22 PM Post #14

The royal kitchens were a disaster; the soup was overboiled, the hare was still raw, the gravy was bitter, and the Christmas meat pie had not even been started! That's what was happening when royal chef Ricarda Roose stepped in through the servants' entrance to the royal palace. Instantly, she takes charge- she sends a few pages to the market with a list of ingredients needed to remake the soup; then, she sets a serving girl to sweetening the gravy with some sugar brought from the New World. She demonstrates to some of the apprentice cooks how best to spit a hare for roasting, then puts them to the task of cooking a brace of them.

She takes up the Christmas meat pie herself. A meat pie for winter feasting was a tricky thing; it was a dove, stuffed into a hen, stuffed into a goose, then into a turkey, though Ricarda was instead using a swan for the last. She asked one of her fellow cooks to begin prepping the pastry dough that would go around the birds, and began dressing the fowl. Soon the pages returned with ingredients, including a number of golden ring-necked pheasants to serve as side dishes. Seeing this, some of the sauce girls took up a familiar tune: "On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me..." Ricarda smiled as the whole kitchen joined in, laughing when one forgot a gift from the song. Ricarda herself missed not a verse, as the whole song was about gifts given for wintertide feasts, and feasts were what she knew best.

Just as the bells struck out the time of one in the afternoon, Ricarda and the other chefs finished their cookery and plated the dishes. Now, the feast would go to the table of the king on time. The cooks and kitchenhands cheered joyfully; they knew, that if not for Ricarda, the meal would have been late, and they all would have lost their positions or worse. The day had been saved by the kitchen's hero, Ricarda Roose, and now, everyone could relax and enjoy a very happy holiday!
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/2/2013
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Posted: 12/23/2023 at 9:05 PM Post #15

This is Aurora, thought she likes the summer sun, her pale skin gets burnt easily.
as a child She often had to stay inside and could not play with the other children.
she grew up learning crafts that could be done inside, and became quite talented.

When she got older her family moved to a colder Location, where the sun didn't burn her skin.
there she learned, that she enjoyed the outside and soon began expanding her crafting knowledge, to include things done outside. as she grew to be an adult, many of the towns people asked for her help when ever something difficult needed to be made. But Aurora had not learned how to say no, and ended up with too much work.

Eventually she moved even more up north, and found her self a cozy home, near a friendly town.
The new towns people took her in as one of them, but did not exploit her knowledge. when the towns people saw that she could be trusted to keep a secret, they taught her their. They taught her Magic! being crafty she is now the most knowledgeable in magic, helping her beloved town in time of crisis.

Aurora still misses the summer sun and its warmth, but recently someone new has moved to town. He remind her of the summers she misses. Something about this stranger just warms her heart.
Edited By Heilix on 12/24/2023 at 2:44 PM.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 7/20/2023
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Posted: 12/23/2023 at 10:04 PM Post #16
Name: Holly Belledonna
Profession: Druid

The myth goes that Holly was once corrupted. Haunting the darkest shadows of the Lost Woods she would sometimes attack and sometimes help those moving through there. But then there was one winter which was colder than any other in a 1000 years. Many things froze solid, including Holly.

A healer had become lost in the freezing woods. Stumbling in the dark her saw a faint gleam of red and green amidst the white. In the frost Holly looked more like an odd tree, than a wild sidhe. So this healer, whose name changes with every telling, felt the corruption. But the cover from cold winds was desperately needed if they wanted to survive the winter night. So they spent the night there, walking in runic circles to keep warm, slowly healing Holly of her corruption without realizing it.

The next morning was the first the sun had been seen in months. Not only that, but the skies were clear of any clouds greater than wisps. With a tired sigh the Healer sank to sit at Hollys feet. Only to find themself being dripped upon. Looking up, Hollys face showed through the melting ice. Thank you, She whispered, before telling the Healer where the nearest help can be found. Now healed and, eventually, fully melted Holly set herself to helping those in need. Doing her best to beat back the corruption that had once consumed her.

Edited By Megapixie on 12/23/2023 at 10:05 PM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/1/2023
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Posted: 12/24/2023 at 1:51 AM Post #17

She isn't an all-powerful being, and she doesnt have any powers, but she always tries her best to locate and help people who are lost in the snow.

She is a 'hero' because she has saved many people from freezing!

I don't have too much lore on her yet, but feel free to make some up yourself! <3

(Please tell me if my image breaks)
Level 75
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 1/11/2023
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Posted: 12/24/2023 at 1:24 PM Post #18

This hero isn't well known. In fact, not a single being knows his real name.. the few people that know of his story have dubbed him the "Ice Herder" because of what he is said to do. The Ice Herder travels solely in the coldest of regions, with only a thin shawl and his staff. With just these two items, he works tirelessly to help prevent glaciers from melting and keep temperatures down. As he races along the icy edges that separate land from water, he sets down his staff with every other step which spreads new ice and creates slightly more surface for land animals. The shawl on his back billows behind him, creating gusts of wind and hardening the ice he creates behind him. Because of the slowly rising temperatures, he is said to never stop, never rest, and never give up. With his bravery and determination, his actions provide the rest of the world more time to make the right decisions... because no matter how courageous or how committed, he is only a single being. The whispers on the wind say that while he cannot succumb to hunger or old age, he is growing weaker, getting slower, and unable to create as much ice as he used to be able to. This hero needs our help. So whenever you hear the cracking of ice, the thumping of racing hooves, or the whistling of the wind, think of the Ice Herder. Because he is calling to you.
All of you.
Level 73
High Druid
Joined: 3/6/2016
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Posted: 12/25/2023 at 12:18 AM Post #19

When you live far in the north, cut off from the rest of the world by the elements, the terrain, and the risk of attack by monsters of the woods, you come to expect to be on your own. Most are self-reliant, able to defend and provide for themselves and/or their families from most things that come to bear against them in the harsh permafrost of the north. But, there are some things that no mere human can hold their own against, dark creatures of immense strength that even the bravest and most steadfast would flee in terror from, things that lurk in the shadow of the great peaks of stone and trees of green. But... they are not alone in the darkness of winter, for a force of goodness, a force of will, a force of light in the drifts of darkness fights with them, shielding humanity from the darkest forces winter can provide. This hero... this legend has never taken payment, never accepted praise, never boasted of their accomplishments, only silently and quickly doing what is right then returning to anonymity. They are known in local folk legend as Castaway, druid of Yule, and harbinger of winter's bite, no evil may stand before them before meeting an icy fate, this is the full power of ice and snow brought to bear against the darkness of the world, the last bastion against the cold grip of evil, and the savior of countless villages and homesteads in the icy north. Jake Castaway, the wrath of Yule and baron of frost, what can stand against you?
Edited By Jakecastaway on 1/21/2024 at 9:04 PM.
Level 75
The Majestic
Joined: 8/21/2015
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Posted: 12/25/2023 at 8:57 AM Post #20

This is the Winter Forest Goddess Artiana. She is known for her cruel bitter bite and absolute indifference. No one is spared her frozen touch. She is not there for the living, but to ensure the season continues the cycle of nature as necessary.
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